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rot·s 英rɒt美rɑːt COCA⁶⁸⁸⁷⁸BNC⁵⁷²⁰⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本双解英英辨析搭配近义反义句型例句例句 n.腐烂⁸⁹;腐蚀²;败坏¹;胡话³v.腐烂;使…枯朽¹;消瘦⁴原型rot的三单过去分词rotted现在分词rotting三单rots n.名词 U腐烂,腐朽a state of decay,especially caused by disease,or after death v.动词 vt. & vi. 使腐烂,使腐朽break down into biochemical parts,usually after death Noun: a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odorbiology the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal actionunacceptable behavior especially ludicrously false statements Verb: break down;The bodies decomposed in the heat become physically weaker;Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world rot,decay,decompose这些动词均有“烂、腐烂”之意。 rot指蔬菜水果或肉类的分解、腐烂。 decay通常指事物国家或人由盛转衰。 decompose侧重指动物或植物类物体由于内部组织的分解而导致的腐烂过程。 rot away烂掉,变得瘦弱、憔悴…dry rot干枯枯朽foot rot根腐病,腐蹄病…black rot黑腐病,条溃疡…fin rot烂鳃病bitter rot苦腐病crown rot颈腐病heart rot心腐water rot湿腐ring rot环状腐朽,环腐病…brown rot褐腐病butt rot干基腐烂sap rot边材腐朽stem rot茎腐soft rot软腐white rot白腐病,蛋白中丝状阴…root rot根腐病pocket rot袋形腐烂病wet rot湿腐green rot绿腐病 近义词 失败毁…go去发生故障bad坏的muck垃圾rust铁锈mold模式guff胡言bunk铺位spoil宠坏filth污秽waste废物go off爆炸perish毁灭go bad变坏molder腐朽bunkum废话crumble崩溃twaddle废话addle使腐坏corrode腐蚀hogwash猪食moulder腐朽nonsense废话decay(使衰退putrefy使腐烂break down分解corrosion侵蚀corruption贪污poppycock无意义deteriorate恶化disintegrate瓦解putrefaction腐败languish衰弱无力decomposition分解deterioration恶化rotting正在腐烂的balderdash胡言乱语buncombe讨人欢心的演说…decompose分解,拆分,拆解… 用作名词n.Rot in the tree trunk caused the tree to fall.树干的腐烂导致树倒了。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+ADead plants rot and become part of the soil again.枯死的植物腐烂,又成为土壤的一部分。 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.The rain has rotted the roof beams.雨水使屋梁腐烂了。 名词77%,动词23% 用作名词Footrotis an avoidable affiction.烂蹄病是可以避免的。 Rot in the tree trunk caused the tree to fall.树干的腐烂导致树倒了。 The roof timbers were affected byrotand insect attack.屋顶的木料已经腐朽并遭虫害。 We should stop it the minute therotsets in.腐败一产生,我们就应立即制止住。 Therotset inwhen we lost that important customer in Japan.我们失去了日本的那家重要客户後,情况越来越糟了。 He's talkingrotwhen he says that the company is almost bankrupt.他说这家公司快要破产了,简直是胡说八道。用作动词This cheap wine willrotyour stomach.这种劣质葡萄喝了会伤胃。 The meat willrotif it isn't kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。 Too much televisionrotsyour brain.多看电视会使你的头脑退化。 They didn't buy the house because it had dryrot.他们没有买那座房子,因为房子的木料已经干朽了。 The prisoner is left torotin the jail.这个囚徒被投入监狱任凭他渐渐消瘦下去。 In inflated prices and stolen food anti-corruption campaigners see proof of how aid rots everything it touches. 反腐败运动者从膨胀的物价和被偷走的食物中看到了援助是如何腐化了它接触的所有东西。 ecocn On top of that, a lot of methane a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide emerges when all this food rots. 最糟糕的是,所有这些食物腐烂时会放出大量甲烷,一种比二氧化碳威力更强的温室气体。 ecocn The body rots, melts into slime. 尸体腐烂,分解在烂泥里。 douban The evil of poverty, wrote Orwell, is not so much that it makes a man suffer as that it rots him physically and spiritually. 贫穷的恶魔,奥威尔写道,在它从身体上和精神上腐蚀人时,并不会带给人它造成的全部痛苦。 yeeyan A relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life, jealousy rots it away. 被放松的态度加长男人的生活,妒忌腐烂它离开。 Advances in hardware technology, improved software coding, system architectural changes and the like may render ROTs less reliable or even invalid. 硬件技术的发展,软件编程技术的提高,系统架构的变化,诸如此类的变化都可能使得 ROT的可靠性降低,甚至变得无效。 ibm Another consideration is that ROTs may evolve over time. 另一方面的考虑是, ROT可能随着时间的推移而 演变。 ibm But waste in landfill emits greenhouse gases as it rots, and can poison groundwater. 但是,填埋场中的垃圾在腐烂过程中会释放出温室气体,也会污染地下水。 ecocn He wears two Brazilian wristbands given to him on a New Year vacation. Each one promises to make three wishes come true when the string rots away. 他手戴两串新年度假时得来的巴西手环,每一串在断掉的时候,能实现三个愿望。 yeeyan IBM Redbooks are a good source for ROTs, as are the recommendations that are often included within performance monitoring tools. IBM Redbooks是关于 ROT的一种很好的参考资料,这些 ROT常常作为建议被包括在性能监控工具中。 ibm If the intervening runner or stolon rots or is cut away, the daughter plants becomes independent. 当连接处的长条枝或匍匐枝腐烂或被人为剪断,子代植株就成为独立的植株。 plb.snnu.edu.cn In a country as poor as Afghanistan, opium rots any institution it touches. 像阿富汗这样一个穷国,鸦片所到之处,没有那个机构不被其腐蚀的。 ecocn It may be useful to start with ROTs that have been used or developed outside your particular environment. 一开始的时候,使用那些在您特定环境以外被使用过或者被开发出来的 ROT,这种做法可能有用。 ibm It rots the window frames, cakes the panes with salt, and corrodes anything metal down to brown, bleeding rust. 它腐朽了窗棂,晒得在窗玻璃上结了一层盐,无论任何金属都被腐蚀成了泛着棕色的血锈色。 yeeyan There is an Israeli expression that a fish rots from the head down. 以色列有种说法很好的总结了这些事件:鱼总是从头开始腐烂的。 yeeyan There is a danger in accepting ROTs as exact quotes for performance, simply because they appear in some sort of document. 如果只是在某一类的文档中看到了一些 ROT,便欣然接受并作为精确的事实来引用,那么就会有危险。 ibm Your own ROTs are also defined in your own ROT group. 自己的 ROT也是在自己的 ROT组中定义的。 ibm ROTs should be developed for your environment or adjusted to suit the characteristics of your environment. 您应该为自己的环境特别开发这些 ROT或者对它们进行调节,以适应自己的环境的特性。 ibm |