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roll·ing 英'rəʊlɪŋ美'rolɪŋ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁶⁰²BNC⁷⁰⁷⁸iWeb⁴⁶⁵⁵Economist⁴⁷¹⁷ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 🤣adj.旋转的⁴;摇晃的²;波动的⁴n.旋转⁸;滚动⁸⁰动词roll的现在分词形式².原型roll的现在分词 船
Noun: a deep prolonged sound as of thunder or large bellsthe act of robbing a helpless person;he was charged with rolling drunks in the park propelling something on wheels Adjective: uttered with a trill;she used rolling r's as in Spanish rolling stone不定居的人rolling stock铁路运输工具…rolling pin擀面棍rolling mill轧钢厂rolling drunk喝醉酒后摇摇晃晃的…start the ball rolling开始活动set the ball rolling开始活动the way the dice are rolling从形势发展的状况看来…roll卷barrel-roll作桶滚飞行A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔。…be rolling in 富于在 … …keep the log rolling美使工作情况…keep the ball rolling使继续不断地进行下去…set a stone rolling做出可能引起严重后果…have them rolling in the aisle使捧腹大笑rolling sea波涛起伏的海面…rolling resistance滚动阻力rolling direction轧制方向,滚动方向…rolling friction滚动摩擦,第二类摩擦… roll(-ing动名词⇒adj.旋转的⁴;摇晃的²;波动的n.旋转⁸;滚动动词roll的现在分词形式.近义词 定期的…roll卷peal钟声motion移动listing名单tossing抖动movement活动wheeling旋转rolled轧制的tumbling摔跤rocking摇动的trilled颤音的regular有规律的plunging跳进的resonant共鸣的bucking抵消电压undulating波状的continuing连续的resounding响亮的systematic有系统的developing发展中的pitching棒球投掷resonating动词resonate的现…pealing动词peal的现在进行式…reverberating动词reverberat…billowing动词billow的现在进…lurching东倒西歪地行驶, 不稳行…reverberative反射性的反响性的…
名词94%,形容词6% 用作名词A line generated by a point on a circlerollingalong a straight line.一个圆上的某个点在该圆顺着一条直线旋转时形成的线。 In this paper, decarbonization of silicon carbide platelets by using a novelrollingoxidation furnace was studied.采用旋转式氧化脱炭炉这一新设备对碳化硅晶片的氧化脱炭进行了研究。 He saw the white cloudsrollingabove Wall Street.他看见了在华尔街上空滚动着的白云。 He was seriously wounded by arollingstone.滚动的石头使他受了重伤。adj.(rotating 同义词 hilly,undulatingconvolute,convoluted,lurching,resounding,reverberating,undulatecircumrotary,involuted,undulant,volublenoun.rotation 同义词 involution,rotation,volution,wheelingcircum,titubation activeadjective having movement alive,astir,at work,bustling,effective,efficacious,exertive,flowing,functioning,going,hasty,impelling,in force,in play,in process,mobile,movable,moving,operating,operative,progressive,pushing,rapid,restless,running,rushing,rustling,shifting,simmering,speeding,speedy,streaming,swarming,traveling,turning,walking,working billowyadjective surging bouncing,bouncy,bulgy,distended,ebbing and flowing,heaving,puffyrippledrippling,rising,rising and falling,rolling,swelling,swirling,swollen,undulating,waving,wavy flowingadjective gushing, abounding brimming,continuous,cursive,easy,falling,flooded,fluent,fluid,fluidic,full,issuing,liquefied,liquid,overrun,pouring out,prolific,rich,rippling,rolling,running,rushing,sinuous,smooth,spouting,streaming,sweeping,teeming,tidal,unbroken,uninterrupted goingadjective active alive,astir,at work,bustling,effective,efficacious,exertive,flowing,functioning,hasty,impelling,in force,in play,in process,mobile,movable,moving,operating,operative,progressive,pushing,rapid,restless,rolling,running,rushing,rust hillyadjective bumpy craggy,elevated,mountainous,rangy,rocky,rolling,rugged,sloping,steep,undulating,uneven isochronaladjective recurrent alternate,chain,continued,cyclic,cyclical,frequent,habitual,intermittent,isochronous,like clockwork,periodic,periodical,recurring,regular,reoccurring,repeated,repetitive,rolling As chemical precursors stream onto the surface of a rolling metal or plastic substrate, they react with one another to form a network of nanoparticles. 各化学母质流向滚动中的金属或塑料基片的表面,他们互相作用,形成一层纳米级微粒网状结构。 yeeyan The beauty of the structure is that the insurance is sold only on a rolling six- month basis. 这个构造的优美之处在于这种安全保证是以六个月为期限滚动出售的。 ecocn The biggest gripes are always around rolling back complex batch operations. 