Rosenman Leonard
Rosenman Leonard
They banded together to defeat the common enemy
They banded together to protest
They banged out The star-spangled banner
they bang on the door
They banked up the river to prevent flood
They banned the forcing up of grain prices
They bantered him on the subject of marriage
They bargained on a two-year term
They barricaded themselves intheir rooms
They barricaded themselves in their rooms
They bast me without any reason
They be
They beached the ship to save it
They bearded me with cynical questions
They bear traces of red ochre
They bear traces of red ochre,a pigment
They beat a path through the woods
They beat drums to cheer up the players
They beat their swords into plowshares
They beat the prisoner unconscious
They beat us in every facet of the game
They beavered away to get a solution
They became hysterical after the accident
They become as beacons of truth for all to see
They began a process of economic deflation
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更新时间:2025/3/17 0:58:56