

单词 rotating
释义 rotating 英rəʊ'teɪtɪŋ美rəʊ'teɪtɪŋ COCA¹⁶⁰⁸⁰BNC²²⁵⁵⁸iWeb¹¹⁶⁷⁸Economist¹¹⁴⁸¹

动词 rotate:
turn on or around an axis or a centerexchange on a regular basisperform a job or duty on a rotating basiscause to turn on an axis or centerturn outwardplant or grow in a fixed cyclic order of successionrotating blade转动叶片rotating valve回转阀rotating shutter转动光闸,转动光栅…rotating switch转动开关rotating joint旋转接头rotating cascade旋转叶栅rotating crane旋转吊车rotating machine旋转电机rotating mirror旋镜rotating table转台,回转工作台…rotating cylinder旋转柱体rotating mixer转动搅拌器rotating stall旋转失速rotating armature旋转电枢rotating transformer旋转变压器rotating beacon旋转信号灯,旋转信标…rotating band转动带,驱动带…rotating amplifier旋转式磁放大器,电机…rotating plate旋转台rotating disk旋转圆盘
近义词 turning旋转spinning纺纱rotary旋转的gyratory旋转的rotatory回转的revolving旋转的rotational回转的circling马术环骑

用作形容词Eddies are swirls orrotatingwater flow.漩涡即旋转的水流。
Inrotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings.当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。as in.circulating
同义词 circling,movingambient,circulatory,current,diffusive,fluid,in motion
反义词 motionless,stationary,stillas in.rotary
同义词 spinning,whirligig,whirlingencircling,gyral,gyratory,revolving,rotational,rotatory,vertiginous,vorticularas in.succeeding/successive
同义词 alternating,consecutive,ensuing,following after,in a row,in line,next,next in line for,next in order,next off,next up,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,subsequent,subsequential,succedent,successional
反义词 antecedent,antedating,preceding,previousas in.successive
同义词 consecutive,ensuing,subsequent,succeedingalternating,following after,in line,next,next off,next up,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,subsequential,succedent,successionalas in.vertiginous
同义词 dizzy,giddy,revolving,spinning,turning,unstable,whirlingas in.whirling
同义词 revolving,spinningturningvertiginousas in.returning
同义词 reboundretracingretreat,return,revolvingreappearance,recurrence,reentrance,reoccurrence,reoccurring,repetition,reverberation,revolution,rotation,turning back
circulatingadjective flowing
ambient,circling,circulatory,current,diffusive,fluid,in motion,moving
more succeedingadjective following
alternating,consecutive,ensuing,following after,in a row,in line,next,next in line for,next in order,next off,next up,rotating,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,subsequent,subsequential,succedent,successional
more successiveadjective following
alternating,consecutive,ensuing,following after,in line,next,next off,next up,rotating,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,subsequent,subsequential,succedent,succeeding,successional
most succeedingadjective following
alternating,consecutive,ensuing,following after,in a row,in line,next,next in line for,next in order,next off,next up,rotating,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,subsequent,subsequential,succedent,successional
most successiveadjective following
alternating,consecutive,ensuing,following after,in line,next,next off,next up,rotating,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,subsequent,subsequential,succedent,succeeding,successional
returningnoun the act of coming back
reappearance,rebound,recurrence,reentrance,reoccurrence,reoccurring,repetitionretracingretreat,return,reverberation,revolution,revolving,rotating,rotation,turning back A deafening rattle comes from the machine by the open door, a green contraption of conveyors and rotating metal drums that sorts cashews by size and drops them into sacks.
震耳欲聋的机器声从开敞的门处传来,一台设计巧妙的传送带和旋转器将腰果按大小分类并将他们输送至麻袋。 ecocn

And that force tends to cause it, if you have a moving charged particle, to deflect its trajectory and start rotating in a magnetic field.

The only way to silence the alarm is to solve the math equation by rotating the numerical dials.
要让闹铃停下来,唯一方法是通过旋转数字钟面来解答出数学方程式。 www.youfind.com.cn

The slowly rotating turbine gathers the energy from the powerful surges of water pushed through the channel between the Orkney Islands and the north coast of Scotland with every turn of the tide.
每一轮潮汐都推动海水穿过奥克尼群岛和苏格兰北海岸之间的海峡,而慢慢旋转的涡轮机就从海水强大浪涌中收集能量。 yeeyan

The space elevator is exactly what its name says it is: a long cable anchored at one end to the ground and at the other end high in space, protruding from the planet like a spoke in a rotating orange.
顾名思义,太空升降梯是一根很长的电缆固定在地面的一端,另一端高高地延伸到太空中,就像一条从旋转的橙子中伸出的辐条那样伸出地球。 yeeyan

