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词汇 Romania
释义 Ro·ma·ni·a 英rəʊˈmeɪniːə, -ˈmeɪnjə美roˈmeniə, -ˈmenjəAHDrō-māʹnē-ə, -mānʹyə 高Economist⁶⁶⁶³
a republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea罗马尼亚的原住民是达契亚人。公元前70年,达契亚人建立了第一个中央集权和独立的达契亚国。公元106年,达契亚国被罗马帝国征服,成为罗马帝国的一个行省。以后达契亚人与罗马人混居并逐渐融合,形成了罗马尼亚民族。他们大多自称罗马尼人Romani,意为“来自罗马的人”。罗马尼亚的英文名称Romania就来自Romani一词。钱博士Roman(罗马人+ia名词后缀→罗马人的国家⇒罗马尼亚
Roman罗马人+ia名词后缀→罗马人的国家⇒罗马尼亚。近义词 Roumania国名 罗马尼亚(=R…Rumania罗马尼亚(欧洲东南部一国…

The issue of dispatching more troops will be discussed at a NATO summit next month in Romania.

There is also a belief that, to quote a diplomat, “ Romania and Bulgaria came in too soon”, and have been sliding away from reforms ever since.
也有这样的看法,这里引用一位外交人员的话说:“罗马尼亚和保加利亚进得太快了”,自从他们加入后,就远离了改革的方向。 ecocn

These results were replicated from Estonia to Romania with even worse results, suggesting that the G-20 member states should perhaps be careful what they wish for.
从爱沙尼亚到罗马尼亚,类似情况重复出现,一个比一个糟糕,这表明20国集团成员国可能真应该倍加小心他们的愿景。 yeeyan

He stressed that, as EU citizens living in Romania, ethnic Hungarians had the right to move to Hungary and work there well before the new law came into force.
他强调作为居住在罗马尼亚的欧盟居民,在新法案生效以前,匈牙利少数民族有权利搬到匈牙利生活和工作。 yeeyan

Her first published book had to be smuggled out of Romania to avoid censors.
她出版的第一本书被迫偷送出罗马尼亚,以避免审查。 yeeyan

In recent years countries such as Turkey, Romania, and Ghana have implemented such reforms.
近年来,如土耳其,罗马尼亚国家,加纳已经实施了这些改革。 yeeyan

In the Czech Republic, for instance, it holds almost a third of all retail deposits, and in Romania it has a quarter.
比如,在捷克共和国,它掌控了几乎三分之一的零售储蓄业务,在罗马尼亚,有四分之一。 ecocn

In Romania of2011, however, the king's speech looks like too little, too late.
但是在2011年罗马尼亚的这场国王的演讲来的太晚,收效甚微。 ecocn

In Romania some7% of the population are ethnic Hungarians.
在罗马尼亚,大约7%的人口是匈牙利族。 ecocn

It is expanding its footprint slowly, opening one plant in Romania and another in Switzerland.
它慢慢地扩展它的疆土,在罗马尼亚和瑞士分别开设了一家工厂。 yeeyan

It borders the Black Sea to the east, Greece and Turkey to the south, Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, and Romania to the north along the river Danube.
它东面与黑海接壤,南边与土耳其和希腊接壤,西面毗邻塞尔维亚、南斯拉夫的西南部以及马其顿共和国,北面是罗马尼亚并且沿着多瑙河。 ebigear

Recent studies of migration from countries as far apart as Ghana, Fiji, India and Romania have found support for this“ brain gain” idea.
近期对于地区分散的国家如加纳,斐济,印度和罗马尼亚的移民研究证明了脑力收益这一观点。 ecocn

Some simple work has been passed to Poland and Romania for overnight processing, but the core of the business has stayed in Paris.
一些简单工作在前一天晚上会被转至波兰及罗马尼亚进行,但是企业的中心还是在巴黎。 ecocn

Superstitions are no laughing matter in Romania— the land of the medieval ruler who inspired the “ Dracula” tale— and have been part of its culture for centuries.
迷信在罗马尼亚可不是闹着玩的,吸血鬼的传说自中世纪起就在这个国家流传,并已成为该国文化的一部分。 hxen

The rest of the family— parents and four brothers including Simon— stayed in Romania, finding refuge in a basement.
其余的家人-父母和包括西蒙在内的四兄弟-仍留在罗马尼亚,躲避在一个地下室里。 cri

The bustling port on the Black Sea was an easy gateway from the poorest parts of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova to western Europe and the Arab states.
这是黑海的一个繁忙的港口,是从乌克兰,罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦最贫穷的部分通往西欧和阿拉伯国家的门户。 yeeyan

The photo we took on our trip to Romania was supposed to be for our memory collection. In truth, it belonged to someone else.
我们去罗马尼亚旅游时拍的一张照片原本是想放在纪念册里的,但事实上,它却应该是属于另一个人的。 yeeyan

Though Mueller left Romania for Germany in 1987, she continued to wrestle with the themes of oppression and exile in her novels and poems.
尽管米勒1987年离开罗马尼亚定居德国,但她继续在小说和诗歌中探索着压迫和流亡的主题。 iciba

Thousands of the Parisian bikes disappeared in the scheme’s early stages, turning up as far afield as Romania and Morocco.
在早期,上千辆的巴黎自行车不见了踪影,而出现在远离巴黎的罗马尼亚和摩洛哥。 ecocn

Through its subsidiaries it has around a quarter of the retail markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania.
它的子银行占据了捷克共和国,斯洛伐克和罗马尼亚约四分之一的零售市场份额。 ecocn

To the southwest the delta of the Danube forms the border with Romania.
在西南方向,多瑙河三角洲形成了与罗马尼亚的边界。 ebigear




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