

单词 rotund
释义 ro·tund 英rəʊˈtʌnd美roˈtʌndAHDrō-tŭndʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁴⁴⁸¹³BNC⁴²⁰³⁹iWeb⁴⁰⁷³¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

spherical in shapeof sounds full and rich;

orotund tones

the rotund and reverberating phrase

pear-shaped vowels

excessively fat;

a weighty man

它和round圆的都来自拉丁语rotundus圆的;词根rot指“滚动,转动”,-und为后缀,所以在round中,ro-是词根rot的简略。同根词还有rotate轮流;使旋转,rotary旋转的,rotiform轮状的,rota值班表等。GRE红宝书源于: round圆乎乎的-胖乎乎的
round 圆形;音:肉弹,肉蛋;一般胖人声音洪亮,你看那些歌唱家都是又圆又胖
rot转,圆+und→→ 圆乎乎的→圆胖的
词根记忆rot转,圆+ und → 圆乎乎的 ⇒圆胖的GRE难词记忆rotund→round n./a. 圆,圆的→圆胖的词根记忆rot转=圆+und=圆的,胖的近义词 round圆的fat肥胖的bulky庞大的stout强壮的plump丰满的curved弯曲的obese极肥胖的weighty重要的global全球性的corpulent肥胖的overweight超重的pear-shaped梨形的orotund声音宏亮的…

用作形容词He was a largerotundman with a very jovial nature and a compassionate disposition.他是一个又高又胖的男人,天性快乐并富有同情心。
Theserotundamphibians can grow to 8 inches in length and would cover a good-size tea saucer.这种洪亮的两栖动物可以长到20厘米长,可以盖住一个大尺寸的茶托。adj.fat
同义词 beefy,big,broad,burly,chunky,dumpy,elephantine,fleshy,heavy,heavyset,hefty,husky,obese,overweight,plump,plumpish,portly,pudgy,roly-poly,round,solid,stout,tubby,weightyadj.sonorous
同义词 booming,loud,resonant,resounding
chubbyadjective slightly fat
ample,bearish,big,butterball,buxom,chunky,fat,flabby,fleshy,full-figured,hefty,husky,pleasingly plump,plump,plumpish,podgy,portly,pudgy,roly-poly,round,stout,tubby,zaftig
chunkyadjective fat, plump
corpulentadjective fat, chubby
baby elephant,beefy,blimp,bulky,burly,embonpoint,fat,fleshy,gross,having a bay window,having a spare tire,heavy,hefty,husky,large,lusty,obese,overblown,overweight,plump,portly,roly-poly,rotund,stout,tubby,weighty,well-padded
fatadjective overweight
fatteradjective overweight
globoidadjective round
annular,arced,arched,arciform,bent,bowed,bulbous,circular,coiled,curled,curved,curvilinear,cylindrical,discoid,disk-shaped,domical,egg-shaped,elliptical,globose,globular,looped,orbed,orbicular,orbiculate,oval,ringed,rotund The cream- furred Ebe is a rotund humanoid of small stature.
乳黄色皮毛的埃贝是个身材矮胖的人形生物。 starwarsfans

The Headmaster’s name was Mr. Ronald Broackes. He was a large rotund man with a very jovial nature and a compassionate disposition.
校长名叫罗纳德.布罗克斯,是一个又高又胖的男人,天性快乐并富有同情心。 ebigear

The obesity rates were based on a bespoke indicator akin to the body- mass index that is used to gauge roughly whether a person is too rotund.
肥胖率的计算按预定的指标为基础上进行,预定指标类似于用来衡量大约一个人是否太圆的身体-质量指数。 ecocn

The rotund drug company executive opens the door to the Research Department to show us some busy corporate“ researchers”.
画中胖胖的制药公司主管人员打开了通向科研处的大门,让我们看到了一些繁忙的公司“科研人员”。 edu.sina.com.cn

With their larger ears, more rotund features and longer tails, the animals differ from other Asian elephants and scientists have long questioned why they never spread, the WWF said.
其较大的耳朵,更圆的特点和较长的尾巴,动物区别于其它亚洲象和科学家早就质疑为何他们从未蔓延,世界野生动植物基金会说。 lcu

