

单词 Roman Senate
释义 Roman Senate
Brutus declaimed from the steps of the Roman senate building.布鲁图在古罗马元老院大楼的台阶上发表慷慨激昂的演说。
The magistracy was usually considered a necessary precondition for entry into theRoman Senate.行政官职通常被认为是进入元老院的必要先决条件。
Cicero played an important role in the Roman senate,was noted for his oratory and fine writing style.西塞罗在罗马元老院里担任重要的角色,他以擅长演讲和文笔优美而闻名。
He knew that to cross it would be to declare war against Pompey and theRoman Senate; it would involve all Rome in a fearful strife, the end of which no man could foresee.他知道越过这条河意味着对庞培和罗马元老院宣战,就会使整个罗马卷入一场可怕的战争,其结局是没有人能够预料的。
Fabricius guaranteed to bring them back to captivity if the Roman senate still wanted war rather than peace after the holidays.法布里丘斯保证,农神节假期之后,假如罗马元老院仍然主战不主和,他会把这些战俘送还。




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