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词汇 Babel
释义 Ba·bel 英ˈbæbəl, ˈbeɪbəl美ˈbæbəl, ˈbebəlAHDbăbʹəl, bāʹbəl ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA³⁹⁴⁴⁷BNC⁵⁰⁴⁹⁹iWeb⁴⁰⁷⁷³

Genesis 11:1-11 a tower built by Noah's descendants probably in Babylon who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one anothera confusion of voices and other sounds 源出基督教《圣经》。据其首卷《创世纪》所载,Babel原为一城市名。大洪水后诺亚的后代拟在此建一高塔直通天庭,上帝怒其狂妄,使建塔者突操不同之语言,彼此互不相通。此通天塔因此终未建成,而人类则散居世界各地。这段神话似乎意在说明人类语言纷杂的原因。babel 一词到了英语中也据此被赋予了“嘈杂混乱的地方”、“嘈杂声”、“空想的计划”等义。该词的终极词源是阿卡得语 Akkadianbab-ili,其义为gate of the gods神门。阿卡得语乃古巴比伦王国的一种语言。但是babel却是从希伯来语借来的。其实圣经中的Babel与Babylon巴比伦指的乃是同一个城市。只是Babylon一词通过希腊语进入英语,所以词形不同,其引申义也截然不同,它常用以喻指“奢华淫靡的城市”。
英语另有一词bable.究其根源和babel并无任何联系。该词系一拟声词,仿婴儿牙牙学语声构成,许多语言中都有类似拟声词。但有的辞书如《牛津英语词典》认为babble的一些词义可能系与babel相联系而受影响的,比如babble在用作名词时除了指“婴孩咿呀学语声”、“潺潺流水声”,也指“模糊不清的谈话”及“嘈杂的谈话声”。tower of Babel古代巴比伦未建筑成的…
近义词 tower of Babel古代巴比伦未建筑成的通天…

用作名词Ababelof voices can be heard.人们听到一片嘈杂声。用作名词The Babel of antiquity foreshadows the babble of 1991.古代的巴别塔正是现今的预兆。
Babel and the Great Wall can be regarded as two versions of globalization narration, who eroded each other's territory and try to build a world without conflict.巴别塔和长城可以作为全球化叙事的两个版本,它们互相侵蚀彼此的地盘,试图营造出一个不再矛盾重重的世界。noun.confusion
同义词 bedlam,clang,din,discord,hubbub,hullabaloo,jargon,pandemonium,racket,tower,tumult,turmoil
反义词 calm,harmony,order,peace
clamornoun loud cry;commotion
dinnoun loud, continuous noise
hubbubnoun commotion, disorder
babel,bedlam,brouhaha,clamor,confusion,din,disturbance,fuss,hassle,hell broke loose,hue and cry,hullabaloo,hurly-burly,jangle,noise,pandemonium,racket,riot,rowdydow,ruckus,ruction,rumpus,to-do,tumult,turmoil,uproar,whirl
janglenoun cacophony of noises
noisenoun sound that is loud or not harmonious
noisesnoun sound that is loud or not harmonious
babble,babels,bangs,bedlam,bellows,bewailings,blares,blasts,boisterousness,booms,buzzes,cacophonies,caterwaulings,clamors,clangs,clatter,commotions,crashes,cries,detonations,dins,discords,disquiet,disquietudes,drummings,eruptions,explosions,fanfares,fireworks,fracases,fuss,hoo-has,hubbubs,hullabaloos,jangles,lamentations,outcries,pandemonium,peals,rackets,rings,roars,rows,shots,shoutings,sonances,squawks,stridencies,talks,thuds,tumults,turbulences,uproar,uproariousnesses,yellings,yelps And I'm fascinated by the way that even at that elemental point, the religions come in, and like the Tower Babel confuse our speech.

