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词汇 rousseff
释义 rousseffEconomist¹⁷⁰⁹
A race whose outcome had seemed certain since June, when Ms Rousseff passed Mr Serra in the polls, now looks exciting.
六月份罗塞夫的支持率超过了塞拉,那时这场选举的胜负似乎就已经水落石出,而现在看起来,胜负仍难确定。 ecocn

Brazil’s government offered a hospital in São Paulo where both Dilma Rousseff, now the country’s president, and Paraguay’s leader, Fernando Lugo, were successfully treated for lymphatic cancer.
巴西政府在圣保罗为其提供了一所医院进行治疗。 巴西现任总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫和巴拉圭领导人费尔南多•卢戈的淋巴癌都是在那里治愈的。 ecocn

That voters who turned away from Ms Rousseff chose Ms Silva is bad news for Mr Serra’s centrist Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB.
对于塞拉领导的中间政党巴西社会民主党来说,部分选民由罗塞夫转而支持席尔瓦是个坏消息。 ecocn

The late switch from Ms Rousseff to Ms Silva may have been caused partly by a row about Brazil’s abortion laws.
最近发生在罗塞夫和席尔瓦之间的选票转变可能部分是由关于堕胎法案的分歧引起的。 ecocn

Their advisers scheduled the meeting soon after Rousseff won the presidential elections.
就在罗赛芙获选后不久,双方顾问就安排了会晤。 putclub

After all, Lula was still in office at the time and Rousseff had been disparaged as his political creation and clueless on foreign policy.
毕竟当时巴西总统卢拉的政治立场和无为的外交政策广为外界所知,罗塞夫的言论则显得无足轻重。 yeeyan

But Lula campaigned beside Ms Rousseff, toured the country with her and was at least as visible in her television advertising as she was.
但卢拉为罗塞夫助阵,和她一起全国巡回演讲,至少在电视广告上是这样。 ecocn

But that seems unlikely: reports on his preferences for Ms Rousseff’s appointments have already surfaced in the press.
但那看起来不可能:关于罗塞夫女士任命他的报道已经出现在媒体上。 ecocn

Dilma Rousseff, his disciple and successor, will continue Brazil’s generally pragmatic economic policies while stepping up efforts to use the state to create industrial champions.
迪尔玛•罗塞夫,他的弟子和继任者,将继续遵循巴西务实求真的经济政策,并加快努力利用该国创造工业冠军的地位。 ecocn

During the inauguration ceremony in Brasilia on Saturday, Rousseff had a conversation with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for about15 minutes.
周六,巴西首都巴西利亚举行的就职典礼中,罗赛芙和美国国务卿克林顿希拉里进行了15分钟的谈话。 putclub

He disagrees with Ms Rousseff on some things, such as foreign policy and the role of the state in the economy. But he agrees on others.
他不同意 Dilma Rousseff对某些事情的看法,例如外交政策及政府在经济上扮演的角色,但他同意 Dilma Rousseff对其他事情的看法。 ecocn

Her opponents worry that Ms Rousseff would continue a trend in Lula’s second term to expand the state, and that she might prove to be a less pragmatic leftist than he was.
罗塞夫的反对者担心她会延续卢拉在第二任期内扩展政府的做法,也担心她会成为一个不比卢拉注重实效的急进分子。 ecocn

If I had to bet, I’d still plump for Ms Rousseff winning in the first round, but I’m not as certain as I was a week ago.
如果我来打赌,我仍会赞成罗塞芙女士在第一轮获胜,但是这已不再是几个星期前的我那么确定。 ecocn

JUST months after becoming Brazil's president, Dilma Rousseff now faces a serious test in cooling off the country's red- hot economy.
刚上任几个月的巴西总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫而今在给本国过热的经济降温上面临着严峻的考验。 ecocn

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the hugely popular outgoing president and Ms Rousseff’s mentor, publicly reminded her during the campaign that he had won neither of his own victories in the first round.
即将离任的卢拉——这位广受欢迎的总统,也是罗塞夫的导师,在大选中公开告诫罗塞夫他自己以前从来没有在第一轮投票中胜出过。 ecocn

Ms Rousseff faces similar worries.
罗塞夫女士面临相似的担心。 ecocn

Ms Rousseff promised the new stadiums and other infrastructure required would be ready on time, despite major difficulties and delays.
罗塞夫女士承诺尽管有许多难题和延误,但是举办世界杯所需的新体育馆和其他的实施会准时建好。 kle100

Ms Rousseff’s government brags about its fiscal squeeze.
罗塞夫政府对财政挤压自吹自擂。 ecocn

Ms Rousseff likes to talk things over with her predecessor.
罗塞夫喜欢与她的前任交谈。 ecocn

Ms Rousseff will have to convince the doubters that she is not simply Lula in lipstick.
罗塞夫将必须使质疑者相信她不是涂上唇膏的卢拉。 ecocn

President Obama and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff during a meeting in Brasilia in March.
图为美国奥巴马总统与巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫在三月举行于巴西利亚的会议上。 yeeyan

President Dilma Rousseff launched the event at a stadium in Belo Horizonte alongside the footballing legend Pele, who is Brazil's World Cup ambassador.
总统迪尔玛-罗塞夫在位于贝洛奥里藏特的一座体育馆举行此仪式,在她旁边的是足球传奇人物贝利,他也是此次巴西世界杯的大使。 kle100

President Dilma Rousseff has promised to veto that provision.
但是,总统巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫已表示将否决此项规定。 yeeyan

The decision sent hopes soaring among diplomats and civic groups of a sea change in policy in the Americas, even of a Latin spring, with Rousseff in the lead.
巴西的决定使得外交界及一些社会组织对美洲的外交策略看到了一线曙光,甚至被称为罗塞夫引领之下的“拉丁之春”。 yeeyan

This year as Lula’s protégée, Dilma Rousseff, dominated the election campaign, the continuation of market- pleasing macroeconomic policy was widely taken for granted.
今年,由卢拉一路保驾护航的迪丽玛•罗塞芙,又以绝对优势赢得了竞选,人们普遍认为广受市场欢迎的宏观经济政策将得以延续。 ecocn




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