

单词 Rodgers
释义 Rod·gers 英ˈrɒdʒəz美ˈrɑdʒəzAHDrŏjʹərz 高COCA¹²⁵⁷³BNC²³¹⁵⁹
Brendan Rodgers must decide whether to restore the fit-again Scott Sinclair to a team that has enjoyed more possession than United this season.
布兰登·罗杰斯必须决定的是是否需要雪藏刚刚伤愈的斯科特·辛克莱尔,因为这个赛季的他更喜欢享受获得比曼联更多的控球权的打法。 yeeyan

Calbraith Rodgers had succeeded in becoming the first pilot to fly across the United States.
卡布瑞斯?罗杰斯最终成为成功飞越美国大陆的第一位飞行员。 jukuu

Paul Rodgers from Free, Bad Company, and the Firm.
保罗·罗杰斯,自由乐队,坏伙伴乐队。 blog.sina.com.cn

Richard Rodgers also wrote“ Spring is Here”, this time with Lorenz Hart.
理查德•罗杰斯还写了首《春天在这里》,这首哥是他与劳伦兹•哈特联手创作的。 hjenglish

Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song for the movie“ State Fair” in1945.
在1945年理查德•罗杰斯和奥斯卡•汉默斯坦为电影《嘉会良缘》创作了这首歌。 hjenglish

Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song for the movie“State Fair” in 1945.
1945年,理查德•罗杰斯和奥斯卡•汉默斯坦为电影《嘉会良缘》写了这首歌。 hjenglish

The idea of the nature of teaching process is an important part of Rodgers's thought on education.
罗杰斯教学过程的本质观是他整个教育思想的重要组成部分。 cnki

The Packers' coach has said Aaron Rodgers will be the starter. There's also talk of a possible trade to the Minnesota Vikings.
包装工队教练说亚伦罗杰斯将担任首发球员,但也有消息说他可能与明尼苏达海盗队交换球员。 putclub

American Michael Rodgers was third in9.96 ahead of a third Jamaican, Michael Frater, who clocked 10.01.
美国人迈克尔罗杰以9.96秒领先牙买加人迈克尔·弗雷特10.01秒的成绩0.33秒还多的表现排在第三。 yeeyan

For her book, Rodgers interviewed people who performed heroic acts, such as saving someone's life, and activists who risked everything for a cause.
关于她的书,罗杰斯采访了那些曾经扮演过英雄角色的人,就像挽救他人的生命,还有那些为一件事情而不惜冒任何危险的人。 yeeyan

I've been in Vegas for the Super Bowl, and to some other pretty wild parties, aaron rodgers jersey, but have found that I prefer watching the “ big game” from my own house.
我已经在拉斯维加斯的超级碗、和其他一些漂亮的野生政党,亚伦罗杰斯泽西来,但是发现相比,我更喜欢看“大赛”从我自己的房子。 leopo

In 1949, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical“ South Pacific” opened on Broadway.
1949年,罗杰斯和汉默斯坦音乐剧“南太平洋”打开百老汇。 blog.sina.com.cn

In his1962 book Diffusion of Innovations, sociology professor Everett Rodgers dissected the trajectory of trends and innovations— speaking of early adopters and laggards.
社会学教授 Everett Rodgers在他1962年的著作《创新的扩撒》中剖析了潮流和创新的发展轨迹——通过描述早期尝试者和落后的人群。 yeeyan

It was the first home game in charge for Brendan Rodgers who moved from coaching the youth team in the summer.
这是布兰丹·罗杰斯今夏出任青年队教头后的首场主场比赛。 www.chelsea.net.cn

Paul's earliest influences ranged from the music of composers Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart to guitarist Wes Montgomery and singer Van Morrison.
最早影响保罗作曲风格的有作曲家理查德·罗杰斯和洛伦兹·哈特,吉他手维斯·蒙哥马利及歌手凡·莫里森。 www.sdx.js.cn

The following year, Pittsburgher Calbraith Rodgers flew his airplanea Wright Flyer from coast to coast— the first transcontinental flight in history.
接下来的一年,匹兹堡的罗杰斯驾驶他的飞机赖特飞行员跨海岸飞行—历史上第一次横贯大陆的飞行。 gd.whbc.com.cn

The decision puts APCC in line with national environmental groups that have supported the project, Rodgers said.
这一决定使共同体在支持该项目方面与国家环保团体的意见相符合,罗杰斯说。 dltcedu

Throw in the guest appearances by Carlos Santana and Chic maestro Nile Rodgers and blues heaven is complete!
扔在卡洛斯桑塔纳和别致的艺术大师尼罗罗杰斯和蓝色天堂客串就完成了! zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org




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