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词汇 Rooney
释义 Rooney ˈruːni 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Berbatov was left on the bench for some of the biggest games last season and failed to make a case for himself when Rooney's injury gave him a chance.
尽管在上赛季某些重大比赛中获得了难得的出场机会,可他却未能在鲁尼受伤的一段时间里把握住证明自己的机会。 yeeyan

Kathleen Rooney, the author of“ Reading With Oprah: The Book Club That Changed America, ” said she did not find any evidence the producers fact- check the books Ms. Winfrey selects.
《和奥普拉一起读书—改变美国的图书俱乐部》的作者凯思林·鲁尼称,她没有发现任何节目工作者检查温弗瑞挑选的书的真实性的证据。 yeeyan

Looking far more relaxed when the questions returned to purely football matters, Rooney said the match against Egypt was a crucial part of England's World Cup planning.
回到纯粹足球层面上提问时,气氛变得更为轻松。鲁尼说,对埃及队的比赛是英格兰队世界杯规划的重要组成部分。 yeeyan

Should Rooney fail to make the starting line-up against Milan tomorrow night, United, who go into the game with a3-2 aggregate lead, would be left with limited attacking options.
鲁尼有可能不会在明早对米兰的比赛先发出场,那样曼联将只剩很少的攻击手段,尽管曼联在第一回合以3比2的比分领先。 yeeyan

The denunciation of Owen in an arena where he once performed the Torres role was so fierce that Wayne Rooney made a point of consoling him as Sir Alex Ferguson's men traipsed off.
托雷斯所担当的位置,正是当年欧文在离开利物浦之前的天下。 对欧文的漫骂如此无情,以至于鲁尼上前安慰了这位在场上游荡的弗格森的弟子一番。 yeeyan

“ I obviously have a knack for getting on paper what a lot of people have thought and didn't realize they thought, ” Rooney told the Associated Press in 1998.
1998年,鲁尼对美联社记者说:“显然,我有一种过人的本事,那就是把大多数人在想、并且没有意识到自己在想的事实用字句表达出来。” yeeyan

“ I think when you watch Barcelona a lot of people go on about their passing and the skills and how they keep the ball,” Rooney told The Sun.
“我认为当你在看巴塞罗那的比赛时,会看到多人的连续传球以及他们娴熟的控球技巧”鲁尼告诉太阳报。 goalhi

At the beginning of the season, he wasn't doing this as the team were playing great attacking football with Rooney as the spearhead.
而在赛季初,鲁尼没有这么做过,他只是被作为锋线尖刀来使用,因为那时全队充满了攻击性。 yeeyan

Before the match United's chief executive, David Gill, had emphasised that Rooney would not be sold because of the club's financial problems.
就在比赛开打前,曼联的执行董事大卫·吉尔还特意出面辟谣说,俱乐部不会因为财政问题而卖掉鲁尼。 yeeyan

Before Rooney lets the compliment go to his head, however, he should know that those with snub noses are often viewed as lacking in maturity, warns the researcher.

But, just as with England, Rooney is the true touchstone.
但正如英格兰国家队,鲁尼才是真正的试金石。 yeeyan

Ferguson believes Rooney, who turns26 this month, has matured as a player and is reaching his peak, becoming the man United’s new generation of players look up to.
弗格森认为即将满26岁的鲁尼已经成为了一名成熟的球员并达到了他职业生涯的顶峰。鲁尼正成为曼联新一代球员所尊敬的人。 yeeyan

He obviously has the skill set to do so, and it would no doubt frighten the opposition to see Rooney become more aggressive with the ball at his feet running at defenders.
很显然他又那种能力来完成这一切,另外对于防守球员来说,看到鲁尼能自己拿球突破,然后过掉后卫踢的更有侵略性些也是一种巨大的威胁。 yeeyan

If Wayne Rooney could have scored just a couple of times, this would probably not be the case.
如果韦恩鲁尼能够在世界杯上进几个球,情况可能就不太一样了。 可惜他没进球。 yeeyan

If Rooney wants to be held in similar esteem, he will need to mature and become a true leader in the coming years.
如果鲁尼先要获得同样相似的尊崇,在接下来这几年他需要再成熟些,成为一个真正的领导者。 yeeyan

Interestingly, given how they were once a fixture for England, Rooney and Owen did not play together in any of United's six games.
有趣的是,尽管鲁尼和欧文一度是英格兰国家队的固定拍档,但两人还不曾在曼联的六场比赛中联袂出战过。 yeeyan

Like Barcelona, United have found themselves spoilt for choice up front this season and Rooney insisted that a variety of options and competition for places was only a good thing.
就像巴塞罗那一样,曼联发现自己本赛季可供选择的球员过多而无从下手,鲁尼坚持认为,对于比赛位置的多种选择和竞争是一件好事。 goalhi

Manchester City could have used someone like Rooney on Saturday.
上周六,曼城本也可以有像鲁尼那样的人。 yeeyan

Speculation of a rift with Ferguson continues to grow but United insist Rooney is going nowhere.
与弗格森的不和传言继续持续着,但是曼联对坚持鲁尼哪里也不去。 yeeyan

Still, if they are fit and firing, and if Wayne Rooney avoids injury, England probably go to South Africa with as good a chance of winning the World Cup as at any time since1970.
当然,如果他们状态良好,马力全开,韦恩鲁尼又能避免受伤,那么英格兰这次的南非之行将有可能是他们自1970年以来最好的一次捧得大力神杯的机会。 yeeyan

This is a big problem for Man United, as Rooney is the talisman, leader and inspiration on the pitch.
对于曼联而言,这是个大问题。因为鲁尼是场上的王牌、领袖和精神支柱。 yeeyan

Two years ago, United were untouchable with Ronaldo and Rooney scoring every week but this year they have been unconvincing, especially away from home.
两年前曼联似乎是碰不得的,罗纳尔多和鲁尼每个周末都能得分,但今年他们并不是那么让人信服,尤其是客场战绩。 yeeyan

United still have Federico Macheda in reserve, and this could be a make or break season for the Italian, though ultimately everything comes down to Rooney.
当然,曼联还有他们的秘密武器马切达,这个赛季很可能是他全面爆发的一个赛季,但成败终将属于鲁尼一个人。 yeeyan

When Berbatov played in Rooney to fire in United's third goal it was only the second time he had set him up to score since they became team-mates almost a year ago.
这场比赛贝尔巴托夫发挥出色,助攻鲁尼打入他本赛季在曼联的第三个球,但这却是他们成为队友的一年以来贝尔巴托夫助攻鲁尼的第二个球。 yeeyan

Rooney was very popular with the public but drew criticism from the media for his controversial views and for the seemingly effortless style and content of his “60 Minutes” essays.
鲁尼深受公众的欢迎喜爱,但在媒体界却饱受批评,因为他富有争议的观点、看似随兴的风格和《60分钟》短语的内容。 yeeyan

Rooney has started the new season with a flourish, scoring nine goals in six club games and two more for England, and said he is now ready to take on the responsibility of being captain.
在这个新赛季的开端,鲁尼已经在六场比赛中为俱乐部贡献了九粒进球,还另有两粒国家队入球进账。他已经准备好了承担起作为队长的责任。 yeeyan

Rooney is still recovering from the hamstring injury that sidelined him for Saturday's draw with Stoke and it is not clear when he will return.




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