

单词 romanticizing
释义 ro·man·ti·cize 英rəʊ'mæntɪsaɪz美roʊ'mæntɪsaɪz COCA⁷⁹⁰⁸⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
interpret romantically;

Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!

make romantic in style;

The designer romanticized the little black dress

act in a romantic way近义词 dream梦moon月亮gush迸出swoon晕倒aggrandize增加exaggerate夸张daydream白日梦idealize使理想化rhapsodize过份赞美glamourise使有魅力romanticise使浪漫化glamorize 使 … 有魅力…sentimentalize流于感伤

用作动词You have a tendency toromanticizeyour life.你有把生活浪漫化的倾向。 The bulk of The Suburbs focuses on this quiet desperation borne of compounding the pain of wasting your time as an adult by romanticizing the wasted time of your youth.
《郊区》整张专辑都聚焦在痛苦所带来的沉静的绝望,这种痛苦来自于你把时间都白白地花在对年轻时候虚度的时光想入非非上了。 yeeyan

However, instead of romanticizing Tibet, it seems that many Han Chinese, at least some visitors, lack basic respect for the Tibetan culture and religion.
然而,他们将西藏幻想化了,看上去有许多汉族人,至少是一些游客,缺乏对西藏宗教和民族信仰的最基本的尊重。 yeeyan

So I would say we really need to review the whole notion, and stop romanticizing the family.
我认为,我们真的需要检讨这个看法,不要把家庭浪漫化。 tingvoa

They charged that the press is romanticizing gangsterism.
他们控诉报纸将匪盗行为传奇化。 iciba

When Barbara learns of the affair, she suspects that Sheba is just romanticizing the poor boy.
当芭芭拉了解到这种暧昧关系,她猜测,示巴只是把那个可怜的男孩儿浪漫化了。 ssreader

Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential for equipping today's citizens for the unprecedented tasks of the future.
不必用浪漫主义的手法来形容计算机,我们就可以清楚地看出,它是独一无二地改变着那种使今天的公民能担当起未来空前任务的潜力。 hotdic




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