

单词 rocky
释义 rocky 英ˈrɒkiː美ˈrɑkiAHDrŏkʹē ★☆☆☆☆高T四COCA⁷⁶¹⁷BNC⁸⁹⁰⁷iWeb⁷³⁵⁰Economist¹⁰⁷⁷⁶

abounding in rocks or stones;

rocky fields

stony ground

bouldery beaches

causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements;

a rough ride

liable to rock;

on high rocky heels

full of hardship or trials;

the rocky road to success

they were having a rough time

Rocky Mountains落基山脉rocky island基岩岛rocky soil石质土,岩石类土壤…rocky ground岩石地面rocky desert岩质沙漠rocky shore岩岸rocky reef岩礁rocky heads高积泡沫rocky ledge岩架rocky area岩石区rocky tundra石质冻原rocky coast岩石海岸
rock-y的⇒adj.岩石的⁷⁶;像岩石的³;坚硬的¹¹;麻木的;困难重重的;摇晃的;不稳定的非常记忆rock石头〖熟词〗+y树杈〖编码〗⇒石头上的树杈坚如磐石近义词 hard硬的stony石头的rough粗糙的jolting震动jolty摇动的bumpy颠簸的jumpy跳跃的wobbly摆动的shaky不稳固的pebbly多卵石的troubled不安的difficult困难的gravelly多碎石的unsteady不稳定的insecure不安全的bouldery漂砾类的unsound腐烂变质的uncertain不确定的bouldered多岩石的

用作形容词There is arockypath up the mountain.那里有一条上山去的多岩石的小路。
Only littlerockyislets could have been seen.人们只能看见一些多岩石的小岛。
Sea stars are spiny, hard-skinned animals that live on therockysea floor.海星有着带刺坚硬的身体,生活在海底的岩石上。
There also was hisrockycollegiate career, in which his acceptance of payments from a booster landed the school on NCAA probation.喇嘛的大学职业生涯是困难重重的,要知道他在大学期间是靠接受学校一个捐赠者的资助来完成学业的。adj.rugged, stony
同义词 craggy,jagged,roughbouldered,flinty,hard,inflexible,lapidarian,lithic,pebbly,petrified,petrous,rock-ribbed,rockbound,solid,stonelike
反义词 even,smoothdependable,flat,flexible,happy,healthy,steady,yieldingadj.unyielding, inflexible
同义词 rough,rugged,toughadamant,bloodless,firm,flinty,hard,impassible,insensate,insensible,insensitive,obdurate,pitiless,rocklike,solid,steady
反义词 calm,courteous,easy,even,facile,gentle,level,mild,moderate,nice,refined,smooth,sophisticated,weakdependable,flat,flexible,happy,healthy,yieldingadj.doubtful, undependable
同义词 shaky,tricky,unstable,unsteadydizzy,ill,rickety,sick,sickly,staggering,ticklish,tottering,uncertain,unreliable,unwell,weak,wobbly
反义词 stable,steadydependable,flat,flexible,happy,healthy,smooth,yielding
ailingadjective not feeling well
below par,debilitated,diseased,down,down with,enfeebled,feeble,feeling awful,ill,indisposed,run down,sick,sick as a dog,sickly,under the weather,unwell,wasting,weak
chancyadjective dangerous, risky
craggedadjective rough
craggyadjective jagged
hardadjective rocklike
hard-bittenadjective hard
adamantine,callous,compact,compacted,compressed,concentrated,consolidated,dense,firm,hard as nails,hard-handed,hardened,hardy,impenetrable,indurate,indurated,inflexible,iron,packed,rigid,rocky,rugged,set,solid,stiff,stony,strong And the Rocky Mountains, near Wickwar’s lab, can cause atmospheric waves, which could be a special feature of his location.
威克威尔实验室附近的落基山脉能引发大气波,这可能是他所在地区的一种特性。 yeeyan

Angling through them is part of the Rocky Mountain Trench, a valley that extends from Montana to just south of the Yukon.
在这些云彩之间错落有致的线条是落基山沟,一条从美国蒙大拿州延伸到育空河南面的峡谷。 yeeyan

The evidence suggests it has a nickel- iron core like the Earth’s, overlain by a rocky mantle.
有证据表明它的地核也象地球一样由镍、铁元素组成,表面由岩石地幔覆盖。 ecocn

The rocky soil deducts from the value of his property.

