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词汇 roboticists
释义 roboticistsCOCA¹⁶¹²⁴³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
And all this is especially interesting to roboticists who want to build machines with flexible appendages, ideal for rescue bots working in disaster areas or surgical machines weaving through a body.
机器人专家对这一切特别感兴趣,因为他们想制造带柔性附属肢体的机器----这种机器非常适合在灾难现场进行搜救工作,或在体内蜿蜒穿行完成外科手术。 yeeyan

Do we need an excuse to show you a gallery of the most amazing, mind-bending mechanical spiders ever to emerge from the fevered brains of roboticists?
为你展示一组出现在狂热的机器人专家大脑中,最令人惊讶、最离奇古怪的机械蜘蛛图画还需要理由吗? yeeyan

“ Roboticists usually just see objects as obstacles to be avoided,” he says“ But they can help us.”
“机器人专家通常只想到没有障碍物体,”他说,“但是,那些从事处于非正常位置物体工作的机器人,对我们帮助更大。” yeeyan

A team of roboticists at Cornell University have created tiny flying robotic insects using3-D printing.
一支来自康奈尔大学的机器人专家队伍用3D打印技术创造出了微型的机器飞虫。 yeeyan

At present, robots are not sophisticated enough to be made to behave ethically. Prof Winfield says that means roboticists building them need to behave ethically instead.
目前,机器人还不足以老练到可以表现出符合伦理道德的行为。温菲尔德教授说,这意味着制造这些机器人的专家自己需要表现出道德行为来代替。 yeeyan

But whereas roboticists building humanoid forms can already try to mimic the human brain’s layout in their computing, Laschi said that “ with the octopus, we’re not at that level— yet.”
但是,尽管制造仿人机器的机器人专家,已经能够在他们的计算中模仿人脑的结构了, Laschi承认:“对于章鱼,我们还没到那个水平。” yeeyan

From performing household chores, to entertaining and educating our children, to looking after the elderly, roboticists say we will soon be welcoming their creations into our homes and workplaces.
从帮助人类打理家务,到娱乐和教育我们的小孩,再到照顾老年人,机器人专家说我们很快就会把他们的发明迎接到我们的家庭和工作场所。 yeeyan

In order to create the ornithopters, the Cornell roboticists used an Objet EDEN260V3-D printer.
康奈尔大学的研究人员用了一台 Objet Eden260V3D打印机来制造扑翼机。 yeeyan

It may also help roboticists, he says: “ In biomimetics, understanding the function of an important feature like arm swinging can help produce stable robots.”
同时,这也对机器人专家大有帮助。他说:“对于仿生学来说,了解了诸如手臂摆动这样重要特征的功能是什么,就可以造出稳定的机器人。” yeeyan

Last July computer scientists, artificial- intelligence researchers and roboticists met in California to discuss the risk.
去年7月,计算机科学家、人工智能研究者与机器人专家齐聚加利福尼亚,讨论上述风险。 ecocn

Many roboticists are concerned with maximizing performance independent of energy use, while Andy Ruina is trying to maximize energy use.
许多机器人专家都关心使用能源来最大限度的提高性能,而安迪瑞那关心的是最大限度的使用能源。 yeeyan

Most of the world focused on the controller- free interface, but roboticists saw something else entirely: an affordable, lightweight camera that could capture3-D images in real time.
大多数人在关注自由控制界面的时候,机器人研究专家发现了完全不同的东西:一个价格适中轻便的照相机,它真正实现了拍摄3D图片的功能。 yeeyan

Prof Winfield says that means roboticists building them need to behave ethically instead.
温菲尔德教授说,这意味着制造这些机器人的专家自己需要表现出道德行为来代替。 yeeyan

This April, several thousand young roboticists will fill an arena in Atlanta to compete for the right to claim the2008 FIRST trophy.
今年四月份,数千位年轻的机器人专家将云集亚特兰大的竞技场,角逐2008 年 FIRST的至高荣誉。 ibm

This discovery could help roboticists interested in building self- assembling flotation devices.
这一发现有助于机器人研究者发明具有自身组装能力的漂浮设备。 yeeyan

This would let roboticists focus their attention on taking the technology forward.
这将会使机器人专家将注意力更多地集中于开发新的技术。 yeeyan

With robots now poised to emerge from their industrial cages and to move into homes and workplaces, roboticists are concerned about the safety implications beyond the factory floor.
随着目前机器人逐渐准备脱离工厂的限制进入普通人类家庭和一般的工作场所的趋势,机器人学家对牵涉安全问题的关注已经超出保护工厂员工的范围。 ecocn

Roboticists have begun to think about what robots have in common and what aspects of their construction can be standardised, hopefully resulting in a basic operating system everyone can use.
机器人专家开始思考所有机器人的共性所在,以及从某种角度对机器人的生产进行标准化设计的可能性,这样的思考最终可能形成一种所有人都可以使用的基础机器人操作系统。 yeeyan

Roboticists have put a lot of time and effort into creating machines that function like living things, but what about living things that function like computers?
研制机器人的科学家花费大量时间和心血打造拥有与生物同样功能的机器人,试问,我们能否反其道而行之,让生物也具备和计算机一样的功能呢? yeeyan

Roboticists working on humanoids, he says, “are doing amazing, exciting work, but it’s just not going to drive the robot industry— unless it’s for entertainment purposes.”
他说仿人机器人的开发确实“激动人心,但除了用于娱乐目的之外,没有推动机器人产业的发展。” yeeyan

Roboticists have struggled for decades to understand bipedal locomotion, and even today's most sophisticated robots require huge amounts of energy and computer power to walk on two legs.
机器人专家们已经花了几十年的努力去理解两脚运动,如今最聪明的机器人也需要大量的能量和运算能力来实现双脚行走。 topsage

Roboticists have developed tools to accomplish this task, known as simultaneous localization and mapping, or SLAM.
机器人研究专家已经开发出了一些来完成这项任务的工具,比如同步定位和勘测或者是 SLAM。 yeeyan




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