最大的苦恼往往是关于回滚复杂的批处理操作。 infoq The casks rolling about on the desk knocked against one another. 几只滚动在工作台上的木桶互相碰撞。《新英汉大辞典》 After rolling back the entire cell, you can restart the migration process at your option. 回滚整个单元以后,可以根据您的选择重新启动迁移过程。 ibm An incomplete recovery is a recovery that involves rolling forward the redo logs to bring the database to timestamp as far as the roll forward allows you with some lost of data. 不完全恢复是这样的一种恢复,该恢复包括前滚重做日志,以便数据库恢复到某个时间戳,该前滚操作允许您丢失一些数据。 ibm And even they are“ wheeled organisms” in the loosest use of the term, since they use rolling as a form of locomotion. 而因为他们用滚动作为一种移动方式,以这种形式的最宽松使用来说,他们也只是“轮状组织”。 yeeyan He is large, and his weight spreads from his belly across the seat, like it was a plastic sack full of liquid, rolling in layers upon itself. 他是个大块头,重量在肚子处堆集,然后往座位处分散,肚子就像一个充满液体的塑料袋,表面正在一层一层地滚动着。 yeeyan If you have a single application, or if all your applications are migrated prior to the run time migration, the rolling migration may be accomplished in a matter of hours or days. 如果您只有一个应用程序,或者您所有的应用程序在运行时迁移之前已经进行了迁移,那么滚动迁移将会在大约几个小时或几天内完成。 ibm If you have multiple applications, the rolling migration may take weeks or even months. 如果您有多个应用程序,滚动迁移可能花费数星期或数月。 ibm If your run time environment is running close to capacity, you might consider temporarily adding additional hardware to your configuration during the rolling migration. 如果您的运行时环境运行接近于容量,您可能需要考虑在滚动移植过程中,在构造中临时添加额外的硬件。 ibm If your run time environment is running close to full capacity, you might consider temporarily adding additional hardware to your configuration during the rolling migration. 如果您的运行时环境接近于满负荷运转,您应该考虑在滚动迁移期间为您的配置临时增加一些额外的硬件。 ibm It also supports rolling upgrades of the database or OS software, allowing you to apply fixes without significantly impacting your production system. 它还支持数据库或操作系统软件的滚动升级,这样就能够在不显著影响生产系统的情况下应用修复。 ibm It appears to be the digital equivalent of the rolling blackouts that happen when some minor glitch at a power plant short-circuits the power grid for half the country. 故障原因是出现了滚动删除的等效数值,就好比当发电厂出现一些细小的操作失误时,国家一半的电网出现短路一样。 yeeyan Like the Yellow River, time keeps rolling along. 时间像黄河一样不断滚滚奔腾向前。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The room is like a library of huge fossils, complete with rolling stacks full of shelves of dinosaur bones. 这个房间就像是一个存放巨型化石的库房,可旋转的架子上堆满了恐龙骨骼。 yeeyan Their eggs from rolling down the hillside: Who broke the last egg, will win, all property of all of his eggs. 他们把彩蛋从山坡上滚下:谁的蛋最后破,谁就获得胜利,全部彩蛋都归他所有。 examw There were these rolling waves coming through me where I was laughing and crying. 当我笑和哭的时候,就像是有滚动的波浪涌过我似的。 yeeyan Unfortunately, it is sometimes desirable to have more control over a transaction than simply rolling back every change in the current transaction. 可惜的是,有时候需要的是对事务多一点的控制,而不是在当前的事务中简单地对每一个改变进行回滚。 ibm Unfortunately, whilst we are repeatedly rolling back one incomplete group, there may be other groups available on the destination that are complete but we are not reaching. 不过,在我们重复地回滚某个不完整的组时,目的地上可能有其他完整的组可用但尚未达到进行处理的位置。 ibm Using the rolling upgrade feature allows you to upgrade the cluster with zero or minimal down time. 使用滚动升级特性允许您使用最少的、甚至零停机时间升级集群。 ibm What I have a problem with is the timing of these changes, specifically the rolling registration process. 而我的疑问是关于这些变动中的预选时间问题,特别是滚动报名方式。 yeeyan When rolling down the hill, he snatched at a rock. 在向山下滚的过程中,他一把抓住了一块岩石。《21世纪大英汉词典》 White House to play this game every year, but is rolling eggs on the lawn only. 美国白宫每年也玩这种游戏,只不过是把蛋放在草坪上滚动而已。 examw You could restore only without rolling forward. 可以只进行恢复而不进行前滚。 ibm Rolling back from a failed deployment or if there are problems with the new code can cause some difficulty. 从失败的部署回滚,或者新代码存在问题,都会使得使用者面临一定的困难。 ibm |