

单词 rock wall
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It was suspended in the middle of the rock wall. There were many connected rooms built into a natural opening in the rock.
在岩壁自然的凹处建有许多相互联接的房子。 yeeyan

The front yard was terraced on three levels with a sidewalk down the middle and a rock wall between the middle and ground levels.
前院的地面有高低三层,中间一层有条小道延伸出去,中间一层和地面最底那层之间有道石墙。 blog.sina.com.cn

The climb is straight up the face of a rock wall.
攀岩是直接在岩石表面向上攀登。 yeeyan

The excavation of foundation for rock wall crane beam is the key of whole construction.
岩壁吊车梁壁座的开挖成型是整个岩壁梁施工的关键。 cnki

Based on this, the stability of the surrounding rock mass and the rock wall crane girder is evaluated.
在此基础上,对洞室围岩及岩壁吊车梁的稳定性进行了评价。 cnki

Lastly, based on the above research, this paper gets a rapid method of stability analysis of tunnel rock wall which is fit for modern information construction.
最后,在以上研究工作的基础上得出了一套快速的、适合于现代信息化施工的隧道围岩稳定性分析的方法。 cnki

Malone stepped close to a waist-high rock wall.
马龙走进齐腰高的石墙。 yeeyan

This one descended a sheer rock wall to lick salt and other exposed minerals.
这只山羊下到一处峻峭的崖壁,舔食盐和其它裸露的矿物质。 yeeyan

Through the author's effort, program BMP has the function of fore analysis and back analysis to the tunnel rock wall, it changes into a relatively perfect system.
BMP程序对隧道围岩具有正分析和反分析功能,并且通过作者的努力,其成为了一个比较完善的系统。 cnki

When pushing your way up a rock wall, your legs and feet are your most important tools.
当你攀着岩壁向上爬,你的双腿和双脚是你最重要的工具。 edu.beelink.com.cn

Zedekiah Smith took up the lantern and without looking back they passed through the opening in the rock wall.
泽德凯亚·史密斯提起马灯,两人头也不回地走向岩壁的出口。 yeeyan




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