释义 |
azzurro 基本例句 阿祖罗 Lavezzi has always expressed his wish to remain at Napoli as he loves the city and has always felt like an Azzurro player in the long term.“拉维奇一直表达他希望留在那不勒斯,因为他喜欢这座城市,他一直都愿意长期成为阿祖罗的球员。” Questi penne e' nuovi,quella specchio e' brutte,quella libro sono vecchia,e quello ombrello sonoazzurroe quello termos e'bella.(这些钢笔是新的,而那些镜子是难看的,那本书是旧的,而那只暖瓶是漂亮的。) Eazzurroil ciel!蓝色的天!月亮没有面纱。 Today, anazzurrois somebody who represents Mr Berlusconi in parliament;15年前,只有国际体育赛事上,意大利才是蓝色,而中庸者走的是中间路线。 |