

单词 azt
释义 azt

an antiviral drug trade name Retrovir used in the treatment of AIDS; adverse side effects include liver damage and suppression of the bone marrow近义词 Retrovir齐多夫定zidovudine叠氮胸腺
After two years of intense ACT UP protests over the price of its drug, AZT, Burroughs Wellcome lowers AZT's price by 20%.
两年对艾滋病防护药激烈的抗议后,巴勒斯·维尔康姆对艾滋病防护药的价格降低了20% 。 ausbio

However, modified AZT molecules lack a specific chemical group a hydroxyl group that would allow DNA replication to continue. This results in premature termination of DNA synthesis.
叠氮胸苷 AZT缺少可以使 DNA继续复制的特殊化学基团羟基,这就导致了 DNA合成的过早终止。 dxy

Human Immunodeficiency Viruses HIV can be transmitted from mother to child. The current recommendations for perinatal antiretroviral therapyART drugs include Zidovudine AZT and Nevirapine NVP.
艾滋病病毒可以通过母体直接传播给婴儿,目前最常使用的预防艾滋病母婴传播抗病毒治疗药物包括齐多夫定 AZT、奈韦拉平 NVP。 chemyq

In this article, we have succeeded to synthesize polysaccharide sulfates containing AZT from water-soluble starch for the first time.
本文中首次报道了以水溶性淀粉为原料合成含 AZT硫酸化多糖。 cnki

The incorporation of AZT into mitochondrial DNA is another.
叠氮胸苷 AZT整合入线粒体 DNA是另一种可能。 dxy

The synergism of AZT combined with FLX was studied by using microbiologic method and SEM.
用细菌学方法、扫描电镜的方法考察 AZT对 FLX的体内增效作用。 cnki

According to the national wastewater discharge standard and request of total amount of pollutant, it is essential to develop the research of AZT pharmacy wastewater treatment technology.
根据国家污染源达标排放和污染物总量控制要求,开展齐多夫定制药废水达标处理技术研究是必要的。 cnki

Drugs such as AZT helped to impede the development of the disease, but had severe side-effects.
像 AZT这样的药品能够帮助阻止艾滋病的进展,但是副作用非常大。 yeeyan

Even so, they are often given AZT, a drug believed to lengthen the lives of those with full-blown AIDS.
尽管如此,他们往往还是会接受 AZT治疗,一般相信这种药物可以延长艾滋病发病者的生命。 www.en211.com

However, long-term use of AZT may lead to side-effects in some patients.
但是长期应用会对某些患者产生副作用。 dxy

Johnson acknowledged that he has in the past taken AZT, the antiviral drug typically administered when a person's helper T- cell count drops to500.
约翰逊承认他曾服用 AZT,这种药物一般开给体内辅助性 T细胞数量少于500的人服用。 ebigear

One of these studies has found that of the ten licensed compounds tested, only AZT inhibited replication of XMRV.
其中一个研究已发现在十个已测的得到批准的混合物中,只有 AZT艾滋病防护药抑制了 XMRV的繁殖。 ecocn

RESULTS AZT inhibited growth of HO8910 cell and the effect was in a time dependent manner and dose dependent manner.
结果 AZT对 HO-8910细胞的生长有抑制作用,并有时间依赖关系和剂量依赖关系。 iciba

She's got AZT.
她得了艾滋病。 ebigear

The oldest AIDS drugs, such as AZT, block a stage of this copying process.
最古老的 AIDS药物 AZT就是阻止了这个复制过程。 dxy

The patient showed that tetter didn't appear today after taking twice AZT.
病人来电话告知,今天服用两次 AZT目前无皮疹出现。 itpc-china

Zidovudine AZT or Tenofovir TDF are recommended as less toxic and equally effective alternatives.
建议使用毒性更小但效果相同的齐多夫定 AZT或泰诺福韦 TDF作为替代品。 who

AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia.
但AZT会引发严重的副作用,像是贫血。 iciba




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