

单词 roll off
释义 roll off rəulɔf 短语³⁸⁵³²
辗轧; 轧去; 滑离; 机翼自动倾斜

recite volubly or extravagantly;

He could recite the names of all the chemical elements

近义词 reel off一口气说spiel off流利地讲rattle off飞快地说出
If liquid oxygen spills on asphalt or other surfaces contaminated with combustibles, do not walk on or roll equipment over the area of the spill.如果液氧溅到沥青或者其它被可燃物污染的表面,不要在上面行走或辗轧设备。
A huge plane slid off an aerodrome runway.一架巨大的飞机滑离机场跑道。
Loosen window track nuts and slide track off of the window.放松车窗轨道螺帽并且将轨道滑离车窗。 After a long summer of speculation about what would roll off the Apple production line, the products took second billing to Mr Jobs' appearance.
悠长夏季人们对苹果总装下线的新产品充满着猜测,然而新产品的魅力明显不及乔布斯的出现。 blog.sina.com.cn

At South America’s southern tip, the missing BlackBerrys are almost ready to roll off the line.
南美的最南端,黑莓马上就要投入生产。 ecocn

While robots have been around for quite a while, this year saw several mass production household robots roll off the line.
机器人对我们来说已经太熟悉了,这一年有一大堆家用机器人出现。 blog.sina.com.cn

And it coincides with the unveiling of a second new model that will soon roll off the production line at MG Birmingham.
与此同时,即将从 MG伯明翰工厂生产线下线的第二款全新车型也于万众期待之下正式揭幕。 bbs.moocar.com.cn

It doesn't roll off of the tongue quite like“ doctor” or“ lawyer” does, but“ petroleum engineer” could be a contender for the kind of similar, sensible career that parents often wish for their kids.
“石油工程师”这一职业或许并不如“医生”或“律师”等行当耳熟能详,但它很有希望与这些传统的热门行业一争高低,成为家长们希望孩子捧起的另一个“金饭碗”。 fortunechina

She insulted him, but he let it roll off his back.
她骂了他,可是他并不放在心上。 kuenglish

The dock is able to load and unload all kinds of miscellaneous cargo, bulk cargo, roll on- roll off cargo, containers, and petrochemical products.
码头已具备各种杂货、散货、滚装货物、集装箱、石化产品装卸功能。 ebigear

The system is flexible, allowing two different models to roll off the line in exactly the required numbers.
整个系统非常灵活,可以准确按各自需要的数量,同时装配两个不同的车型。 ecocn

You can quickly roll off a few copies of the exercise on the duplicating machine.
你可以在复印机上很快地把这个练习复印几份。 kuenglish




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