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词汇 babies
释义 ba·by 英'beɪbi美'beɪbi COCA³³⁰²BNC³²³⁴Economist³⁷⁴⁰
C婴儿; 幼兽,雏鸟

a very young child, especially one who has not yet learnt to speak or walk; a very young animal or bird


youngest member of a family or a group


childish or timid person


young woman

vt. 把…当作婴儿看待

treat sb like a baby

vt. 纵容


a very young child birth to 1 year who has not yet begun to walk or talk;

the baby began to cry again

she held the baby in her arms

it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different

the youngest member of a group not necessarily young;

the baby of the family

the baby of the Supreme Court

an immature childish person;

he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived

stop being a baby!

an unborn child; a human fetus;

I felt healthy and very feminine carrying the baby

it was great to feel my baby moving about inside

slang sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young womena very young mammal;

baby rabbits

a project of personal concern to someone;

this project is his baby

treat with excessive indulgence;

grandparents often pamper the children

Let's not mollycoddle our students!

baby, boy, child, infant, lad


1.child广义地说指出生至成年前的孩子,一般指从2岁到14岁的孩子; boy泛指自出生至青春期的孩子,可指大、中、小学的学生; baby和infant两个词均表示“新生婴儿”或仍在“襁褓中的幼儿”,但baby是日常用语; lad则指青春期的小伙子。例如:

This child is six months old.这婴儿六个月。
The boys felt amused by the clown.孩子们被滑稽演员逗得发笑。
The operation on the new-born infant was a failure.给那个新生儿做的手术失败了。
He's just a lad.他还只是个小青年。

2.boy和lad一般只用于指“男孩”或“男青年”; 其他三词则通常不分男孩女孩。

3.baby具有更多的个人特色,且含有十分亲近和喜爱的感情色彩; 而infant听起来则有点非人格化或医学、法律用语的味道,暗指未到法定年龄。例如:

He was the infant king at that time.他当时是未成年的国王。


The baby of her family is now six years old.她家中最小的孩子今年6岁了。下面各组中的短语意思不同:

a baby car 微型小汽车

a baby's car 儿童小汽车

a baby book 育婴指南

a baby's book 幼儿读物

the baby face 那张娃娃脸

the baby's face 那娃娃的脸

baby, humour, indulge, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil

这组词都可表示过分投合别人或自己的欲望或感情。其区别在于:indulge指迁就或放任别人应该节制的欲望或欲念,但不含有非难之意; baby指像对小孩一样听之任之; humour指短时间内顺从或迎合他人的愿望、心情或癖性; mollycoddle指对某人的健康或舒服过分照料,暗示有产生娇气的危险; pamper指极度地纵容,尤指过分注重享受; spoil指长时间的溺爱,暗示对一个人的个性产生了不良的影响。







用作名词 n.
动词+~calm a baby使婴儿平静下来carry a baby抱养婴儿;怀孕carry the baby做不愿做的事情,干苦差事change a baby替婴儿换尿布comfort a baby安抚婴儿deliver a baby接生drop a baby产仔expect a baby怀孕feed a baby喂养婴儿give birth to a baby生产have a baby临产;有个婴儿hold a baby抱着婴儿hold the baby做不愿做的事情,干苦差事kiss a baby吻婴儿love a baby喜爱婴儿nurse a baby给婴儿喂奶please a baby逗婴儿,使婴儿高兴put a baby to sleep让婴儿入睡rock a baby to sleep摇婴儿入睡sing the baby to sleep唱催眠曲让婴儿入睡throw out the baby with the bath water不分好坏一概摈弃形容词+~blue baby有先天性心脏缺陷的婴儿new-born baby新生婴儿nice baby可爱的婴儿名词+~boy baby男婴cry baby爱哭的人; 爱发牢骚的人girl baby女婴~+名词baby book育婴指南baby boy男婴baby car小型汽车baby farm育婴院baby girl女婴baby grand小型钢琴baby lamb羔羊baby monkey小猴子baby powder婴儿吸湿粉; 爽身粉用作动词 v.~+名词baby the boy纵容那孩子baby the new car小心地用新车~+副词baby too much太纵容
用作名词 one's baby

