

单词 Rotarian
释义 Ro·tar·i·an 英rəʊˈteəriːən美roˈtɛriənAHDrō-târʹē-ən COCA¹¹⁹⁷⁵¹BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
n. 扶轮社的会员adj. 扶轮社的⁷²; 扶轮社活动的²⁸

a member of a Rotary Club DG Susan Cook partnered with Rotarian Paul Hammond, owner of Muskoka Transport, who donated a huge trailer.
地区总监运输公的老?兼扶轮社员合作,请他捐出一辆大型拖车。 iciba

The official magazine of Rotary International, The Rotarian, is published monthly in English.
国际扶轮的公式杂志「 英文扶轮月刊」每月以英文出版。 iciba

What are the responsibilities of Rotarian with regard to club public relations?
每一位扶轮社员所应负的公共关系方面的责任为何? www.rotary2000.org

A Rotarian since1988, Carolyn is a member of the Rotary club of Dalton, where she served as club president in1990-91.
自1988年成为扶轮社员,卡洛琳是道尔顿扶轮社的社员,于1990-91年度担任扶轮社社长。 iciba

And caring for Rotarian families and spouses can only strengthen Rotary.
而且关怀扶轮社员家庭及宝眷只会强化扶轮。 iciba

As a Rotarian driven by the ideal of service, you hold the power to effect that sort of meaningful, positive change in your community through Vocational Service.
作为具有服务理想并受其鼓舞的扶轮社员,您有能力透过职业服务在您的社区实现有意义、正面的改革。 iciba

He was a Rotarian and a Presbyterian, and he deserves to be remembered at least for having a verifiable existence.
他是扶轮社会员,也是长老教会员,凭以上任何一个事实,都能证明他是真实存在的人物。 yeeyan

I ask you today as President, and as a Rotarian like each you, to continue building Rotary.
做为社长,我今天要呼吁,如同作为扶轮社的一份子一样的做出要求,希望你们持续建造扶轮社。 iciba

In1949, the RI Board of Directors adopted the slogan Every Rotarian an Example to Youth.
在1949年,国际扶轮理事会通过「每一位扶轮社员是青少年的楷模」这则口号。 iciba

My friends, we need your help to identify Rotarian and non- Rotarian prospects.
我的朋友,我们需要你的帮助来寻找扶轮社员和非扶轮社员的准捐赠人。 iciba

Some callers even asked how they could become a Rotarian in order to help the needy.
有些人甚至问,他们如何能成为扶轮社员以帮助穷人。 iciba

The Hayward Sunset club sponsors a free weekly clinic run by Rotarian doctors in the Fremont, California, area for Afghan immigrants without medical insurance.
黑沃德日落扶轮社在没有医疗保险之阿富汗移民聚集的加州佛瑞蒙,举办每周义诊。 http://dj.iciba.com

The Rotary Volunteers program through Rotary International provides two resources to support Rotarian volunteers.
扶轮义工计划透过国际扶轮提供两种资源来支援扶轮社员义工们。 iciba




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