

单词 rolling on
释义 rolling on短语³⁵⁴⁴⁸
And while it wouldn't be difficult to get the ball rolling on this, it would be difficult to convince other content providers to abandon Apple and to switch to Sony's content platform instead.
索尼从苹果公司撤出自己的内容不难,要想说服其他内容提供商放弃苹果而转投索尼旗下的内容平台,非常困难。 ttpet

The prison open, the apostle free, the Jews baffled, the wicked king eaten of worms, a spectacle of hidden retribution, and the Word of God rolling on in greater victory.
监门开了,使徒自由了,犹太人失败了,恶王被虫咬死了,神的道日见兴旺,越发广传。 ebigear

The first several hundred plug- in cars started rolling on to American roadways earlier this year, but availability of vehicles is just the beginning.
在美国,第一批几百辆电动插入型汽车今年开始上路,但即将面世的汽车开始爆发。 yeeyan

The beach was absolutely empty and there were no sounds other than the soft murmur of the waves rolling on the beach.
了无人烟的沙滩上寂静空灵,唯有那海浪拍打沙滩的细细喃语。 yeeyan




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