由某人造成的事物; 归某人管的事物 be sth that one has created or has in one's care

cry baby

爱哭的人; 爱发牢骚的人 sb who weeps or complains for the most trivial of causes

throw out the baby with the bath water

不分好坏一概摈弃 lose sth that is very useful when getting rid of sth that is apparently of no use

近义词 toddlersucklingn. childthe youngest
用作名词n.The baby crawled across the room.那个婴儿从房间的这边爬到那边。
The baby put its tiny hand in mine.那个婴儿把小手放在我的手中。
The baby cannot walk yet, much less run.那婴孩还不会走路,更不用说奔跑了。
The baby had a gain of half a pound in weight last week.这个婴儿上周长了半磅。
The baby doesn't like it when people start pulling him about.那个婴儿不喜欢别人笨手笨脚地把他拉来拉去。
The baby reached after the apple, but it was too far away.那个小孩急欲得到那个苹果,但是那个苹果太远了。
The baby is crying.I wonder what is the matter with it.婴孩在哭,我不知道他怎么了。
The sole survivor of the crash was a little baby.这次撞车的唯一幸存者是一个婴儿。
There is nothing to worry about.This is a perfectly normal baby.不用担心。这是一个完全正常的孩子。
Don't be a baby and cry over that little scratch.别那么孩子气,擦破点皮就哭鼻子。
She had a baby about two years ago.她大约两年前生了一个孩子。
Sitting in the next seat was a young woman who was expecting a baby.坐在下一个座位上的是一位孕妇。
I was adopted as a baby, and never knew my real parents.我还是个婴儿时就被抱来了,从不知道我的生身父母是谁。
She has a baby boy.她有一个男婴。
Lion cubs are much easier to rear than baby tigers.幼狮比幼虎更容易饲养。
He has a baby face.他有一张娃娃脸。
Her skin is very tender, like a baby's.她的皮肤像婴儿一样柔嫩。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Don't baby the boy.不要娇养那男孩。
You baby him too much.你太宠他了。
His mother babied him.他的母亲纵容他。
He babies his new car.他小心地使用他的新车。
He babied the badly shot-up ship home.他小心翼翼地把打得千疮百孔的船开了回去。

baby的基本意思是“婴儿”,指还不会说话或走路的新生婴儿,也可指“幼兽”或“雏鸟”。引申可表示“家庭或团体中最年幼的成员”,在口语中, baby也可表示孩子气的人或胆怯的人。


表示婴儿的性别时,可说a boy〔girl〕 baby,也可说a baby boy〔girl〕,前者侧重boy〔girl〕,后者侧重baby。

baby常用it〔which〕而不用he〔she, who〕指代。




指代baby的代词常是it或者which,而非him或者she。The baby is crying,I wonder what's wrong with it.

baby boy和boy baby的表达方式都可以。前者的侧重点是指男孩还处在婴儿时代,baby起修饰词的作用,而后者的侧重点是指这个婴儿是个男孩。同原理可用的有baby girl和girl baby。需注意到是是baby brother,baby sister,baby son,baby daughter不能改为brother baby等;

通常把baby作为专有名词,其前面不加the,即使只有一个婴儿,也不能加the。Please look after baby.


用作名词She gave birth to a fine healthybaby.她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。
The mother rocked thebabyto sleep in its cradle.母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。
We've turned the smallest bedroom into a nursery for our newbaby.我们已将最小的那间卧室改成新生婴儿的幼儿室。
Don't be such ababy.别那么孩子气。用作形容词Since 2001, organicbabyfood sales have jumped 63%.从2001年以来,有机婴儿食品销售额已上升63%。
She has ababycar.她有一辆微型汽车。用作及物动词Don'tbabythe boy.别惯这孩子。as in.young
同义词 baby,familybrood,infants,issue,litter,offspring,progenylittle ones
反义词 parent
youngnoun animate beings that are not mature
baby,brood,family,infants,issue,litter,little ones,offspring,progeny They have not yet used the eggs to produce babies, but they have injected them with sperm to produce an early stage embryo in the laboratory.
虽然目前没有用这种卵子来生育婴儿,但研究者们已将其与精子结合,在实验室培育出早期胚胎。 yeeyan

