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词汇 rogues
释义 rogue·s 英rəʊɡ美roʊɡ COCA³⁹⁸⁷⁸BNC²⁷⁷¹⁷Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
a deceitful and unreliable scoundrelrogues' gallery由警察存档的罪犯…rogue in grain无赖透顶的人…rogue elephant离群的凶猛野象…
近义词 dog狗scamp无赖knave无赖varlet无赖villain坏人ruffian恶棍rascal淘气鬼scoundrel无赖scallywag饭桶scalawag无赖汉rapscallion流氓adventurer冒险家reprobate堕落的人wretchC可怜的人…ne'er-do-well没用的人cad卑鄙下流的男人、无赖…

用作名词He gave theroguea smash on the jaw.他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。
Don't get too matey with him; he's arogue.别和他太亲近了--他是个无赖。
The littleroguehad his grandpa's glasses on.小淘气戴上了他祖父的眼镜。用作动词Don Crutchfield is a peeping-Tom and low-level operative for a private detective and aroguepoliceman in Los Angeles.克拉奇菲尔德先生是一个偷窥狂与私人侦探的低级职员以及是洛杉矶游手好闲的警察。
It portrayed a future war between Turkey and America, and arogueTurkish agent detonating a nuclear device in Washington.这一小说描写了未来将在土耳其和美国之间发生的战争,一个游手好闲的土耳其代理商在华盛顿引爆了一个核装置。
By careful selecting androguingthe strain was evolved.这个品种是经过小心的选择与淘汰才培育出来的。用作形容词He carefully drew a bead on therogueelephant and shot it dead.他用枪仔细瞄准一头凶猛而离群的野象,开枪把它打死了。noun.person who deceives, swindles
同义词 con artist,crook,rascal,swindler,villainblackguard,charlatan,cheat,cheater,criminal,defrauder,devil,fraud,heel,hooligan,lowlife,mischief,miscreant,monstrosity,ne'er-do-well,outlaw,problem,rapscallion,reprobate,scalawag,scamp,scoundrel,tricksterbad egg,bad news,black sheep The roundup of rogues includes an ant that snags prey by leaping into the air and leaf- footed bugs that secrete nasty juices to ward off predators.
今年的参赛者中有一种蚂蚁,它能跳到半空中阻截猎物;还有一种足肢长得像树叶的虫子,它在遇到天敌时会喷射难闻的液体。 yeeyan

Are journalists lovable rogues or human- rights crusaders?
他们到底是可爱的流氓还是人权的捍卫者? hjenglish

But Mr Hirst is an artist and, in Western countries, artists are valued as rule- breaking rogues.
但是赫斯特先生是位艺术家,而在西方国家,艺术家同打破常规的恶棍一样宝贵。 ecocn

But with some rogues it is“ vital” to have a “stick in the cupboard”.
但对于某些无赖来说,“哗众取宠”正是吸引公众注意的“关键所在”。 ecocn

Distinguishing between legitimate miners and rogues is hard.
区分合法矿主和非法占有者是个难题。 ecocn

EVERY gang of rogues knows that, when it comes to agreeing an alibi, quality matters more than quantity.
每个流氓团伙都知道,提到合伙串通不在场证据,质量比数量重要。 ecocn

Given his conservative ideas, Mr Halvorssen’s list of heroes and rogues might differ from that of say, Claudio Cordone, the acting head of Amnesty.
由于 Halvorssen保守的思想,他的好人与恶棍的列表可能与比如国际特赦组织的负责人克劳迪奥·科尔多恩的意见相左。 ecocn

Hawks scoff that Mr Obama approaches such rogues with fine words but no stick.

Hunters will generate roughly6 Focus per second, slightly less than rogues' Energy generation rate of around10 Energy per second.
猎人每秒会恢复大约6集中值,略微少于盗贼每秒10能量的恢复速度。 wownei

I do think there is a melee disadvantage, and I do think rogues are probably not quite doing the damage they should in ideal situations.
我认为是存在着近战的输出劣势,而且我认为盗贼在某些场合的伤害表现不如人意。 ngacn

In speculators and ratings agencies, Europe’s left has a ready cast of villains and rogues.
投行和评级机构里,欧洲左翼聚集了一批随时会寻衅滋扰的无赖之徒。 ecocn

It depends on your class. Strength affects Warriors and Paladins, while Agility is for Rogues and Hunters.
这决定于你的职业。力量影响战士和圣骑士,而敏捷影响盗贼和猎人。 ngacn

Moreover, dealing with rogues is high on Europe's agenda.
此外,欧盟议程中是急于要处理那些大奸大恶之人。 ecocn

So finding a way to prevent these rogues from reproducing is high on researchers’ to-do lists.
因此研究人员工作的重点就是找到抑制这些流氓们繁殖的途径。 hjenglish

That scenario would probably be the worst, because rogues would not abandon their efforts and the rest of us would not have done enough research to know what to expect.
这种局面可能是最坏的,因为流氓不会放弃他们的努力,而我们这些人没有做足够的研究,不知道将会遇到什么。 yeeyan

The most heartening aspect of the recent scandals may be that so many were revealed by officers who exposed rogues within their own ranks.
近期丑闻最振奋人心的一点可能就是这些丑闻都是由同一阶层官员中被称为流氓的官员所揭露的。 ecocn

The corruption of the Sisterhood is perhaps the worst atrocity that the surviving Rogues endure.
这些姊妹的堕落可能是因为这些存活的萝格们忍受的最可怕的残酷。 iciba

The court is disliked by many African governments— and not just the rogues' gallery of Ethiopia, Libya and Zimbabwe.
国际刑事法庭被许多非洲国家所嫌弃,而并不仅仅是像埃塞俄比亚,利比亚,津巴布韦这样的榜上有名的流氓国家。 ecocn

This means Rogues will likely socket for hit, while Druids socket for Strength or Agility.
这意味着盗贼可能会希望插命中的宝石,而小德可以选择插力量或敏捷。 xici

Wells Fargo officials say they rejected the worst subprime products, and they portray their former employees as disgruntled rogues who subverted bank policies.
富国银行的领导称他们拒绝了最严重的次级抵押贷款产品,还说以前的员工像不满的流氓一样破坏银行的政策。 yeeyan

With their exceptional perception they can even find hidden foes from a safe distance, which makes them the natural adversaries of rogues.

Yes, Mr Mugabe is horrible, says another, but there are“ any number of rogues” in Africa.
诚然,穆加贝是可怕的,另一位外交官讲道,但是非洲地区还是有“其他一些暴君”的。 ecocn




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