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词汇 Rogers
释义 Rogers.
JIM Rogers, international investor, author and adventurer, sat down with Shanghai Daily recently to discuss his views on China's economy, inflation outlook and commodity prices.
吉姆•罗杰斯,国际投资者,作家和冒险家,日前做客上海日报谈论他对中国经济、通胀预期和商品价格的看法。 yeeyan

Mr. Rogers said he understands that using Chinese- made equipment may undermine that goal.
罗杰斯说,他认为使用中国制造的设备会削弱这一目标。 iciba

Richard Rogers is one of them.
理查德•罗杰斯就是其中之一。 yeeyan

Richard Rogers offers to cover up railway lines that dissect the city by placing huge green spaces and networks above them.
理查德•罗杰斯提议将巨大的绿色空间和网格遮盖在那些割裂城市的铁路线上。 yeeyan

The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is Republican Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan.
众议院情报委员会主席,密歇根州共和党众议员迈克罗杰斯。 yeeyan

“ They were quite positive about the idea, ” said Ms. Rogers, who is a director of the university’s Human Factors and Aging Laboratory.
大学里的人为因素老化试验室的主任,罗杰斯女士说:“他们对这个想法的反应相当积极。” yeeyan

“ To the czars I say, Nyet,” Rep. Harold RogersR-Ky. said in support of the amendment.
“我对垄断者说不”代表人哈罗德·罗杰斯在支持修正案时说。 yeeyan

Awareness of the threat and tracing the attacks to a specific government are two of the problems with cyber- espionage, Rogers says.
意识到威胁,和追查到一个特定的政府的攻击,是关于网络间谍行动的两个问题,罗杰斯说。 yeeyan

He is now the chairman of Rogers Holdings.
他现在是罗杰斯控股的主席。 yeeyan

Huang and Rogers and their team use an array of interconnected and flexible silicon photodetectors on a thin, elastic membrane, which can easily change shape.
黄和罗杰斯及其团队在一个有弹性的薄膜上使用互联可变硅片照片检测器数组,数组可随便改变现状。 yeeyan

In 1970 he and his business partner Jim Rogers opened Soros Fund Management.
1970年,他和合伙人吉姆·罗杰斯开创了索罗斯基金管理公司。 yeeyan

New estimates put losses from intellectual property espionage at about a trillion dollars a year, Rogers says.
最新的估计,因为知识产权间谍的损失约一万亿美元一年,罗杰斯说。 yeeyan

This year, Rogers announced he is starting a new index fund focused on agriculture, mining and energy sectors.
今年,罗杰斯宣布他正在建立一个新的关注农业、矿产和能源领域的新的指数基金。 yeeyan

Trade mark specialist Fiona McBride, from law firm Withers and Rogers, said the move was“ not as unexpected as it may sound”.
来自于威瑟斯和罗杰斯律师公司的商标专家菲奥娜麦克布赖德说:此举是“听起来并不意外”。 yeeyan

While bullish on gold, Rogers said silver and palladium will perform even better.
在看涨黄金的同时,罗杰斯认为银和钯的表现还会更好。 iciba

Rogers believes global surveillance for influenza outbreaks should keep an eye on Arctic ice.
罗杰斯认为,全球对流感爆发的监测应该留意北极冰河。 yeeyan

Rogers is reputed to have been a very gifted clinician.
罗杰斯是一个非常具有天赋的临床医师。 yeeyan

Rogers said he owns all four major precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.
罗杰斯说,他拥有全部四种贵金属:金、银、铂和钯。 iciba

Rogers worries that a blind jump to gas could leave the country dependent on yet another fossil resource, without stemming the rate of climate change.
罗杰斯担心,盲目地跳向天然气会让整个国家不得不依赖其他的化石燃料,却不能减缓甚至逆转气候变化的进程。 yeeyan

Rogers's remarks came as commodities prices, after suffering a big slump in the second half of last year and early this year, have mostly rebounded.
大宗商品价格经历了去年下半年和今年年初的大幅下跌之后,大多已经反弹,罗杰斯正是在这样的情况下说出这番话的。 iciba




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