What the world would be like if there were no babies born positive. If there were no graves dug, no child orphaned.Not even one.
如果所有出生的婴儿都不带有阳性的病毒,如果毒品的侵害,如果没有一个孩子是孤儿,世界将会成为真么样。 yeeyan

An awkward, aloof figure, he has been out kissing babies and even allowing himself to be interviewed on television.
一直是尴尬的冷漠的形象的他已经开始外出亲吻婴儿,甚至允许电视采访。 yeeyan

And for those of you worried about our putting him through this, know that the one thing babies look kindly upon donating is their drool.
至于那些指责我们这样做是折磨孩子的读者,你们要明白,婴儿唯一喜欢捐赠的就是他们的口水了。 yeeyan

As with all their basic skills, babies start talking at different ages.
同其他基本技能一样,婴儿在不同的年龄开始说话。 yeeyan

At birth, most babies weigh between6 and8 pounds.

But almost nothing is known about how bilingual babies do this for two languages.
但是我们对双语宝宝怎样适应两种语言还几乎一无所知。 yeeyan

But we are not all rational or autonomous Babies are not rational or autonomous.

Crying in babies is normal, but some cry“ excessively” after the age of three months for reasons other than colic.
宝宝们哭泣是正常的,但是有些宝宝在三个月大后“过度”哭泣,这是有原因的,并非因为绞痛。 yeeyan

Eating or drinking helps to relax us. That’s why we give pacifiers to babies.
吃吃喝喝可以帮助我们放松,这也是我们为什么要给婴儿奶嘴。 kekenet

I would like to thank what this film is about for me which are the moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from.
我要感谢这部电影在我看来所表达的主旨,即那些不管这些婴儿和孩子来自哪里,都将他们视为己出的母亲们。 cri

She believed that breast milk was best for babies see below—that it would fight infection and provide her baby with antibodies to help him get better fast.
她坚信母乳是婴儿最好的食品详情参阅下文——它可以帮助婴儿对抗感染,并且为婴儿提供抗体,使他们恢复得更快。 yeeyan

She said babies in her study might have received more DHA than those in this study.
她说她的那项研究中的婴儿比这项研究中的可能摄入了更多的 DHA。 yeeyan

Tell Congress you want safe cosmetics for babies, adults and everyone in between.
告诉国会你想要对宝宝、成人和所有人安全的化妆品。 yeeyan

The kangaroo has a pouch where babies live until they can hop around on their own.
袋鼠有一个育儿袋,袋鼠宝宝一直住在里面直到它们自己能到处蹦跳。 eol

The babies were bawling in the nursery.

Then he let the machine learn in much the same way that babies do.
然后,他让计算机按与人类婴儿几乎一样的方式进行学习。 ecocn

They discovered that babies spent more time looking at the allocation of food if one person got more than the other.
他们发现,如果其中一个人分到的比另一个人更多,婴儿关注食物分配的时间会更长。 iciba

This could have implications for women who do not wish to be informed and thus have their partners told, too because they fear the repercussions for themselves or their babies.
这可能会使不愿知情的妇女或她们的伴侣们产生抵触,因为她们担心自己或婴儿将受到不良影响。 yeeyan

We all start life as babies.

We interact with babies much differently than we interact with peers.
我们和婴儿的互动和同龄人之间的互动很不同。 yeeyan

When babies laugh, we know they are happy, and when they cry, we know they are ill or simply want something.
当婴儿笑了,我们知道他们高兴了,当婴儿哭了,我们就知道他们病了或只不过是要什么东西。 kekenet

Wherever possible, mothers and babies should remain together and be provided with the support they need to exercise the most appropriate feeding option under the circumstances.
只要有可能,母亲和婴儿应该始终在一起,并根据情况向他们提供所需支持,以选择使用最适宜的喂养方式。 who

Babies are not like adults you can't stop them from dribbling, so you might remove that bit of dribble from the chin.
婴儿不想成人,你不能让他们停止流口水,所以你可能会从他们的下巴上去掉那些口水; yeeyan

Babies born using the new technique would inherit most of their genetic material from their mother and father.
采用这些新技术出生的婴儿会从父母身上继承婴儿的大部分遗传物质。 yeeyan




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