The white source near the center of the image is a dense, rapidly rotating neutron star, or pulsar, all that remains of a core- collapse supernova explosion.
图片靠近中心部分的白色光源为一种密度大,急速旋转的中子星,或是脉冲星--都是核心坍缩的超新星爆炸的残留物。 yeeyan

Think of it as a rotating transformer, with the primary windings residing in a stationary casing stator and the secondary conductors attached to an inner shaft rotor.
你可以把这种电动机当作一个旋转变压器,其主要的线圈在固定套管定子内,二级导线附在一个内轴转子上。 ecocn

Unlike a conventional jet engine that uses a rotating compressor to compress air into the engine for combustion, this one has no moving parts.
传统的喷气式引擎利用旋转压气机将空气压缩进入引擎来燃烧,而这架飞机却完全没有运动的部分。 yeeyan

“ Grab the cables in front of you and pull the arms back, rotating your palms away from you and behind you, ” says Price.
“抓起你前面的电缆,拉到手臂后面,往外并且向后转动你的手掌”普莱斯说。 yeeyan

Being simply a rotating horizontal shaft with a heavy vertical load on it, early locomotive axles suffered severe stress reversals in their outer skins with every rotation.
只是简单地旋转水平卧式的轴以及轴上面沉重的垂直负载,早期的机车车轴外壳每一次旋转都会遭受严重的应力反向。 ecocn

Do you understand why it's still rotating?

First, it uses two counter- rotating rotors that spin around the same axis, one positioned above the other.
首先,采用两个同轴旋反向旋转的转子,其中一个安置在另一个的上方。 ecocn

For, just as the colour of an iridescent feather changes with the angle you look at it, so the colour of a droplet can be changed by rotating it.
原因在于,就如随着你观察的角度改变,变换羽毛的颜色会发生改变一样,微滴的颜色也因旋转发生改变。 ecocn

Hence, a rotating black hole is called a Kerr black hole, and it has some unusual properties.
因此,一个旋转的黑洞被称为科尔黑洞。它有一些不寻常的属性。 yeeyan

If you think a molecule's rotating, they could always spin faster.

In this case, the orbit of the rotating asteroid will very slowly spiral in toward the sun.
在这样的情况下,旋转小行星的运行轨道将非常缓慢地向朝着太阳的方向盘旋。 yeeyan

Interesting Fact: At the base of the structure was a rotating cube which was designed as a venue for lectures, conferences and legislative meetings.
有趣的事实:这个结构的基础是一个旋转的立方体,用来召开演讲,会议和立法会议。 yeeyan

It uses a pair of counter- rotating main rotors, one positioned above the other.
它采用一对反向旋转的主旋翼,其中一个安放在另一个的上方。 ecocn

MEN are generally better than women on tests of spatial ability, such as mentally rotating an object through three dimensions or finding their way around in a new environment.
在空间感测试中,男人的表现通常优于女人,比如想象一个物体在三维空间中旋转,或是在新环境中不会迷路。 ecocn.org

So why not attach the magnets directly to the external, rotating parts of the turbine?
那为什么不把磁体直接放置在涡轮机外部旋转的部件上呢? ecocn

Then it is scooped by giant rotating buckets onto a moving belt and conveyed to a long chute at the pier where it is poured into the hold of a waiting vessel.
矿石被巨型旋转铲斗铲至正在运转的传送带上,然后送往一个长长的斜槽,最后被源源不断地注入等待装运的轮船船舱。 ecocn

There are countless suns and countless earths all rotating around their suns in exactly the same way as the seven planets of our system.
存在着无数的太阳,以及无数像地球一样的行星,这些行星以与我们星系中七大行星一样的方式围绕它们的太阳旋转。 yeeyan

There is continuously rotating drum in the third compartment, which helps worms to uniformly processed perishable organic waste.
在第三个装备舱有连续转动的鼓轮,方便这些蠕虫统一处理易腐的有机废物。 yeeyan

They store the energy mechanically by rotating mass around an axis.
它们通过质量绕轴旋转机械存储能量。 yeeyan

This idea involves the integration of vertical farms into buildings and offices, with plants growing around the edges of the building, sandwiched between two glass layers and rotating on a conveyor.
这个想法需要将垂直农场整合到建筑物和办公室中去,植物生长在建筑物边缘,夹在两层玻璃中间并在传送带上旋转。 ecocn

Turn off the computer, wait about20 seconds for the hard disk to stop rotating then turn the computer back on.
关闭计算机,硬盘停止旋转大概需要等20秒钟直到硬盘停止旋转,然后再开机。 blog.sina.com.cn




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