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词汇 romantics
释义 romantics 英rə'mæntɪks美rə'mæntɪks COCA³⁸⁷⁵⁵BNC³⁰⁶³⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 romantic:
a soulful or amorous idealistan artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticismas in.visionary
同义词 dreamer,idealist,prophet,romantic,seer,theorist,zealotdaydreamer,enthusiast,mystic,stargazer,utopianDon Quixote,castle-builder,romancer
反义词 realistas in.venturer
同义词 charlatan,daredevil,entrepreneur,explorer,gambler,globetrotter,hero,heroine,madcap,mercenary,opportunist,pioneer,pirate,romantic,speculator,swashbuckler,traveler,voyager,wandererfortune-hunter,stunt personas in.adventurer
同义词 charlatan,daredevil,entrepreneur,gambler,mercenary,swashbuckler,travelerexplorer,globetrotter,hero,heroine,madcap,opportunist,pioneer,pirate,romantic,speculator,venturer,voyager,wandererfortune-hunter,stunt personas in.dreamer
同义词 idealistdaydreamer,escapist,romantic,theorizerfantasizer,star-gazer,Walter Mittyas in.idealist
同义词 dreamer,optimist,visionaryenthusiast,escapist,Platonist,radical,romantic,romanticist,seer,stargazer,theorizer,transcendentalist,utopianromancer
反义词 pragmatist,realist And, sadly for romantics, there is no sign of giant sandworms.
不过不幸的是,对于想法浪漫的人来说,上面没有迹象表明有任何大型沙子蠕虫存在。 ecocn

And to save the world economy we must topple these dangerous romantics from their pedestals.
为了拯救世界经济,我们必须将这些危险的浪漫人士从他们的位子上推翻。 yeeyan

Even the romantics of Liebig14 play their part, seeding neighbourhoods with colour and creativity.
李比希大道14号的浪漫派艺术家同样参与着这项进程,在社区撒播艺术和创造力的种子。 yeeyan

The revolutionary state, under whatever political label, has to be run- not by violent romantics- but by experts in marketing, sanitary engineering, and the management of bureaucracies.
无论贴着什么样的政治标签,革命后的国家都不是由激进的浪漫主义者来治理,而是由市场营销、卫生工程和管理官僚机构的专家来治理。 ebigear

The Romantics did not reject science, as Richard Holmes demonstrates in his remarkable new book, The Age of Wonder.
浪漫主义并没有拒绝科学,就像里查德.福尔摩斯在他著名的新书《奇迹时代》中所表现的那样。 yeeyan

A couple has won a cellphone in a kissing contest in Shenyang, with the oldest contestants being a pair of59- and58-year- old romantics.

Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement;
在浪漫主义时期和维多利亚时期,受肺结核折磨甚至死于肺结核被当成是文雅的标志; yeeyan

Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement; cancer death was nothing of the sort.
在浪漫主义时期和维多利亚时期,受肺结核折磨甚至死于肺结核被当成是文雅的标志;患癌死亡那就完全不同了。 yeeyan

But our discourse is being badly distorted by ideologues and wishful thinkers— boring, cruel romantics— pretending to be technocrats. And it's time to puncture their pretensions.
但是,我们的话语正被空想家与一厢情愿思想家严重扭曲,他们是乏味而残忍的浪漫派人士,却将自己打扮成技术官僚。是揭穿他们伪装的时候了。 yeeyan

Even the romantics amongst us are being put off; with half of all men admitting to not buying a gift for fear their generosity would be misunderstood.
尽管人人都想沐浴在浪漫的情调之中,不过还是有一半的男性表示,买礼物送给对方是,还是担心自己的慷慨大方招致不必要的误会。 cri

French perfume is the fragrance of romantics.

Like many tech romantics, he had harbored visions of using the Internet to rout around cable companies and network programmers for years.
像许多高科技的浪漫主义者一样,他心中有着占据了多年愿望:使用互联网与有线电视公司和提供节目的电视网周旋。 yeeyan

Love trumps all, romantics say, so there’s no harm in enjoying some of life’s luxuries along the way.
浪漫主义者说,爱情高于一切,所以用这种方式来享受生活的奢华不会造成什么伤害。 yeeyan

So far, several romantics are mulling over buying the golden ticket on February 14, betting on their partners being hungry.
目前,一些浪漫主义者正在打算购买这张情人节的“黄金”门票,他们认定自己的爱人渴望拥有这样的浪漫之夜。 ebigear

The idea that artists must suffer for their art would have seemed ridiculous to anyone before Byron and the romantics came on the scene.
在拜伦和其他浪漫主义代表人物登场之前,艺术家为自己的作品所累这种看法听起来十分荒谬。 yeeyan

Thereby he rejects the one the romantics lent him.
因此,他拒绝了浪漫主义者与他的形象。 yeeyan

They are not dissidents or romantics. Half say they have no interest in politics, a third are Kremlin supporters, most work in the private sector and have done well over the past decade.
他们并非胸怀不同政见或难舍浪漫情怀:半数的受访者表示对政治毫无兴趣,三分之一受访者是克林姆林宫现行政府的支持者,他们中大多数人在私企工作且过去十年业绩丰厚。 ecocn

They are, instead, deeply impractical romantics.
相反,他们是非常不切实际的浪漫派。 yeeyan

Ultimately, the judgment is up to readers?be they cynics or romantics.
最后,判断的权利留给了读者?他们或者是一群愤世嫉俗的人,又或者是一群浪漫主义者。 yeeyan

Well before the Romantics of the19th century, philosophers preferred night to day as an instructor, because sleep betrayed the natural thoughts and fears of the soul.
早在19世纪浪漫主义出现以前,哲学家们就把黑夜看做白昼的指引,因为睡眠会透露自然地思想和心灵的恐惧。 yeeyan

Romantics hoping to impress their loved one with more than a bunch of hastily- purchased flowers or a battered box of chocolates were offered an upmarket but costly alternative.
浪漫的情侣们若想要打动爱人,又不满足于随意购束鲜花或弄盒压扁了的巧克力送给对方,现在有一种高档但昂贵的方案可供选择。 ebigear

Romantics, of course, have always known that love is a special sort of chemistry. Scientists are now beginning to show how true this is.
当然,爱情浪漫主义者总是认为爱情是一种特殊的化学,而正是科学家们,现在开始展示出了这一看法是如何的千真万确。 ebigear

Romantics favor the tale of the third- century Roman emperor and priest Valentine.
浪漫主义者们喜欢三世纪罗马帝王与牧师 Valentine的故事。 hjenglish

Romantics say that the bank used to prosper by deliberately not having any strategy at all.
浪漫主义者认为,该银行刻意的不采取任何战略而习惯于繁荣景象。 ecocn




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