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词汇 rosier
释义 rosier AHDˈrōzhər,rōˈziər COCA⁶⁸⁵³¹BNC⁷²⁵⁸¹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
reflecting optimism;

a rosy future

looked at the world through rose-colored glasses

having the pinkish flush of healthof blush color;

blushful mists

presaging good fortune;

she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school

rosy predictions

rosy quartz蔷薇石英rosy jasmine红花茉莉rosy about the gills脸色红润气色好…rosy in the garden十分美好
近义词 rose玫瑰ruddy红的happy高兴的bright明亮的pink粉红色的rubicund红的flushed兴奋的glowing灼热的healthy健康的cheerful高兴的favorable有利的sunny阳光充足的hopeful有希望的fortunate幸运的optimistic乐观的auspicious吉利的successful成功的florid过分装饰的reddish略带红色的pinkish略带桃色的promising有希望的rose-colored玫瑰色的idealistic理想主义的encouraging令人鼓舞的unrealistic不切实际的rose-cheeked脸颊泛红的rosy-cheeked脸颊泛红的blushfulblush的形容词形式…blushingadj.脸红的,动词bl…

用作形容词Her normallyrosyface took on a deeper hue.她平常玫瑰色的脸上呈现出更深的色彩。
Therosylight yet beamed like a celestial dawn.玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。
She painted arosypicture of the firm's future.她为公司的前景描绘了一幅美好的图画。
But life is notrosyfor the closeted cross dresser.但是,对于变装者来说,生活并不是美好的。 China’s faster trend pace of growth also means that the outlook for corporate profits is rosier than elsewhere.
中国比别处更快的增长趋势还意味着更好看的公司利润额。 yeeyan

That’s why a rosier outlook for America’s economy does not necessarily mean a rosy future for all Americans.
鉴于上述原因,美国经济前景好转并不一定意味着所有美国人都有一个美好的未来。 yeeyan

The Nuffield authors did find that Scots had a rosier view of the general running of their NHS than people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
的确,纳菲尔德的作者发现对于 NHS的运作前景,苏格兰人比英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人都要乐观。 ecocn

The prospects of Sprint Nextel, America’s third- biggest wireless carrier, would suddenly be rosier: its shares rose by7% on the news.
美国第三大无线运营商 Sprint Nextel的股票随着消息的公布上升了7%,前景更加光明。 ecocn

The prospects of Sprint Nextel, America’s third- biggest wireless carrier, would suddenly be rosier: its shares rose by around 7% on the news.
美国第三大无线运营商 Sprint Nextel的前景瞬间变得明朗:接到消息后,其股价上升了7%。 ecocn

The prospects of Sprint Nextel, America’s third- biggest wireless carrier, would suddenly be rosier: its shares rose by around 7% on the news.
美国第三大无线运营商 Sprint Nextel的前景将会突然变得更加美好:消息一出,它的股价便已上涨了7%。 ecocn

The rosier view of Liverpool’s future depends in part on the city’s uneasy relationship with the region’s biggest developer, Peel Holdings.
利物浦与区域最大开发商皮尔控股之间关系不稳定,但该城更美好的未来还要依靠这层关系。 ecocn

As the economy deteriorates and more firms trade down towards or even below their book value, empire- builders are having to mark down the value of assets they splashed out on in rosier times.
随着经济进入衰退,越来越多的公司的市值已经逼近甚至低于其账面价值,企业帝国建设者们将不得不减记那些在繁荣时期所涉猎的资产。 yeeyan

As all presidential budgets are prone to do, Obama's relies on rosier economic projections than most forecasters use.
由于所有的总统预算都将畅行无阻,奥巴马比大多数经济学家更依赖于对经济的乐观预期。 yeeyan

But the picture is rosier in New York City. Michael Bloomberg, the mayor, has bragged that the Big Apple created10% of all the new private- sector jobs since the beginning of the year.
可是就业形势在纽约却仍是一片繁华的景象,市长 michael bloomberg夸口说,从今年年初开始,纽约已经在私营部门创造了10%的就业增长。 ecocn

Economists are forecasting a rosier2010 for global finances than this year has been.
经济学家们预测,2010年的全球金融状况要好过今年。 tingvoa

In this difficult environment, missteps that might have been tolerated in rosier times can put a boss's head on the block.
在这样的环境里,过去大好年代里能容忍下来的不当做法如今却能将老板拉下马,逼其重新找东家。 ecocn

Investors have been turning to the loonie in part because of the rosier outlook for Canada's economy compared with that of its neighbour south of the border.
投资者转向加元,部分是因为加拿大比美国拥有更乐观的前景。 ecocn

More than just a way of relating to other people, it's a prism that colors the world in rosier shades.
生活中有不只一种方式与别人联系起来,这是一面棱镜给世界上更深的色彩。 yeeyan

THE outlook remains far rosier than two years ago.
比起两年前,伊拉克的前景依旧光明。 ecocn

The picture is not much rosier for college graduates, as more than five million of them enter the increasingly competitive job market every year.
大学毕业的前景并不乐观,每年有超过五百万毕业生涌入竞争日益激烈的就业市场。 yeeyan

When markets are booming, however, commentators tend to look back at the performance of stocks and extrapolate an even rosier future.
但是,当市场一片繁荣之时,评论员们往往会回顾股票的以往业绩,依此外推出一个更加瑰丽的未来。 ecocn




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