

单词 Rosso
释义 Rosso ˈrosoʊ 高COCA⁵⁶⁶⁸⁰BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
n.罗索在毛里塔尼亚;西经 15º53' 北纬 16º20'
In fact at present, Ferrari, Toro Rosso, Midland and Super Aguri are the only teams that don't have at least one driver already signed up for next season.
目前的情况,只有法拉利、红牛二队、米德兰和超级亚久里没有一个车手与车队签订下赛季的合同。 rohome

Once he did touch Sebastian Vettel, but touching a Red Bull car is all part of the education process with Toro Rosso!
他追尾了维特尔,但是追到红牛赛车也是红牛二队的教育训练的一部分! hellof1

Sebastian Vettel and Toro Rosso decided one run would do it as they would likely finish tenth anyway. However Vettel would get more than he bargained for.
小红牛决定只跑一个几十圈,反正小V在前十起步,只不过小V获得的比他想象中的更多。 blogbus

Sebastien Buemi is likely to remain with Toro Rosso beyond the end of this season, team boss Franz Tost indicated on Friday.
小红牛车队老板托斯特在周五指出,布耶米可能在本赛季结束后依然呆在小红牛中。 f1-zone

The Italian culinary magazine Gambero Rosso asserts that while there may be17, 000 McDonald's outside the US, there are54, 000 decent Italian restaurants outside Italy.
意大利烹饪杂志 Gambero Rosso断言,尽管在美国可能有17000家麦当劳,但在意大利,仍有54000家高雅的意式餐厅。 yeeyan

The models come in a two- tone color scheme, featuring a special Rosso Fuoco “fire red” body color mated to a grey roof.
在双色调的配色方案来的模型,具有特殊的罗索Fuoco“火红色”体色相配的灰色屋顶。 jeepcorps

“ I think it's a shame that Sato pulled a crazy move at Turn4 and compromised my race, as everything was going well, ” said Toro Rosso driver Liuzzi after the race.
“我认为佐藤在4号弯的疯狂超车危及了我的比赛,之前一切都非常正常,”红牛二队车手 Liuzzi赛后表示。 f1salon

“ The more of your computer resources you contribute to the network, the less you pay down to zero,” Rosso said.
只要你愿意为这个共享网络贡献更多的计算机资源,那么你需要花费的月费就越低,甚至有可能减为0。 cnbeta.com

“ We hope to introduce a new BitTorrent technology that will optimize ISP traffic,” Rosso said.
我们希望能推出一种新的 BT技术,这种技术有望缓解目前网络堵塞的现象。 cnbeta.com

A relative newcomer to the team ownership game, Berger said it would make “no sense” to buy and sell the Toro Rosso squad so quickly.
作为一支相对较新的车队,伯格说,现在这么早就谈论红牛二的买卖问题根本是“无稽之谈”。 blog.sina.com.cn

As for the new business model, Rosso said The Pirate Bay will offer users all the music they can download for a small monthly fee.
至于新商务模式方面, Rosso称海盗湾会继续为用户提供下载服务,不过将向他们收取月费。 cnbeta.com

But their food was perfect, and my favourite eatery was Gambero Rosso.
但是食物却很好,我最喜欢的餐馆是Gambero Rosso。 yeeyan

Carol understands Jack Rosso's secret and keeps it, living a happier life away from the dead man's island.
卡罗尔理解杰克 Rosso的秘密,并保持它,过着幸福的生活远离死者的岛屿。 docin

Completing Tuesday's line-up was Sebastian Vettel for Toro Rosso.
完成星期四线路的是红牛二队的巴斯蒂安-维特尔。 ferrari-china.com

Felipe Massa was the quickest of the two F10s fielded by Scuderia Toro Rosso, setting the fourth fastest time in 1.27.511, completing a total of18 laps.
菲利普马萨在两辆 F10中跑得最快,其成绩为1分21秒511排名第四,他一共跑了18圈。 yeeyan

Ferrari along with Sauber and Toro Rosso were the only team not using such a solution, which was already seen on most cars last year.

It seems like the Red Bull is pretty quick, the Sauber is very quick, the Mercedes kind of looks quick, the Toro Rosso looks quick.
红牛看起来确实很快,索伯也非常快,梅赛德斯看起来有点快,红牛二队看来也挺快。 blog.sina.com.cn

Toro Rosso is likely to field an unchanged driver- engine package in2010, team boss Franz Tost has said at Spa- Francorchamps.
小红牛可能在2010赛季将不更换车手和引擎的配置,车队老板托斯特在斯帕时说道。 f1-zone

Toro Rosso also revised the STR06's brake ducts for the China race in order to improve the flow of air towards the diffuser's side channels.
红牛二队也修改了 STR06刹车导管的为中国的比赛以提高空气的流动向扩散板的侧边通道。037916

Toro Rosso brought a modified exit for their exhaust to China.

What Rosso talked about was how difficult it was in the early days and how many times he cried when things went against him.
罗素谈到他事业早期时多么的困难,每当事情不顺心时他哭了多少回。 yeeyan

While others shrink, Toro Rosso have taken on an extra80 staff and expanded their facilities as well as commissioning a wind tunnel in Britain that was bought from Red Bull.
与此同时,STR已经额外招募了80名员工并且增加他们的设施数量,同时试运行在英国的一个风洞试验室,它是从 RBR手上买来的。 f1-zone

Rosso, for example, talks about his admiration for Armani.
例如,罗素谈到他崇拜阿玛尼。 yeeyan




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