释义 |
Rovelli 基本例句 罗韦利¹⁰⁰ “For us, time exists and flows,” saysRovelli.事实上,宇宙是没有任何外部的。 Yes, saysRovelli, but there is a physical explanation for it.可以设想一个盒子里的气体,我们不可能跟踪各个分子在每时每刻的位置和动量,但是我们具有这个环境里微观状态的总体知识。 Rovelli's approach seems tantalisingly close to surmounting that obstacle.罗威利的做法似乎是只差一点就克服这一障碍了。 Time can be compared with a property such as temperature, which needs atoms to exist,Rovelliexplains.罗维理解释说,温度的概念有赖于原子的存在,而时间和温度这种性质有相似之处。 “One of the traditional difficulties of quantum gravity was how to make sense of a theory in which the time variable had disappeared,”Rovellisays.事实上,他们甚至不能完全肯定时间 到底是否是真的存在。 Smolin andRovelliused standard techniques to quantize the equations of general relativity and in doing so discovered Penrose's networks buried in the math.这个名词是由英国数学家彭若斯RogerPenrose于1960年代首先提出,他将其看成抽象图形。 |