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词汇 Rohingyas
释义 RohingyasEconomist¹³⁸¹⁸
罗兴迦人¹⁰⁰原型rohingya的复数 The dark- skinned Rohingyas, who have more in common physically and culturally with Bangladeshis than with most Burmese, have always suffered abuse.
深色皮肤的罗辛亚族人,他们在体貌特征和文化上都更接近于孟加拉人,而不是大多数缅甸人,一直遭受虐待。 ecocn

After being held for days on a remote island off Ranong, two groups of nearly1,000 captured Rohingyas and Bangladeshis were forced, at gunpoint, out to sea in the Indian Ocean on several boats.
在远离拉廊的一个小岛上被扣留了几天之后,数量总共接近1000的两群人在枪口的威逼下,坐船离开小岛,漂向印度洋远海。这些人是被泰方抓获的罗辛亚族人和孟加拉人。 ecocn

Aid workers hope the Rohingyas will eventually be granted Bangladeshi citizenship.
援助工作者希望罗辛亚族人最终能获得孟加拉公民身份。 ecocn

Almost all the roughly800,000 Rohingyas today are stateless.
几乎所有大约800000罗辛亚族人今天没有国籍。 ecocn

Army officials claim, without any evidence, that Rohingyas are joining the insurgency.
军方在没有实据的情况下断言罗辛亚族人在加入叛军。 topsage

As usual, that involves more persecution for the Rohingyas, a Muslim minority whom Myanmar refuses to recognise as Burmese.
像以往一样,政府加强了对罗兴伽人的迫害。罗兴伽人是缅甸的一个穆斯林少数民族,但缅甸政府拒绝承认他们的缅甸公民地位。 ecocn

Instead of returning to Myanmar, thousands of homeless Rohingyas regrouped and settled on a30-metre- wide stretch of mud along the banks of the Naf River.
许多无家可归的罗辛亚族人重新聚集在一起并在沿纳夫河河岸的一块30米宽的泥地上安顿下来,而没有返回缅甸。 ecocn

Most of the boat people were Rohingyas, members of a Muslim minority, many of whom had already fled Myanmar once, for Bangladesh.
船民中大多数都是洛兴亚人——穆斯林的一支少数部族。他们其中很多人曾经逃离缅甸,前往孟加拉。 ecocn

Most Rohingyas say that if democracy is established in Myanmar, they will go back.
多数罗辛亚族人说如果缅甸建立了民主,他们将会回去。 ecocn

Not only are there scant signs of change from the repressive ruling junta. But these are also Rohingyas, members of a poor Muslim minority never very welcome at home.
不仅仅因为来自于残暴统治的军政府的变革希望很渺茫,也因为他们是罗辛亚族人,贫穷的穆斯林少数民族的成员,在家里从未受过欢迎。 ecocn

OF ALL the myriad groups fleeing the misery of modern Myanmar, few have suffered more than the Rohingyas, a shunned Muslim minority, concentrated in Rakhine state.
在众多逃离当代缅甸悲惨境况的群体中,很少有像罗辛亚族人遭受了如此多的苦难。这是一个受排斥的穆斯林少数族群,集中分布在若开邦。 topsage

Since1992 Bangladesh has refused to grant the Rohingyas refugee status.
从1992年开始孟加拉拒绝承认这些罗辛亚族人的难民地位。 ecocn

Some28,000 Rohingyas have official refugee status, and live in two camps run by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR.
约有2.8万罗兴伽人具有正式的难民身份,他们生活在由联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 UNHCR管理的2所难民营中。 ecocn

Tal was born out of Operation Clean Heart, a2002 crackdown in which thousands of Rohingyas were rooted out of local villages.
塔尔源于“心脏清理行动” Operation Clean Heart,2002年的一场镇压,在这次镇压中许多罗辛亚族人被赶出了当地村庄。 ecocn

The army has issued blanket denials of any ill treatment without fully explaining what actually happened to the shipwrecked Rohingyas.
同样军方矢口否认任何虐待行为,却没有详细说明那些遭遇船难的罗辛亚族人的实际状况。 ecocn

The army’s denials have been undercut by photographs obtained by CNN, showing soldiers towing rickety boats full of Rohingyas out to sea and cutting them loose.
CNN获得的照片使泰国军方对于放逐难民的否认看起来好像扯谎,照片里摇摆不定的小船上挤满了罗辛亚族人,小船被军方的船用绳索拉着出海,然后士兵割断绳索,弃之大海。 ecocn

They already compete for food, land and jobs with more than 200,000 stateless Rohingyas, who live around Cox’s Bazar, one of the poorest parts of Bangladesh.
库克斯巴扎是孟加拉一处最贫穷的地区,在该地生活着20多万无国籍的罗兴伽人。他们与当地的孟加拉人早已存在对食物、土地和就业岗位的争夺。 ecocn

Rohingyas have been fleeing Myanmar for decades.
罗辛亚族人几十年来一直在逃离缅甸。 ecocn

In Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine formerly Arakan, Rohingyas lead desperately poor lives.
在实兑,若开邦以前叫阿拉干的首府,罗辛亚族人绝望地过着贫穷的生活。 ecocn




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