

单词 roosts
释义 roost·s 英ruːst美ruːst COCA⁶¹⁷²²BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
a shelter with perches for fowl or other birdsa perch on which domestic fowl rest or sleep
sit, as on a branch;

The birds perched high in the tree

settle down or stay, as if on a roostrule the roost当家作主come home to roost报应(得到恶报…home家at roost栖于枝上憩息着…go to roost就寝cock of the roost在小天地里称王称霸的…
近义词 bed床nest巢den兽穴seat座位stay停留perch栖木sleep睡觉settle解决nestle依偎habitat栖息地residence住宅rest剩余的部分quarter四分之一

用作名词Chickens sit on aroostat night.鸡夜晚栖息在竿子上。
Look! There is aroostin this tree.看!这棵树上有个鸟巢。
One of the main starlingroostsis on top of the Town Hall.市政厅的房顶是星椋鸟的一个主要栖息处。
The eaves of this deserted house have become theroostfor pigeon.这所无人住的房子的屋檐成了鸽子的歇息处。用作动词In fact, there is not a peakroostingtime.The birdsroostall year.实际上,并没有栖息高峰这一回事,鸟儿终年栖息。
Her selfishness will come home toroostsomeday.她的自私总有一天会得到报应。 The surely night wind rustles through the wood, and warns us to retrace our steps, while the sun goes down behind the thickening storm, and birds seek their roosts, and cattle their stalls.
夜里风呼啸着刮过树林,它似乎是警告我们停止脚步,此时太阳也被浓重的风暴遮挡,鸟儿归巢,牛儿进栏。 blog.sina.com.cn

After a series of fireworks blasts went off on New Year's Eve, the birds were startled off their roosts.
在新年夜的一系列烟火绽放后,这些鸟们被吓出了它们的窝。 ufochn.com

Millions of monarch butterflies travel to ancestral winter roosts in Mexico's shrinking mountain fir forests.
数百万只王蝶前往祖传的冬季栖息地——正在退缩的墨西哥冷杉林。 yeeyan

Solitary or in pairs; roosts in tunnels, old mine shafts, hollow trees and under thick tree bark.
独居或成对,栖息于隧道、废弃矿井、树洞内,以及厚树皮底下。 chinabiodiversity

Spilled water also falls under the roosts rather than into the litter.
洒出来的水会落到栖息架下而不会进入垫料。 bab

There's even a raven that roosts in the prison library, where he is cared for by a darling old trusty James Whitmore.
甚至有一只乌鸦在监狱图书馆累巢,它也一直被老朋友照顾着老布鲁克。 imagegarden

Roosts in caves; may be migratory in some areas.
栖息于山洞,在某些区域可能迁飞。 chinabiodiversity




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