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词汇 Babinski
释义 Babinski bəˈbɪnski COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

extension upward of the toes when the sole of the foot is stroked firmly on the outer side from the heel to the front; normal in infants under the age of two years but a sign of brain or spinal cord injury in older persons近义词 Babinski reflex巴彬斯奇反射…Babinski sign巴宾斯基征, Babin…
Babinskisign was presented in 3 cases.3例青年起病者表现为震颤、肢体僵硬;
Babinskisigns were negative.Gait was slow, broadbased, and tandem walking was ataxic.步态沉重,缓慢,似鸭步,属共济失调。
Intern: Generally I would look for some lethargy and disorientation. Also asterixis, increased clonus ,and possibly aBabinski.实习医师:一般情况下,要注意昏睡和定向力障碍。也要注意扑翼样震颤、逐渐加重的阵挛,并尽可能地注意巴宾斯基征。
Clinical symptoms associate cerebellous ataxia, pyramidal syndrome withBabinskisign , abolition of reflexes, disorder of profound sensitivity, dysarthria, oculomotor disorders and cardiomyopathy.临床症状伴有:小脑共济失调,椎体综合征,如巴宾斯基阳性,反射消失,深度反应失调,构音障碍,眼球运动障碍,以及原发性心肌疾病。
Nine of 12 patients with ankle clonus, 10 of 14 patients withBabinskisign, and 6 of 11 patients with bowel and bladder dysfunction showed full improvement at the last follow-up.12名踝阵挛患者中有9人,14名Babinski征阳性患者中有10人,11名肠及膀胱功能障碍患者中有6人,在最后随访时显示了完全改善。 A little more than five years after Babinski published his first report on anosognosia.
巴宾斯奇发表第一份有关疾病感缺失报告后五年多。 yeeyan

Although it was originally discovered in the context of hemiplegia by Babinski and is most frequently used in that context, the word has a broader meaning.
尽管该词最初是巴宾斯基在半身不遂的背景下发现的,而且用于那个背景的情况也最频繁,它有更为宽泛的含义。 yeeyan

Body examination: There were13 cases of patella clonus,45 of ankle clonus,64 of Babinski sign, and19 of Hoffmann sign.
查体情况:髌阵挛阳性13例,踝阵挛阳性45例,巴彬斯基氏征阳性64例,霍夫曼氏征阳性19例。 cnki

ERROL MORRIS: But Babinski only used it in the context of hemiplegia.
埃罗尔-莫里斯:但巴宾斯基只把它用于半身不遂的情况。 yeeyan

Here, we have the Babinski sign as a harbinger of things to come.
在此,我们把巴宾斯奇迹象当作将要发生事情的预兆。 yeeyan

In patients surgically treated for cervical myelopathy, the Hoffmann sign is more prevalent more likely to be seen in individuals with less severe neurological deficits than the Babinski sign.
颈椎脊髓病手术治疗患者,霍夫曼征在神经功能缺失较轻患者中出现的机率比巴宾斯基征高。 mdchome

Isn't that Babinski's question?
那不是巴宾斯基提出的问题吗? yeeyan

Ramachandran was taken in by a question that haunts Babinski’s original work on anosognosia — the question of whether the anosognosic knows on some level about the paralysis.
拉玛钱德朗是由于巴宾斯基 Babinski关于病感失认症的原著中经常出现的一个问题而进入这个领域的,那个问题就是患者是否在一定程度上知道自己瘫痪。 yeeyan

Results There were significant differences between groups in age, conscious state, epilepsy, Babinski sign, electroencephalogram, CT and MRI P0.05.
结果患儿年龄及意识状态、癫、巴宾斯基征、脑电图及脑 CT或 MRI异常在不同预后组间比较差异均有显著性 P0.05。 chemyq

The main identifications of BBE are conscious disturbance, positive reflex of Babinski's sign and abnormal imaging results in some patients.
主要鉴别点是 BBE患者可以有意识障碍、病理征和影像学异常。 cnki

Babinski’s original question: Is it real?
巴宾斯基原先提出的问题是:那是否是真实的? yeeyan




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