

单词 babyhood
释义 ba·by·hood 美'bebɪhʊd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷¹¹³⁰BNC⁵⁶³⁷¹iWeb⁵⁰¹⁰⁰

the early stage of growth or developmentthe earliest state of immaturitybaby-hood⇒n.婴儿时代²¹;婴儿⁵³;幼稚²⁶近义词 infancy婴儿期childhood童年youth青年时期early childhood儿童早期

用作名词The period from the War of Independence to the Civil War is thebabyhoodof the United States.从独立战争到内战这个时期是美国的婴儿期。
I would lay my cheeks gently against the comfortable cheeks of my pillow, as plump and blooming as the cheeks ofbabyhood.我会把我的脸蛋轻轻地靠在枕头舒适的脸蛋上,犹如婴儿时期的脸蛋那般圆润,光滑。
Although this theory is in itsbabyhood, a new perspective of technological innovation has been introduced and this is just the aim of this paper.理论虽显幼稚,但提供了一种新的看待技术创新的视角,这也是本文写作的目的所在。noun.period of infancy
同义词 childhooddiaper days,infanthood
反义词 adolescence,adulthood
childhoodnoun period of being young
adolescence,cradle,immaturity,infancy,juniority,juvenility,minority,nonage,nursery,puberty,pupilage,schooldays,teens,tender age,youth
cradlenoun early childhood;origins
babyhood,beginning,birthplace,fount,fountain,fountainhead,infancy,nativity,nursery,origin,source,spring,ultimate cause,wellspring Mao Dun had claimed the ideology of realistic literature persistently. But his ideology was evolved from babyhood matureness basically.
茅盾一贯主张现实主义文学思想,但他的现实主义文学思想,有个从幼稚到成熟的演进过程。 cnki

Of a sudden, the oft- told family tales to which she had listened since babyhood, listened half-bored, impatient and but partly comprehending, were crystal clear.
突然,那些经常谈起的家族故事,她从小就听,尽管有点不耐烦但仍然似懂非懂地听着故事,现在像水晶般清晰起来。 jukuu

Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a “ boy”.
在天真无邪的幼儿时期和满脸严肃的成人时期,我们发现有一种可爱的的小家伙,这个小家伙就叫做“男孩儿”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Conclusion Babyhood sensory integration training has been proved to have an active effect on children's intellectual development and it will help to prevent and cure bad or unhealthy behaviors.
结论早期感觉统合训练对儿童智能发育有明显的促进作用,对不良行为具有防治作用。 dictall

Conclusions Child simple obesity could be affected by many life style factors including feeding mode in babyhood, eating and playing style in childhood.
结论儿童单纯性肥胖的发生与早期喂养方式及饮食和运动习惯等多种生活方式相关。 cnki

I would lay my cheeks gently against the comfortable cheeks of my pillow, as plump and blooming as the cheeks of babyhood.
我会把我的脸蛋轻轻地靠在枕头舒适的脸蛋上,犹如婴儿时期的脸蛋那般圆润,光滑。 putclub

It's as if his knowledge of his own conception, his own birth, his own babyhood, is a natural knowledge.

Objective To probe into the effects of sensory integration training during babyhood on the psychological development of both the normal children and children with high-risk factors.
目的探讨早期感觉统合训练对正常儿童和有高危因素儿童心理发育的影响作用。 dictall

STUDIO's adjustable stroller straps attach neatly and conveniently to the handlebars of any stroller. Unclip, and STUDIO converts back into a tote that will look chic well past babyhood.
STUDIO可调式的推车肩带可以方便的挂在任何推车的扶手处。同时包包也可以作为优雅的手提包,让您度过一个美好的宝宝喂养时期。 xiaohai

The first is to formalise early education still more—a new early-ye a rs framework pushes such activities as recognising letters and holding a pen even further into babyhood.
第一是使早期教育形成一个框架,这个框架包括更多的年份,将诸如认字母和拿钢笔的活动甚至在婴儿期就推行之。 ecocn

Therefore, the teaching and learning of mother tongue should begin from babyhood, especially the first year in life;
因此对语言教学有如下启示:母语教学应从娃娃抓起,把握住出生后的第一年; cnki




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