And Babel Fish applications will connect this cacophony into coherence.
宝贝鱼应用软件将会把杂音连接成和谐的音调。 yeeyan

Herein lies the danger of Google as a Library of Babel: with such astounding access to information at every student’s fingertips, Calvino’s parody readily becomes reality.
这就是 Google作为巴别塔图书馆的危险之处:每一个学生都能如此轻易的检索到信息,卡尔维诺的讽刺一下子就变成了现实。 yeeyan

Ryan Babel, having earned a reprieve from his manager this summer, will have to grasp his opportunity while greater responsibility will now fall on Javier Mascherano in light of Alonso's exit.
巴贝尔,在得到贝尼特斯的继续信任后,再也不能错失机会。而随着阿隆索的离去,马斯切拉诺将承担更重大的责任。 yeeyan

The first was that a veritable Babel of incompatible standards grew up.
其一是增多的各种相互矛盾的标准带来的混乱局面。 ecocn

Borges aptly names the library in his story after the Tower of Babel parable, wherein humankind, united by one language, has the hubris to build a tower to reach heaven.
博尔赫斯巧妙的借用了巴别塔的寓言命名了图书馆,在这个寓言故事中,人类操着同一种语言,他们狂妄的想要修建一座到达天堂的塔。 yeeyan

David Ngog's fourth- minute goal gave them the illusion of hope tonight after a build-up scarred earlier in the day by the reported comments of Ryan Babel.
晚上的比赛,大卫-恩格戈第四分钟的进球给了利物浦希望的幻影。 而在白天,巴贝尔的言论给这支队伍再添伤痕。 yeeyan

DOUGLAS ADAMS, the late lamented author of “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, dreamed up many comic creations. One of his greatest was the Babel fish.
已故的《银河系漫游指南》作者道格拉斯·亚当斯 Douglas Adams构思了许多的漫画角色,其中最为著名的要数“巴别鱼”了。 yeeyan

DOUGLAS ADAMS, the late lamented author of“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, dreamed up many comic creations. One of his greatest was the Babel fish.
已故的“银河系搭车指南”的作者,道格拉斯.亚当斯在他的作品中创造过许多有趣的生物,其中最著名的有就要数“巴别鱼”了。 yeeyan

I’m sure that the hearing impaired would most benefit from speech to text technology, and this is what the Babel Fisk is supposed to do.
我确信该语音文字转换技术将使那些听力障碍的人将获得极大的好处,这也正是 Babel Fisk眼镜想要实现的。 yeeyan

If you have a Babel Fish, the need to learn foreign languages is removed.
如果你由一个宝贝鱼,那么就不必要学外语了。 hjenglish

In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams first introduced us to Babel Fish as a beneficial ear parasite.
在《银河系漫游指南》这本书里,道格拉斯·亚当斯向我们介绍过一种有益的耳道寄生虫:巴别鱼。 yeeyan

In the centuries after the fall of Rome, Europe became Babel.
在罗马帝国灭亡后的漫长岁月里,欧洲陷入分裂,各自为政。 letou

Karen Babel has designed a bed that hides between bookshelves.
Karen Babel设计了一款隐藏在书架中的床。 yeeyan

Lucas and Ryan Babel impressed, giving fans hope they are finally ready to repay the faith shown in them by the manager.
卢卡斯和巴贝尔发挥不俗,看来球迷们终于能指望两人回报主教练的信任了。 yeeyan

One of his greatest was the Babel fish.
巴别鱼就是其中最为著名的生物之一。 ecocn

The young Lev Bronstein later Leon Trotsky, Isaac Babel, a writer, and Vladimir Jabotinsky, one of the fathers of modern Zionism, were among laterémigrés.
青年列弗•布朗斯坦后来叫里昂•托洛茨基、作家艾萨克•巴别塔、犹太复国运动奠基人之一弗拉基米尔是这座城市后来的流亡者。 ecocn

When multilateralism is dysfunctional, globalization can be a Tower of Babel, with competing national interests colliding to the benefit of none.
如果多边体系无法发挥作用,全球化可能会成为一座“巴别塔”,各国相互竞争,出现利益冲突,最终谁也无法受益。 worldbank




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