

单词 babble
释义 bab·ble 英ˈbæbəl美ˈbæbəlAHDbăbʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八TCOCA²³⁸⁰³BNC²⁹⁷¹⁶iWeb²⁵¹⁵⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby
utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way;

The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention

to talk foolishly;

The two women babbled and crooned at the baby

flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise;

babbling brooks

divulge confidential information or secrets;

Be careful--his secretary talks

是个拟声词,模拟幼儿含糊不清地咿呀学语声。参考单词bubble沸腾,冒泡和barbarous野蛮人,不会说希腊语的落后民族。unintelligible babble不可懂多路混串音…babble noise多路重合噪声…babble signal迷惑信号
GRE红宝书bad ball的连读: 坏球! 嘴里放一个坏了的粪球, 再让你说话! Bab = baby, le: 小孩只会说胡话
baby 婴儿般学语声;bubble 泡泡声
GRE难词记忆babble→babb=baby+le→baby 说话→呀呀学语发音记忆:叭啦叭啦 ⇒像是在胡言乱语近义词 sing唱gab饶舌gush迸出talk交谈baby婴儿blab泄密hum嗡嗡声drone雄蜂sound声音vapor蒸汽peach桃子hubbub嘈杂murmur低语mutter咕哝ripple涟漪tattle闲谈burble冒泡bubble气泡chatter饶舌blather胡说blether胡说blither胡扯babbling胡说baby talk儿语foolish愚蠢的buzz发出嗡嗡声cackle咯咯叫声gurgle汨汨地流patter急速拍打声prattle小孩般说话smatter一知半解地谈论…gabble急促而不清楚地说…spill the beans泄露秘密guggle人高兴发出咯咯声…lallation语l的错误发音…let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密

用作动词The babybabbledfor hours.那婴孩呀呀学语了好几个小时。
Don'tbabblethe secret to them.别多嘴把秘密泄露给他们。
Pockets of silence are better than padding an interview with randombabble.片刻间歇的沈默比用胡言乱语填充面试要更好。
The water will cling round your feet andbabbleits secret.湖水将回绕在你的脚边,潺潺地说出它的秘密。用作名词I heard thebabbleof many voices.我听到许多乱哄哄的说话声。
No one could understand the little baby'sbabble.没人能听懂这个小婴孩的话。
It's enjoyable to stay where we can hear thebabbleof the brook.待在能听到潺潺流水声的地方是件很愉悦的事。noun.trivial talk, often incessant
同义词 drivel,gibberish,jargonblubbering,burble,chatter,clamor,gab,gabble,gossip,gushing,jabber,jabbering,murmur,muttering,prattle,ranting,tattlingidle talk
反义词 sense,silencequiet,wisdomverb.talk trivially, often incessantly
同义词 blubber,burble,mumble,murmur,mutterblab,blurt,cackle,chat,chatter,gibber,gossip,gush,jabber,patter,prate,prattle,rant,rave,squeal,tattle,yakgo on,run off at the mouth,run on,spill the beans,talk foolishly,talk incoherently,talk nonsensically,yakety-yak
反义词 speak clearlybe quiet,be silent,conceal,hide
blabverb gossip
betray,blather,blurt out,chatter,disclose,divulge,gab,gabble,give away,go on,jabber,let out,let slip,mouth,peach,prattle,reveal,run off at the mouth,run on,shoot the breeze,spill,spill the beans,squeal,talk through one's hat,tattle,tell,tell on,yak,yakety-yak
blabbedverb gossip
babbled,betrayed,blathered,blurted out,chattered,disclosed,divulged,gabbed,gabbled,gave away,jabbered,let out,let slip,mouthed,peached,prattled,ran off at the mouth,ran on,revealed,shot the breeze,spilled,spilled the beans,squealed,talked through one's hat,tattled,told,told on,went on,yakked,yakkety-yaked
blabbernoun idle chatter
blathernoun foolish talk
blatherskitenoun blather
blurtverb utter suddenly
babble,betray,blab,burst out with,call out,come out with,cry out,disclose,divulge,exclaim,give away,jabber,leak,let on,let out,let slip,let the cat ouf of the bag,reveal,run off at the mouth,spill the beans,spout A low babble is broken by heavily- accented screams of delight or anguish: more than half of Barcap's staff worldwide are foreign.
时而欢快,时而懊恼的大声叫喊带着重重的口音,打破低声细语的安静:巴克莱银行的全球员工中外国人占了半壁江山。 ecocn

