

单词 roomy
释义 room·y 英ˈruːmiː, ˈrʊmiː美ˈrumi, ˈrʊmiAHDr›“mē, r‹mʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高ICOCA¹⁹⁴⁹⁸BNC²⁷⁵⁸¹iWeb¹³⁵⁴⁴

an associate who shares a room with you
of buildings and rooms having ample space;

a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment

a spacious ballroom

来自 room,空间。roomy body大容量车身roomy middle中躯宽深
room-y的⇒adj.广阔的²⁰;宽敞的⁸⁰近义词 full满的large大的wide广泛的broad宽广的roommate室友spacious宽敞的generous慷慨的extensive广泛的sizable相当大的commodious宽敞的capacious容量大的expansive易膨胀的roomie同屋=room…voluminous卷数多的

用作形容词The room was asroomyas a barn.那间屋子象一个仓房一样广阔。
She lived in aroomyhouse.她住在一间宽敞的房子里。adj.(having ample space
同义词 spaciousbroad,largeample,capacious,commodious,extensive,generous,sizable,wide
反义词 smallcluttered,cramped,narrow
ampleadjective more than necessary, sufficient
abounding,abundant,big,bounteous,bountiful,broad,capacious,commodious,copious,enough,expansive,extensive,full,galore,generous,great,heavy,large,lavish,liberal,no end,plenteous,plentiful,plenty,profuse,rich,spacious,spare,substantial,unrestricted,voluminous,wide
amplestadjective more than necessary, sufficient
abounding,abundant,big,bounteous,bountiful,broad,capacious,commodious,copious,enough,expansive,extensive,full,galore,generous,great,heavy,large,lavish,liberal,no end,plenteous,plentiful,plenty,profuse,rich,roomy,spacious,spare,substantial,unrestricted,voluminous,wide
baggyadjective drooping
bigadjective large, great
a whale of a,ample,awash,brimming,bulky,burly,capacious,chock-full,colossal,commodious,considerable,copious,crowded,enormous,extensive,fat,full,gigantic,heavy-duty,heavyweight,hefty,huge,hulking,humongous,husky,immense,jumbo,mammoth,massive,mondo,monster,oversize,packed,ponderous,prodigious,roomy,sizable,spacious,strapping,stuffed,substantial,supercolossal,thundering,tremendous,vast,voluminous,walloping,whopper,whopping
broadadjective wide physically
broaderadjective wide physically
ample,capacious,deep,expansive,extended,extensive,full,generous,immense,large,latitudinous,outspread,outstretched,roomy,spacious,splay,squat,thick,vast,voluminous,widespread A small fort: the western states are roomy, but sparsely populated.
这堡垒并不大:西部各州幅员辽阔,人烟稀少。 ecocn

Beyond the outstanding visibility, the Forester has the most cargo capacity of the group and roomy rear seats.
视线再往后,斯巴鲁提供了最大的载物能力和充足的后座空间。 blog.sina.com.cn

It guzzles liquid fertiliser and potassium each week to keep up its strength while bedded in roomy surroundings.
在宽敞的环境中,这种植物每周会大量吸收液态肥料和钾来维持生命力。 cri

The house was just what I wanted- roomy, with lots of light, and on175 acres of land.
房子正好是我想要的-宽敞、光线充足,而且建在175英亩的土地上。 iciba

The large, zippered pocket across the back of the jacket looks roomy enough for one or two articles of clothing, as well as a few maps.
穿过夹克衫后背的那个有拉链的大口袋,足以让我放一到两件衣服以及一些地图。 yeeyan

The roomy pocket has bellows in the rear only, for a lower profile and less snag potential when moving forward.
宽大的口袋仅在后面有“风箱”,这使口袋更为薄形,从而降低了前进时被勾挂的可能性。 tadgear

Those with high arches should look for roomy shoes and softer padding to absorb the shock.
患高弓足的人,应穿大点的鞋,并垫些软填料以缓冲对脚的冲击。 yeeyan

A genetic mutation in our recent ancestors caused their descendants to have roomy skulls that accommodated larger brains.
我们祖先的一个基因变异使得他们的后代拥有能够容纳更大的大脑的头骨。 yeeyan

A set of roomy bloomers that once belonged to Queen Victoria are back in royal drawers.
英国维多利亚女王曾穿过的一套灯笼裤如今又回到了王宫。 ebigear

According to people familiar with the matter, the informant is Roomy Khan, a hedge- fund manager who briefly worked for Galleon in the late1990s.
据知情人士透露,线人名叫肯恩 Roomy Khan,是位对冲基金经理,90年代末她曾在盖伦集团短暂工作过。 iciba

Consumer Reports rates it at55 highway miles per gallon and praises it for its firm, steady ride and roomy rear seat.
《消费者报告》评定其在公路上每加仑行驶55英里,称赞其结实、行驶稳定和后座空间宽敞。 yeeyan

Even if you book second class, there are roomy, reserved seats, clean restrooms and appealing buffet cars.
即使你预定了二等车厢,也会享受到宽敞的预留座位,干净的厕所和吸引人的餐车。 yeeyan

He has since sold the farm and his roomy house in town, moved into a smaller flat on a quiet street, and at age73 has decided more or less to retire.
后来他卖掉了农场和城里宽敞的房子,搬到一条安静的街道上,住进了一间小公寓,到了73岁高龄,他觉得自己差不多该退休了。 yeeyan

If your garden isn't this roomy, you can reduce the distance to18 to24 inches, but you'll have to contain your plants with a tomato cage or tie them to a stake.
如果花园里没有如此宽裕的空间,可以将间距减至18到24英寸,但必须用番茄笼将植株圈起来,或者将植株拴到木桩上。 yeeyan

It will have a full kitchen and bathroom, a loft big enough to sleep in, and a roomy living area with a vaulted ceiling.
房子里将包括完整的厨房,浴室和足够宽敞的顶楼可供睡觉。活动空间宽敞,房子顶端成拱形。 ecocn

Wear tight clothes when you eat— especially if you’re in the habit of changing into something roomy when you come home from work.
在吃饭的时候穿上紧身的衣服,特别是在你是一个酷爱一下班就换上宽松舒适衣服的人。 yeeyan

What a roomy hole you have!
你有多么宽敞的一个洞啊! hjenglish

With these tweaks, the PS3 becomes a viable, and even sort of roomy, development environment.
通过这些调整, PS3成为一个可行的、甚至有些绰绰有余的开发环境。 ibm

You need running shoes that are roomy enough to accommodate your insoles.
你需要跑步鞋足够的宽敞容纳你的鞋垫。 yeeyan




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