

单词 roulette
释义 rou·lette 英ruːˈlet美ruˈlɛtAHDr›-lĕtʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA²⁷³⁰⁴BNC³⁶⁵⁴¹iWeb¹⁹⁷³⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
a line generated by a point on one figure rolling around a second figurea wheel with teeth for making a row of perforationsa gambling game in which players bet on which compartment of a revolving wheel a small ball will come to rest in来自法语 roulette,小轮子,赌盘,来自拉丁语 rotella,小轮子,来自 rota,轮子,-ella,小词后缀, 词源同 rotary,roll.Russian Roulette俄式轮盘Vatican roulette梵蒂冈安全期避孕法…roulette pattern螺线图形
roul-尾-ette小的东西/状态|阴性词⇒n.轮盘赌⁹¹;点线机³;转迹线v.用滚轮压骑缝孔³近义词 line roulette线转迹线toothed wheel齿缘轮,齿轮…

用作名词I think I'll try my luck atroulette.我想玩玩轮盘赌碰碰运气。
We playedroulettetill two o'clock.我们玩了轮盘赌,一直玩到两点钟。as in.game of chance
同义词 pokerbingo,bridge,canasta,craps,crazy eights,gambling game,gin,gin rummy,lottery,lotto,penny ante,pinochle,twenty-one,wheel of fortune
game of chancenoun game depending on luck
bingo,bridge,canasta,craps,crazy eights,gambling game,gin,gin rummy,lottery,lotto,penny ante,pinochle,poker,twenty-one,wheel of fortune And so here we are, with Mr. Paulson apparently feeling that playing Russian roulette with the U.S. financial system was his best option.
这就是我们当前的处境,保尔森财长显然认为,与美国金融体制玩俄式轮盘是他的最优选择。 yeeyan

The origin of the gambling game roulette is a bit hazy.
赌博游戏轮盘的起源有点模糊。 yeeyan

A roulette wheel pops onto the screen of automatic teller machines when customers of Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd finish transferring funds.
近日,当顾客使用完大垣共立银行的自动取款机后,取款机的屏幕上会显示出一只赌场里赌博用的轮盘。 cri

Both would agree, however, that the best players display a good deal of skill, and that poker is a long way from basic forms of gambling such as roulette or lotteries.
但不管是男人还是女人都同意,扑克高手的确向世人展示了高超的技巧,而扑克与赌博的基本形式如轮盘和乐透之间,也实在没有什么可比性。 ecocn

But what’s more commonly accepted is that roulette is an18th century French creation that combined several existing games.
但更被大众所接受的是,轮盘是18世纪法国结合几项已有的游戏发明的。 yeeyan

But in practice, the death penalty operates arbitrarily—like a “ roulette wheel, ” he said—with odds tilted against those of color and lower socioeconomic class.
但是实践中,死刑却在武断地运用着——他称着实有着“轮盘赌”的影子——中招的机会还更倾斜于有色人种及社会经济地位低下的阶层。 yeeyan

During a meeting with Germany's Angela Merkel in Wiesbaden on October15th, he noted that this was the spa town where Dostoyevsky played and lost at roulette.
十月十五日,与德国总理安格拉•默克尔在矿泉小镇威斯巴登举行会晤时,他提到,陀思妥耶夫斯基就是在这里输掉了轮盘赌局。 ecocn

Exploring the Microsoft site is like spinning a roulette wheel.
浏览微软的网站就像玩一个旋转的轮盘赌。 yeeyan

For example, I am playing roulette.
譬如,玩轮盘赌。 yeeyan

For instance, gamblers often believe that games like roulette, or picking lottery numbers, involve some degree of skill, even though they do not.
比方说,即便像轮盘掷骰子,选择奖票号码这样的游戏根本不需要某种程度的技巧,赌徒们却深信这种技巧的存在。 ecocn

He was totally cleaned out after a night at the roulette table.

Meanwhile, the world of politics will be as fraught with risk, and as determined by chance, as the roulette wheel.
与此同时,政治世界也会有许多可能带来不快的事件,至于这些事会不会发生,就像轮盘赌一样只能凭运气决定了。 topsage

On the underside, a full roulette wheel spins while a ball bounces within, waiting to land on a lucky number.
手表背面,内藏有完整的轮盘。轮盘旋转的同时,里面的小球弹起,等待降落在一个吉利数字上。 yeeyan

Slot machines were also hard to come by, and the two large video roulette theaters were overflowing with gamblers.
自动售货机基本很难靠近,2个大型轮盘影院里挤满了赌博的人群。 yeeyan

So get out the calendar, baby, it's time for Vatican roulette.
那么拿出日历来,宝贝,是时候来场梵蒂冈式赌博。 yeeyan

The numbers on a roulette wheel never change, but markets offer no guarantee that yesterday’s odds will be the same tomorrow.
轮盘赌上的数字永远不变,然而市场却从不担保发生在昨天的机会,明天一样会发生。 ecocn

Those itching to play Japanese roulette may want to head to Shimonoseki, home to Japan's largest fugu wholesale market.
那些心里痒痒,想玩一把这种日本轮盘赌的人,可以去下关,那里有日本最大的河豚批发市场。 yeeyan

Roulette players, on average, will hit their number once in36 or37 attempts.
轮盘赌玩家平均尝试36或37次后会博中一次幸运数字。 ecocn




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