“ Our economy is strengthening and our lives are improving, but in terms of morals there are many people who are lacking,” the rotund, rough- shaven Mr.
我们的经济在加强、生活在改善,但是道德方面,许多人还比较缺乏。 yeeyan

“this pink- faced rotund specimen of prosperity” George Eliot.
“这位粉脸圆胖的成功人士” 乔治·艾略特。 chinabaike

After16 weeks of eating as much as they wanted and lolling around in their cages, all were rotund.
在16周的时间里,不限制其饮食,不参与任何活动,懒洋洋地养在笼子里,个个腰肥体圆。 yeeyan

Already, America's most rotund citizens benefit from bypass surgery and cholesterol- lowering stating.
美国最胖的一群人已经受益于心脏搭桥手术和降胆固醇药的他汀。 ecocn

Behind the city swept the rotund upland of St Catherine's Hill;
在城市的后面,是圣凯瑟琳山的圆形高地; putclub

But the ruddy, rotund and absurdly miscast Spencer Tracy, who had bought the rights and was co- producer, got the part.
不过作为影片联合制片人的斯宾塞·屈塞利用手中的职权获得了这个角色,对于渔夫这个角色,由矮胖红润的斯宾塞出演实在是个荒谬的决定。 yeeyan

He wasn’t fully awake, slipped, and was rotund enough to literally roll over a couple of times until he was ten or fifteen feet out into the living room.
他还没有完全睡醒,脚下滑了一跤,他的身躯像圆球般,所以,他真地是“滚动”了10或15英尺,现身在起居室里。 yeeyan

In addition to all of these air force types, there were also plenty of naval aircraft, like this Grumman F3F fighter, a type nicknamed The Flying Barrel because of its rotund fuselage.
除了所有这些空军类型,也有大量的海军飞机,这样格鲁曼 F3F战斗机,这是一种昵称为飞滚 ,因为它腴机身。 tech-domain

It follows an incompetent network executive's transformation of a show about a boarding- school headmaster, played by rotund Richard Griffiths, into Pucks!, starring LeBlanc as a hockey coach.
讲的是一个寄宿学校的不称职的网络长官的改变,该长官由又矮又胖的 Richard Griffiths扮演,马特·勒布朗将“饰演”寄宿学校的曲棍球教练。 yeeyan

Ronald Broackes. He was a large rotund man with a very jovial nature and a compassionate disposition.
布罗克斯,是一个又高又胖的男人,天性快乐并富有同情心。 tdict

Sipping his tea contentedly, Chen, a rotund, jovial man sporting a striped shirt with red braces, agreed.

The rodents were rather rotund, because osteocalcin helps regulate the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas and release it into the bloodstream.
这些啮齿动物相当肥硕,因为骨钙素有助于调节在胰腺中产生胰岛素并释放到血液中的细胞。 ecocn

The existence of a genetic predisposition to obesity would provide a straight-forward explanation for the world's growing stock of rotund individuals, but the precise causes of obesity are multiple.
有些人天生容易发胖,这可以轻松地解释为什么全世界肥胖人口不断增加,但是导致过度肥胖的确切原因却不是单一的。 foodmate

Twelve weeks later, he won the battle of the bulge with a satisfactory1/4 reduction in the size of his rotund waistline.
在十二个星期后,他为减肥作出的艰苦努力有了回报,他那圆滚的腰围令人满意地减去了四分之一。 iciba

Unfortunately the slightly rotund but prodigiously- talented Ronaldinho has been left out of the squad.
有点可惜的是微微发福但仍然具有惊人天赋的罗纳尔迪尼奥没有被召入国家队。 yeeyan

With wonderful dexterity he then throws a handful of wet clay onto it and, before the stone slows and falls to the ground, shapes it into a rotund pot.
接着在胚料慢下来掉落到地面上之前,借着高超的手艺,他撒一把湿粘土在上面,形成圆罐的形状。 ecocn




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