

单词 rook
释义 rook 英rʊk美rʊkAHDr‹k ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁴⁴⁷⁹BNC⁴⁴¹⁵⁴iWeb²¹⁰⁷⁹

chess the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboardcommon gregarious Old World bird about the size and color of the American crow
deprive of by deceit;

He swindled me out of my inheritance

She defrauded the customers who trusted her

the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

来自古英语 hroc,乌鸦,来自 Proto-Germanic*khrokaz,乌鸦,来自 PIE*kerk,*ker,尖叫声,拟 声词,词源同 crow,raven.castle城堡rook ending车的残局mate to the rook捉死车
近义词 gyp骗局scam骗局bunco骗局mulct罚金castle城堡defraud诈骗swindle诈骗goldbrick偷懒hornswoggle 骗diddle急速摇摆victimize使牺牲GIP综合情报计划联合国…short-change(给顾客少找钱…nobble暗中破坏使…con骗局

用作名词Confusion between the crow and therookis quite common.把乌鸦和白嘴鸦弄混是很平常的事。
Chess includesrook, knight, bishop, queen, king and pawn.国际象棋有车、马、象、后、王和卒。用作动词Theyrookedhim of 100.他们在纸牌戏中骗走他100英镑。
That hotel reallyrookedus.那家旅馆可真敲了我们竹杠。verb.trick
同义词 betray,bilk,cheat,con,deceive,fool,hoodwink,scam,swindle
反义词 be honestgiveverb.cheat
同义词 bamboozle,bilk,deceive,defraud,fleece,steal,swindle
反义词 be honestgive
apprenticenoun novice/learner of a trade
amateur,beginner,flunky,greenhorn,heel,neophyte,new kid on block,newcomer,novitiate,probationer,pupil,rookie,starter,student,tenderfoot,tyro
beguileverb fool
betray,bluff,burn,cheat,chisel,con,deceive,delude,double-cross,dupe,entice,exploit,finesse,flimflam,gyp,have,hoodwink,impose on,jockey,juggle,lure,manipulate,mislead,play,play for a sucker,rook,rope in,scam,seduce,shave,snow,stick,string along,suck in,take,take in,trick
beguilesverb fool
betrays,bluffs,burns,cheats,chisels,cons,deceives,deludes,double-crosses,dupes,entices,exploits,finesses,flimflams,gyps,has,hoodwinks,imposes on,jockeys,juggles,lures,manipulates,misleads,plays,plays for a sucker,rooks,rope in,scams,seduces,shaves,snows,sticks,string along,sucks in,takes,takes in,tricks
bilkverb cheat
bledverb extort
blackmailed,confiscated,depleted,drained,exhausted,extracted,fleeced,impoverished,leeched,milked,mulcted,overcharged,pauperized,put the screws to,rooked,sapped,skinned,squeezed,stole,strong-armed,stuck
bleedverb extort
blackmail,confiscate,deplete,drain,exhaust,extract,fleece,impoverish,leech,milk,mulct,overcharge,pauperize,put the screws to,rook,sap,skin,squeeze,steal,stick,strong-arm Confusion between the crow and the rook is quite common.
把乌鸦和白嘴鸦弄混是很平常的事。 chinafanyi.com

“ If your kids come back from the garden with a little mud on their hands, it's not a bad thing, ” Rook said.
“如果你的孩子从花园回来时,手上有点儿泥土,那不是一件坏事,” Rook说。 yeeyan

“ The bottom line is organisms that were present in mud, untreated water and feces were with us right from the start of humanity,” Rook explained.
博士解释说,“从人类诞生开始,存在于泥土、未经处理的水和粪便中的微生物就伴随我们一起生存。” yeeyan

“ We need to figure out how to replace what is good from the microbiological environment while maintaining the advances of good hygiene so we can get the best of both worlds, ” Rook said.
Rook说:“我们需要弄清楚如何保持良好的卫生优势,又同时承受一个什么样的微生物环境,使我们可以得到两全其美。” yeeyan

“What has happened over the course of evolution is, because these bugs had to be tolerated, they came to activate the tolerance of the immune system, ” Rook said.
“在进化过程中,因为人体必须承受这些微生物,以此激活人体免疫系统的承受能力,” Rook说。 yeeyan

After she had taken my rook, there was nothing I could really do except resign.
她把我的车(国际象棋吃掉之后,我没法赢了,只能认输。 englishtown

An egg tumbled from the nest is fair game for Johnny Rook. He'll soon have his own brood to look after.
一枚蛋从窝里滚落,这对约翰鸦来说再公平不过。他很快就可以照看自己的幼鸟。 kekenet

And for Johnny rook, the wait is over.
对约翰鸦来说,等待已经结束。 kekenet

But the greatest difference is in the way the head is carried. The rook, like the heron and stork, carries his beak pointing lance- like straight before him.
但它们之间最主要的区别还是飞行时头部的姿势不同。白嘴鸭像苍鹭与鹤那样, 总是把它的利喙像长矛那样直挺挺地伸在前面。 jukuu

Clare hums the beginning of“ When I’m64.” She moves her rook forward five spaces.
克莱尔嗡嗡的开始说“当我64岁的时候。”她将她的车向前移动了五步。 yeeyan

Clare sighs. She takes another pawn with her other rook. I'm starting to run low on pawns. I move Queen's Bishop to KB4.
克莱尔叹了一口气。她用她的车拿走了另一个卒。我开始移动我的卒。我把女王的主教移到了 KB4。 yesuwang

He developed his rook by castling.

He dreamed of a house in Beverly Hills that would be built in the shape of a rook.
他梦想着在比弗利山建造一座像车一样的房子。 ecocn

I take her rook with my queen.
我用我的女王拿了她的车。 yeeyan

Larger studies are underway to determine the exact mechanism by which bacteria and parasites are causing the immune system to moderate its response, Rook said.
正在进行更大规模的研究,以确定细菌和寄生虫诱发免疫系统调适免疫反应的确切机制。 yeeyan

Remove rook racks: If you have roof racks installed on your car, remove them.
移除行李架:要是你车里装了行李架,搬走吧。 hjenglish

Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook.
谁来当他的牧师?我,乌鸦说。 blog.sina.com.cn

Rook said that other researchers have used the hygiene hypothesis to show that parasitic infections can aid in the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.
Rook说,其他研究人员利用卫生假说治疗疾病的实践结果表明,寄生虫感染能帮助治疗多发性硬化病和克罗恩病等免疫性疾病。 yeeyan




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