

单词 room with
释义 room with短语³⁵⁷¹
My bedroom is a largeroom witha high ceiling.我的卧室是一个天花板很高的大房间。
He entered theroom withdeliberate steps.他从容不迫地走进室内。
I ornamented myroom withflowers.我用鲜花装饰房间。
He came into theroom witha sword in his hand.他手里拿着剑走进了房间。
I want a doubleroom witha view.我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。
The guard opened a different door, and Bel and the cat went into a beautifulroom withexpensive, very old tables and chairs.卫兵打开另外一扇门,贝尔和那只猫走进一个摆满非常古老、昂贵的家具的房间。
Jack had toroom witha friend when he first went to college, until he could find a place for himself.杰克刚进大学还未找到自己的住处之前,得和一个朋友同住一处。
He ordered a newspaper to be brought to hisroom withearly morning.他让服务员把早茶和报纸一块送到他的房间。




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