释义 |
azuki 基本例句 小豆姓,日本 However, the ovipositional experience onazukibean did not increase the host preference on it.二隔离寄主处理对产卵偏好之影响,结果显示寄主隔离会造成载卵压力。 It is prepared by boiling and mashingazukibeans and then sweetening the paste with sugar or honey.它的做法是,先将红豆煮熟,捻成泥状;再在红豆泥里加入糖或是蜂蜜以增加甜味。 Rinseazukibeans thoroughly clean.Place beans in a large pot of water and let soak overnight or at least 4 hours.红豆洗净,放入一大锅清水中隔夜浸泡或至少4小时。 In the no-choice tests, females acceptazukibean or mung bean as host without significant difference in preference.影响雌虫产卵因子有许多曾被提出,例如寄主种类、寄主大小、寄主数量、遭遇前后不同寄主的情况下等。 Female showed significant host preference onazukibean even they had oviposited on mung bean.从成虫产卵经验证实绿豆象具有学习经验,表现在寄主接受度上。 The result showed that females shortened the acceptance time onazukibean when they had ovipositional experience on mung bean.此时提供两种寄主豆产卵时,依然偏好红豆产卵,隔离寄主时间愈久,并未提高在绿豆上产卵百分比。 |