

单词 roma
释义 Ro·ma 英ˈrəʊmə美ˈroməAHDrōʹmə 高COCA²⁷⁸⁷⁴BNC²⁹⁴⁶⁶
n. 罗马名词Rom的复数形¹⁰⁰

a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North Americacapital and largest city of Italy; on the Tiber; seat of the Roman Catholic Church; formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire近义词 Romani罗马尼gypsy吉布赛人Romany吉普赛人Rommany吉普赛人Bohemian波希米亚人Eternal City不朽之城Rome罗马意大利首都…
And it is petrified of the Roma, a people who move around of their own volition and tradition.
人民按照自己的意愿以及传统搬来搬去是罗马精神的活化石。 yeeyan

Robert Rustem, of the European Roma and Travellers Forum based in Brussels, says the case is exceptional and does not reflect practices in Romania or anywhere else.
建立在布鲁塞尔的欧洲罗马和旅客论坛的罗伯特·鲁斯特姆说,这个案例是个例外,并不能反映罗马尼亚或其他任何地方的情况。 yeeyan

Some20 truncheon- wielding Roma youths beat up six young white men outside a disco.
20个罗马年轻人持棍棒在一家迪斯科外面痛打了六名白人; ecocn

The Nazis murdered at least six million Jews in death camps in World War II. Hundreds of thousands of others were also killed there, including Roma gypsies and disabled people.
二战时纳粹毒气室毒死了至少六百万犹太人,除了犹太人之外还有其他几十万人在此丧生,其中包括罗马吉普赛人还有当时老人孩子们。 yeeyan

The treatment of Roma is central Europe's worst social problem, and it could easily turn a lot nastier.
对待罗马的方式问题是中欧最糟的社会问题,并且有可能轻易变得更糟。 topsage

The Roma inspire fear.
“罗马”激起了恐惧。 yeeyan

To hide the Roma is to hide our brothers in rootlessness, and they are an unavoidable and frightening part of our destiny.
掩藏“罗马”,就是掩藏我们正在漂泊中的兄弟。他们是我们命运之中无法回避与恐惧的部分。 yeeyan

After Roma's3-3 draw with Kosice in the Europa League last week, Daniele De Rossi commented that they would ship five goals if they played that badly against an Italian team.
在罗马上周在欧洲联赛与科西塞3-3战平后,丹尼尔·德罗西评论如果他们对阵意大利球队时表现仍然这样糟糕的话将净吞五弹。 yeeyan

As long as the Roma remain persona non grata at the rich lands' tables, the emancipation of the European individual is still on shaky ground.
正是因为罗马人罗马尼亚人仍是在富国名单上不受欢饮的人,因此欧洲个人解放仍旧是可望不可即。 yeeyan

Finally, you skippered a very young United side in the final Champions League group game against Roma.
最后,在冠军杯小组赛最后一场对罗马的比赛中你作为队长率领曼联的小伙子比赛。 yeeyan

From Bulgaria Tosho reminisces about his time as a Roma’s dancing bear.
来自保加利亚的一只叫做托绍的熊回忆它在罗马跳舞的那段时光。 ecocn

Gallas is out of contract at the end of the season, and as such is free to talk to any clubs, with Roma reported to be tracking the former Chelsea defender who turns33 in August.
加拉斯在本赛季结束后合同到期,并可以自由地与其他俱乐部接触。据报道,罗马俱乐部正在追逐这位今年八月满33岁的前切尔西后防队员。 yeeyan

Hatred of the Roma has become a defining issue.
对罗马的憎恨已经成为了决定性问题。 topsage

He considered resigning over France’s expulsion of Roma this summer— but did not.
这个夏天法国排挤罗马,他还考虑引咎辞职,但是没有这样做。 ecocn.org

He may not be the messiah but if Ranieri cannot save Roma, he will at least have made the club a saving.
他可能不是救世主,但如果拉涅利无法拯救罗马,他至少可以帮俱乐部省下一笔开支。 yeeyan

If Inter looked ominous as they moved through the gears against Milan, then Juventus responded in the best possible way with a3-1 win over Roma at the Stadio Olimpico.
如果说国米通过碾碎米兰发出了夺冠的预兆,那么尤文图斯在奥林匹克球场以3-1击败罗马就是最好的回应。 yeeyan

In this outrageous demagogic closing of ranks the Roma are being vilified on one side, and the French are coming under attack by the international media on the other.
在这种毫无可能蛊惑人心的“阶层团结”口号下,罗马人一方面受到恶意的重伤,另一方面法国人受到来自国际媒体的抨击。 yeeyan

Jose Mourinho's side can also capture the Serie A title this season at two points clear of Roma at the top, and they'll play Bayern Munich in the final of the European Champions League.
穆里尼奥的球队很可能以两分的优势力压罗马获得本赛季意甲联赛冠军,并且他们还将在欧冠的决赛中与拜仁慕尼黑队争夺冠军。 hjenglish

One in three Hungarians lives on or below the poverty line; far more among the Roma Gypsy minority.
三分之一的匈牙利人生活在贫困线附近或之下;许多是罗马吉普赛少数民族。 ecocn

The fear of the Roma is an unacknowledged fear of ourselves.
对于“罗马”的恐惧正是对于我们自身恐惧的不承认。 yeeyan

The question of the Roma is not about public or social security, it is about mental security.
罗马人罗马尼亚人的问题不是公共与社会安全的问题,而是精神安全的问题。 yeeyan

The region’s only Roma theater can be found there, and bookstores carry both Slovak and Hungarian magazines.
这个地区唯一的罗马大剧院就在这里,斯洛伐克语和匈牙利语的杂志在书店里同时有售。 yeeyan

Trees planted before the Olympics have since died and the watering system dug up by Roma, who use the area as a camp.
古代奥林匹克运动会被中断之前,罗马人曾在这里种下树木,并挖掘灌溉系统,当时,这里曾是他们的兵营。 yeeyan

We knew Inter would return to fight for the Scudetto, and Napoli and Roma are also fighting.
我知道国际米兰回到了榜首竞争中,而那不勒斯和罗马也在追赶。 yeeyan

With the Roma game he told me a few days before, so I had time to get excited and prepare for it.
对罗马的比赛时,他提前几天就告诉我了,所以我有时间兴奋一把并准备一番。 yeeyan

Roma, however, have no points from two games and serious problems at the back.
罗马两战过后一分未得,他们的防线存在着严重的问题。 yeeyan

Roma is the intersection of ancient and modern civilization.
罗马是古代与现代文明交会的城市。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Roma needed a fresh start, a change of tactics, an injection of new ideas.
罗马需要崭新的开始、战术的变化以及新思想的引入。 yeeyan




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