

单词 rotifera
释义 rotifera

a phylum including: rotifersLife history traits of mictic females in two strains of Brachionus calyciflorus .除草剂草甘膦对萼花臂尾轮虫生活史特征的影响。
The average biomass of zoo-plankton is 1. 10 mg/1, in which the copepoda presented 30. 9%, the cladocera - 24. 5%. Therotiferaand protozoa are 26.4%. and 18.2%, respectively.浮游动物生物量平均1.;10mg·L~;其中桡足类占30
The population structure of zooplankton was investigated at Daxingkai Lake in May, July and September 2001. There were 32 species of zooplankton, in whichrotifera, protozoa , cladocera and copepoda were of the predominate.于2001年5、7、9月份对大兴凯湖浮游动物的群落结构进行了研究,结果表明:浮游动物共计32种,以轮虫为主,占43 8%,原生动物占31 2%,枝角类、桡足类各占12 5%;
Hanasi Lake was surveyed twice,in Aug.1987 and July 1988.According to the analysis of samples,21 speceis of zooplankton have been identified, among which,1 speceis belongs to Protozoa,11 to Rotifera,6 to Cladocera and 3 to Copepoda.1987年8月和1988年7月笔者两次对该湖进行考察,据调查结果共见到浮游动物21种,其中原生动物1种,轮虫11种,枝角类6种,桡足类3种。




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