The consonants in babble mean the baby is practicing, shaping different sounds by learning to maneuver the mouth and tongue, and listening to the results.
婴儿咿呀学语时发出的辅音字母就是他们在练习的过程,是他们摆好嘴巴和舌头形状发声的过程,也是他们听自己发音的过程。 yeeyan

And research is teasing apart the phonetic components of babble, along with the interplay of neurologic, cognitive and social factors.
科学研究正在分离婴儿语言的语音成分,神经、认知和社会因素的相互作用。 yeeyan

As the self- control of this skillful actor crumbled, he started to babble in sudden outbursts and heard imaginary phones ringing and people knocking at the door.
随着这个有着精湛演技的演员失去了自我控制能力,他开始间歇性的胡言乱语,并伴随着幻听到电话铃响或是敲门声。 yeeyan

But mostly they babble incoherently to themselves, bursting“ into mindless and uncontrollable laughter at random moments” and“ not necessarily about anything in particular.”
但大部分时候,他们含糊不清地自言自语,“随意地爆发出一阵无意识的,失控的笑声”且“任何事都显得无关紧要。” yeeyan

Called Babble, it was a persistent, chat- like environment that let people see who was present in the virtual room.
它称为 Babble,是一种持久的、类似聊天的环境,它允许人们查看虚拟房间中有哪些人在线。 ibm

I want to keep her to babble about the house.
我需要她待在我家里叽叽喳喳地有说有笑。 ebigear

If the person misses her cue and continues to babble, she makes another short comment, “ Thank you,” to signal that she expects the speaker to finish.
如果对方没有领悟到、继续唠叨,她就会再做简短的注释:“谢谢”,以提示希望对方别再说了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

If your child often has a pacifier in his mouth, he may be less likely to babble and practice talking, or the pacifier may distort his speech.
如果你的宝宝经常含着奶嘴,那这样可能会减少宝宝牙牙学语,练习说话的机会,或者奶嘴可能会搅乱他的言语发展。 yeeyan

Listen to your babble incessantly about your little life.
听你不停的唠叨关于你的小资生活。 blog.sina.com.cn

My favorite music is the babble of strange tongues in the marketplace.
我最喜爱的音乐就是广场上用奇怪的声调发出的生意。 yeeyan

Past studies have shown that infants babble better in their mother's presence.
先前的研究表明,婴儿当着母亲的面就嘟嘟得起劲。 yeeyan

She found that her daughter would run away from her in the supermarket, refused to go to bed until10 at night, and would walk up to strangers and “ babble away”.
她发现,在超市,女儿会从她身边跑开;会拒绝在晚上十点前睡觉;还会走到陌生人那里“胡言乱语”。 yeeyan

Similar to us, birds learn to sing by mimicking the adults, and the early chirps are akin to a baby's babble.
和人类一样,鸟类通过模仿长者学习鸣叫,最开始鸣叫时类似于婴儿的牙牙学语。 yeeyan

Sometimes teachers babble. Sometimes they reiterate what you already know.
有时老师只是在东扯西拉,有时只是在重复你已经知道的东西。 hxen

Teachers do not like students who babble on about nothing.
老师不喜欢整天不知所云的学生。 fxdm

The crowd babble of the traffic accident.

They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar.
他们能听到拥挤的酒吧传出来的嘈杂声。 iciba

To begin teaching the robot, the researchers stuck Einstein in front of a mirror and instructed the robot to“ body babble” by contorting its face into random positions.
首先,研究人员把爱因斯坦机器人放置在一面镜子前,并通过扭曲它的面部至随机表情来指示其“身体姿势任意”。 yeeyan

Twitter’s website stresses how wacky the company is: workers wear cowboy hats and babble that: “ Crazy things happen every day… it’s pretty ridiculous.”
从 Twitter的网站就可以看出他们古怪的风格:员工们戴着牛仔帽,喋喋不休地说:“每天都有疯狂的事情发生……真的是太荒谬了。” ecocn

You'd imagine that the room would be alive with a babble of voices, but it's not.
你可能以为屋子里一定是叽叽喳喳充满了热烈的气氛吧,才不是呢。 yeeyan

Babble is increasingly being understood as an essential precursor to speech, and as a key predictor of both cognitive and social emotional development.
咿呀学语逐步被认为是开始讲话的重要标志,并且是认知能力和情感发展的关键标志。 yeeyan




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