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Rot·ter·dam 英ˌrɔːtəˈdɑːm美ˌrɔtɚˈdɑmAHDrôt'ər-dämʹ 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³ 基本例句 n.鹿特丹荷兰港口 Having started its homeward-bound voyage in South Korea and having picked up most of its cargo in Shanghai, the Eleonora is due to dock in Rotterdam in a couple weeks’ time. 它从韩国开启归航,在上海装上大部分货物, 爱莉诺娜号将在几周之后停靠在鹿特丹港口。 yeeyan The terrifically named firm Sustainable Dance Club already has a foot- powered dance floor in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 荷兰鹿特丹的“可持续跳舞俱乐部”名字虽然雷人,但它已经有了用脚发电的跳舞地板。 yeeyan The answer was to block certain estuaries leading to Antwerp and Rotterdam. 做法是阻塞一些特定的通往安特卫普和鹿特丹的河口。 yeeyan Theo Luider, of the Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, and his colleagues think they have found one— but it works only in women. 荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学医学中心的西奥•路德和同事找到了一种有效的检测方法,但只对女性有效。 ecocn Yet the histories of both firms stretch back into the19th century, to when they dispatched young men on ships from Liverpool and Rotterdam to faraway places. 两家公司的历史都可以追溯道19世纪,他们派遣年轻人从利物浦和鹿特丹出发到很远的地方去。 ecocn Adrian Maben: We timed the film to coincide with a big retrospective of Bosch's paintings at Rotterdam in 2001. 阿德里安-梅宾:我们制作这部影片是为了配合2001年在鹿特丹的大型博斯回顾展。 yeeyan After its week-long residency in Amsterdam, the pop-up pasture will land in Aachen, Germany before moving to Rotterdam, and its owners are happy to schedule in other cities, too. 飞行魔毯在阿姆斯特丹存在一个星期后,德国的亚琛将迎来可以弹起的牧场,下一站是鹿特丹,它的所有者也非常乐意安排到其他城市的日程。 yeeyan At first most went to northern Europe as mercenary soldiers or traders, setting up commercial networks from Rotterdam to Königsberg and penetrating far into Poland. 最初,他们作为雇佣兵或者贸易商去往北欧,并建立起了由鹿特丹到哥尼斯堡现为加里宁格勒的商业网,最远渗透至波兰。 ecocn Bart Kuipers, a harbour economist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, thinks that is a little ambitious, but he reckons the crate could win2-3% of the market. 巴特•奎帕斯是荷兰鹿特丹市伊拉斯姆斯大学的港口经济学家,他认为这个目标高了点,但认为这种集装箱可赢得2%~3%的市场。 ecocn Even so, take-up has been low: only94 people have been tagged in Barcelona and70 at another Baja club in Rotterdam. 即使如此,真正注射的人很少:在巴塞罗那只有94人,在鹿特丹的俱乐部只有70人。 ecocn From Rotterdam to Seattle via the Panama canal, the saving would be2,000 miles, over 20%. 从鹿特丹经巴拿马运河到西雅图的航线则可缩短2000英里,达20%多。 ecocn He's in Amsterdam visiting me but was quickly found out to be here, so he has been booked to do master classes at the Rotterdam Conservatory. 他起初来阿姆斯特丹来看望我,但很快就爱上了这里,所以报名参加了鹿特丹音乐学院的大师班。 yeeyan I thought it would be interesting if we could follow the paintings from the original museum to Rotterdam. 我认为,跟随著画作从它最初所在的美术馆到鹿特丹是件有趣的事。 yeeyan Klaas Post of the Natural History Museum of Rotterdam in the Netherlands discovered the ancient whale's fossils on the last day of a brief fossil- hunting expedition in 2008. 荷兰鹿特丹国家历史博物馆的克拉斯海报展示了2008年“化石狩猎”冒险最后一天发现的史前鲸鱼化石。 yeeyan People in countries with high suicide rates say they are unhappier, according to the “ World Database of Happiness” maintained by Erasmus University in Rotterdam. 而荷兰鹿特丹大学提供的“世界幸福感数据库”显示,自杀率高的国家的人们声称他们感到不幸福。 ecocn Police arrested the suspected stalker Monday, seizing several cell phones and computers from her home in Rotterdam. 警方在本周一拘捕了这名骚扰疑犯,同时也从其位于鹿特丹的家中收缴了若干电话和电脑。 hjenglish Retrofitting ships with air- lubrication kits, rather than building them from scratch, is much cheaper, says Katia Kardash, boss of the DK Group, a naval- engineering company in Rotterdam. 来自荷兰鹿特丹的一家船舶工程公司--- DK集团的老板卡地亚.卡德西说,为现有船舶加装空气润滑系统的费用要比制造一艘新的船只低廉得多。 ecocn The Netherlands is one of the world's rather happy countries, its industrial capital, Rotterdam, is home to the database, housed at Reassume University. 荷兰就是世界上相当幸福的国家之一,世界国民幸福水平数据库就设在其工业中心鹿特丹的伊拉斯姆斯大学。 kekenet The Dutch donor is aged30 and comes from the port city of Rotterdam. 这名荷兰捐赠者30岁,来自港口城市鹿特丹。 yeeyan This Saturday, the97th edition of the Tour de France starts in Rotterdam, kicking off three weeks of bicycle racing. 本周六,第九十七届环法自行车赛将从鹿特丹出发,开始为期三个星期的自行车赛程。 yeeyan This is an image called “ Rotterdam” by the artist Edward Wadsworth. It's a woodcut image from Blast. 这里有张图片,是出自艺术家爱德华•华兹华斯的《鹿特丹》,是《爆炸》杂志中的一幅木刻图片。 ecocn.org This map shows a day of shipping traffic near Rotterdam, on the Netherlands coast. 这张地图反映的是一天之内荷兰鹿特丹岛附近的航运交通情况。 yeeyan Traffic is densest in the bottom right, very close to Rotterdam harbour. 图像底部的右侧显示,非常接近鹿特丹港的地方,交通拥挤。 yeeyan Rotterdam may soon become the EU's first big Muslim- majority city. 鹿特丹或许不久就会成为欧盟第一个穆斯林人口占多数的大城市。 ecocn |