All six are larger than Earth and are likely composed of mixtures of rocky material and gas.
这六颗行星都比地球要大,而且很可能由岩石物质和气体混合物组成。 yeeyan

Along Iwate's rocky coast, four commercial ports once offered hope, but these have been squeezed by bigger ports to the north and south.
沿着岩手的岩石海岸,四个商业港口曾经是其希望所在,但现在已被北方和南方更大的港口所压制。 ecocn

As for that ancient moon’s rocky core?
至于那颗古老卫星的岩石内核呢? yeeyan

As graceful and deadly as it is in the air, it looks clumsy on the rocky perch.
与它在空中优美的和致命的姿态相比,它在岩石上栖息的样子看上去相当笨拙。 yeeyan

Black mambas live in the savannas and rocky hills of southern and eastern Africa.
黑曼巴生活在非洲东南部的干燥大草原和岩石山丘上。 yeeyan

But we will know there's a rocky planet warmed up by its proximity to a campfire, if you will, where water could be liquid.
但我们知道那里有一颗岩石行星,以接近篝火的温度被温暖着,如果你愿意相信的话,那里可能由液体。 yeeyan

Despite the green hues in this image, these rocky islands are too cold to sustain more than a smattering of low-growing vegetation.
除了图中绿色的部分,这些气候严寒,主要为岩石构造的岛屿上,只有极少数低矮植物可以生存。 yeeyan

Does it even have a solid, rocky surface on which life can gain a foothold, or is it like a mini- Neptune, with a kernel of solid stuff at its core and the rest mostly swirling gases?
它拥有的是那种可供生命立足的坚硬的岩石表层,还是像一个迷你的海王星一样在核心部位有一个坚固材质的内核,而其它部分大都是漩涡状的气体? yeeyan

Heidi then described to him the rocky mountain with the two high peaks so exactly that the grandfather was delighted.
于是海蒂向他描述那座遍布岩石且有两个尖利山峰的山,她描述的那么详细,爷爷听了非常高兴。 yeeyan

I even left my torch in my other camera bag, so I had to climb down a steep rocky cliff in the dark to get this picture.
我甚至把我的手电筒遗留在了另外一个相机袋中,所以只能在黑暗中攀爬一个陡峭的岩石悬崖去拍照。 yeeyan

If so, it would suggest that rocky planets are common, and hints that most such planets have water.
如果属实,这将表明岩石行星很普遍,而且暗示了大多数此类行星都含水。 yeeyan

No man has ever set foot on that rocky island; it's impossible to land there.

On rocky hillsides there are wooden huts and in wooded valleys, towns of brick.
在多岩石的山坡上有木制的小屋,而在树木繁茂的山谷有砖建的城镇。 putclub

So America has not only its Bush and Kennedy clans, but the Daley family of Chicago, the Cuomos of New York, the Udalls of the Rocky Mountain states.
因此,美国不仅只有布什和肯尼迪家族,还有芝加哥的戴利家族,纽约的科莫家族,位于落基山附近几个州的乌道尔家族。 yeeyan

So Saturn might once have had more— one of which could have had a rocky core surrounded by a shell of water ice.
所以土星也许曾经有过多个卫星-其中一个可能是由水冰外壳包裹着岩石核心构成。 yeeyan

The stream brawled over a rocky bed.

The exoplanet is a few times the mass of Earth, but it should still be small enough to be rocky rather than a gas giant like Jupiter.
这个系外行星的质量是地球的几倍,但是它还是足够小而能够由岩石构成,而不是像木星是一团巨大的气体。 yeeyan

The implication is that the gases in the mantle came not from the sun but from the early accretion of rocky material.
这就暗示了,这些地幔中的气体不是来自太阳的,而是来自早期的岩石物质的增长的产物。 yeeyan

These rocky slabs are converging at a rate of3 inches80 mm per year, according to the USGS.
据美国地质勘探局说,这些岩石板块以每年3英寸80毫米的速度会聚。 yeeyan

This is not because it has diamonds but because it believes it is the jewel of the western Rocky Mountains.
这并非是因为该州盛产钻石,而是因为该州认为自己是落基山西部山脉上的一颗明珠。 tingvoa

To assert its dominance, America wanted to send pioneers to other worlds: the gas giants beyond the rocky planets of the inner solar system.
为了维护统治地位,美国希望可以把先驱者派往其他世界:越过太阳系内部的岩石类行星到气态巨星上去。 yeeyan




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