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词汇 rosneft
释义 rosneft ˈrɑːzneft COCA¹⁰⁹¹⁸⁰
In the last week or so, BP has arranged a so-called cap- and- collar deal with Credit Suisse Group, enabling the oil company to borrow funds backed by the Rosneft stake.
上周左右英国石油公司与瑞士信贷集团Credit Suisse Group安排了一次所谓的两头封 cap- and- collar交易,英国石油公司以其所持 Rosneft股权为抵押借入资金。 voa365

The Arctic elements in the agreement replaced the deal between Rosneft and BP that failed earlier this year over a dispute with the British company's other Russian partner.
该协议中关于北极的部分取代了今年年初 Rosneft和 BP之间的协议。由于英国石油公司与在俄罗斯其他合作伙伴存在纠纷而宣告失败。 hxen

When the latest deadline passed, AAR and BP had found common language, but Rosneft was not on board.
最近的期限过期后, AAR跟英国石油找到了共同语言,但俄罗斯石油公司却没有加入进来。 ecocn

Although it has expunged Yukos from official registers, the firm’s ghost is haunting the Kremlin and its state oil company, Rosneft, which swallowed Yukos’s assets.
虽然尤科斯已非登记在册的公司,但是公司的鬼魂仍然游荡在克林姆林宫以及吞食尤科斯资产的国有石油公司 Rosneft。 ecocn

Although most of the big issues had been resolved, including a buy- out of AAR by BP and Rosneft, the three firms couldn’t agree on all the details.
虽然包括由英国石油和俄罗斯石油共同出资补偿 AAR退出在内的等绝大多数事宜均已谈妥,但三家公司还是没有能在所有细节上达成共识。 ecocn

BP may become embroiled in the legal battle over Yukos’s assets, which were swallowed by Rosneft.
BP可能会卷入关于 Yukos资产的法律战斗中,因为后者的资产被 Rosneft所吞。 yeeyan

But it is the first time that Rosneft has been materially affected by its controversial acquisition of Yukos’s assets.
但,这是 Rosneft第一次真真切切地吃到在争议中吞并尤科斯资产的苦头。 ecocn

China is not alone: BP’s new partnership with Rosneft, Russia’s state-controlled oil giant, to develop Russia’s Arctic region is complicated by murky political considerations.
这种情况并非中国独有:BP英国石油公司与俄罗斯国有石油公司 Rosneft对俄罗斯北极地区开采的合作也有着暧昧不明的政治意图。 yeeyan

Earlier this month an English court froze Rosneft’s local assets in a case brought by Yukos Capital, an offshore affiliate of Yukos.
本月初,尤科斯的海外子公司尤科斯资本将 Rosneft告上英国法庭,导致该公司当地的资产冻结。 ecocn

Exxon Mobil sealed a strategic partnership with Rosneft, a Russian state-controlled oil company, through which they will explore energy reserves in Russia’s Arctic region.
埃克森美孚 Exxon Mobil与俄罗斯石油公司 Rosneft签署战略合作协议,共同勘探俄罗斯北极大陆架地区的能源储备。 ecocn

Gazprom and its state-controlled counterpart in the oil business, Rosneft, are hopeless at increasing their output— except by buying up other firms' assets on the cheap.
Gazprom以及同为国有公司的对手—俄罗斯石油公司 Rosneft 的出口增长无望,除非他们能够全盘廉价收购其他公司的资产。 ecocn

He told Kommersant he reported indirectly to Mr Sechin, who also chairs the Rosneft oil company.
他告诉《商人》报他不直接向兼任 Rosneft石油公司主席的谢琴先生报告。 ecocn

In return, it will allow Rosneft to take minority stakes in its deep-water projects in the Gulf of Mexico and onshore in Texas.
作为回报,它将允许俄罗斯石油公司在墨西哥海湾和德克萨斯陆上的深水项目中取得少量股权。 ecocn

In a statement, Rosneft said the British court order was groundless and it was taking all necessary measures to protect its interests.
Rosneft在一份声明中表示,英国法庭的命令毫无根据,该公司将采取一切必要手段保护自身的利益。 ecocn

Just as in Soviet times rivals and renegades were airbrushed out of photographs, Rosneft and the Kremlin are now hoping that what they did to Yukos can be erased from history.
正如在苏联时期敌人和叛徒会被从照片上抹去一样, Rosneft和克里宫也希望他们对尤克斯的所作所为能够从历史里擦除。 ecocn

Remarkably, a commercial arbitration court in Moscow ruled in Yukos’s favour, telling Rosneft to repay the loan.
值得一提的是莫斯科的一家商业仲裁法庭支持尤科斯,要求 Rosneft返还贷款。 ecocn

Sechin, Russia's deputy prime minister and the chairman of the country's biggest oil company Rosneft, was responding to a question about what would be discussed at the meeting.
俄罗斯副总理,同时也是该国最大的石油公司俄罗斯石油的主席谢欣在回答有关此次会谈主题的问题时作出如此回应。 yeeyan

Still, when a chunk of Rosneft comes up for sale, the temptation for them to set all that aside will be strongsee article.
尽管如此,当俄罗斯石油公司出售其大部分股份时,强大的诱惑仍会令他们将这一切抛到脑后。 ecocn

Today, he's chairman of the board of the oil company Rosneft.
今天,他还是石油公司 Rosneft的董事会主席。 tingvoa

Until recently Russia regarded the Kara Sea, where BP and Rosneft intend to drill, as primarily an icy dump.
直到最近,俄罗斯承认喀拉海,英国石油和俄罗斯石油打算钻探的地方,是一个主要的冰垃圾场。 yeeyan

Rosneft’s share price jumped8% after the announcement.
在交易公告发布之后,俄罗斯石油公司的股票价格上涨了8%。 ecocn

Rosneft executives say their exploration drilling will not stir up radiation.
俄罗斯石油负责人说,他们的勘探钻井不会激起辐射。 yeeyan

Rosneft lacks the skills or capital to manage such a vast project.
俄罗斯石油公司缺少相应的技术或者足够的资金来处理这样一个巨大的工程。 bdza

Rosneft says it has now received a new proposal from BP.
俄罗斯石油表示现在已经收到了英国石油的新计划书。 ecocn




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