释义 |
Rob·in·son 英ˈrɒbɪnsən美ˈrɑbɪnsənAHDrŏbʹĭn-sən 高Economist⁸²⁴² 基本英英搭配例句例句 n.罗宾逊⁵⁰姓氏;男子名
Noun: English chemist noted for his studies of molecular structures in plants 1886-1975United States prizefighter who won the world middleweight championship five times and the world welterweight championship once 1921-1989Irish playwright and theater manager in Dublin 1886-1958United States historian who stressed the importance of intellectual and social events for the course of history 1863-1936United States baseball player; first Black to play in the major leagues 1919-1972United States poet; author of narrative verse 1869-1935United States film actor noted for playing gangster roles 1893-1973before you could say Jack Robinson一下子before you can say Jack Robinson转眼间before one can say Jack Robinson一下子Robinson Crusoe and Friday美教堂剧场过…before one could say Jack Robinson一下子,马上…before could say Jack Robinson转眼之间,说时迟那时…before one say Jack Robinson转眼之间,说时迟那时…Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊·克…
名词100% May I present Mr Robinson to you?可否让我向你介绍罗宾逊先生? Mr Robinson wants to pay in kind for the bike.鲁宾逊先生想以实物交换来获得这辆自行车。 Since the ; checks stopped, Ms. Robinson has been evicted from an apartment, found a boy-friend and fallen out with him, and wound up in a shelter for the homeless.自从;支票停止以后,鲁宾逊小姐从公寓被迫迁出来,找到一个男友,跟他闹翻了,最后到了无家可归者的收容所里。 Mr. Robinson says the site maintains its ' trust and word of mouth' by allowing only about15% of its members to invite new members. 罗宾逊说该网站只允许大约15%的会员介绍新会员入会,藉此来保持网站的“信用和口头传播的方式”。 ebigear Next to him was Daryl Robinson, or Robbie. His head was off his shoulders. 上司身边是达利尔·罗宾逊,也可能是罗比,他的脑袋已离开了躯体。 yeeyan The ‘Mission Impossible’ star’s spokesperson, Arnold Robinson, confirmed rumours that the couple was tying the knot soon and that they would be doing so in Italy. 阿诺德.罗宾逊是这位《谍中谍》巨星的发言人。 他证实了有关两人将喜结连里并在意大利办事的传言是真的。 ebigear THE cost of a hotel room in Istanbul has risen by 37% in the past year, according to the latest worldwide survey PDF by Hogg Robinson Group HRG. 根据霍格罗宾逊集团简称HRG最新发布的世界范围的调查,去年伊斯坦布尔的酒店房间价格上涨了37%。 ecocn The manager told me what they asked him and I told him my name was Edward Robinson, of Cambridge. 经理把总部的这个疑问告诉了我,我告诉他我是来自剑桥的爱德华.罗宾逊。 yeeyan This last line of Edwin Arlington Robinson's sonnet“ Credo” expresses the general basis of my belief. 阿林顿。罗宾逊的十四行诗《信条》中的最后一行,概括了我的基本信仰。 hjenglish “ As we all know, social networking has few boundaries, and now AMBER Alerts will benefit from that reach,” said Laurie Robinson, the National AMBER Coordinator for the Department of Justice. “正如我们所知道的,社交网络几乎没有边界,而现在,美国失踪人员应急响应警告将会从中受益,”美国司法部国家失踪人员应急响应助理,劳里罗宾逊说。 yeeyan “ Looking up at the Moon, its surface appears painted with shades of grey, at least to the human eye, ” explained Robinson. “抬头仰望月球时,人类的肉眼至少会看到月球表面呈深浅不一的灰色,”罗宾逊解释道。 huanqiu “ These mosses are effectively the old growth forests of Antarctica—in miniature,” Robinson said. “这些苔藓实际上是南极洲的原生林——微小版本的”,罗宾逊说。 yeeyan An hour passes. Robinson waits patiently on top of a moss-patched boulder. 一个小时过去了,罗宾逊依然在一块布满青苔的卵石上耐心地等待着。 yeeyan Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson, the first black to play in the major leagues, resigned his post as an aide to Rockefeller because he could not back a Republican ticket he saw as racist. 棒球名人杰基.罗宾逊是全美职业棒球联合会第一个黑人球员,辞去了他作为洛克菲勒助手的职位,因为他不能支持一个在他看来是“种族主义者”的共和党竞选班子。 yeeyan Controls are more serious than those of Robinson. 控制系统也比罗宾逊的飞机更严谨。 yeeyan Dr Robinson said' setting the clock back on adulthood and starting again' brings with it a sense of freedom. 罗宾森博士说,“把成年的时钟指针往回拨并重新开始”将带来自由的感觉。 cri If it's golden brown you're after, says Robinson, buy one box of golden brown and one box of neutral brown. 罗宾逊说,如果想染成金棕色,那就买一盒金棕色染发剂,再买一个中性棕色染发剂。 yeeyan If Kevin Garnett had played alongside David Robinson and under Gregg Popovich and owner Peter Holt, maybe Garnett would be the one with the better jewelry collection. 如果凯文加内特能够和大卫罗宾逊一起打球,还能接受波波维奇的指导,那么加内特很有可能会拥有更多的总冠军戒指。 yeeyan In 1998, Robinson was the first Human Rights Commissioner to visit China, including Tibet, where she highlighted the work of dissidents. 1998年,罗宾逊成为首位访华包括西藏的人权专员。在这儿,她高度评价了持不同政见者的工作。 yeeyan In general, Robinson helicopters are the most mass in the world, the company has produced more helicopters than all other helicopter manufacturers in the world put together. 总的来说,罗宾逊直升机是直升飞机公司的世界巨头,这个公司生产的直升机比所有其他直升机公司生产的飞机加起来还要多。 yeeyan In the end, an all- white jury sentences Tom Robinson to death. 结果是,全部由白人组成的陪审团宣判汤姆•罗宾逊死刑。 hjenglish Luckily, Whitman's profile is a big help in this department, according to Robinson. 而据罗宾逊称,幸运的是,惠特曼在这一领域的公众形象帮了大忙。 fortunechina Mr Robinson was coopted on to the standing committee. 罗宾逊先生被增选为新常务委员《21世纪大英汉词典》 Progress had already been miserably slow when in2003 Gene Robinson, who is openly gay, became an Anglican bishop in the US and Pope John Paul II suspended the commission's work. 2003年,公开的同性恋者基恩·罗宾逊成为美国圣公会主教,于是教皇约翰-保罗二世暂停了委员会的工作,结盟的进度极为缓慢。 yeeyan Sheffield Nelson beat Tommy Robinson in the Republican primary and promised to run against me on my tax and spend record. 在共和党的初选中,谢菲尔德.纳尔逊战胜了汤米.罗宾逊,他保证将会对我加大税收和政府开支的履历进行抨击。 yeeyan Sometimes culture resembles“ one big stomped anthill, ” say John P. Robinson and Geoffrey Godbey in their book Time for Life. 有时文明就像是“一个被踩瘪的大蚁冢”,约翰· P·鲁宾逊和杰弗里·戈德比在《生活时间》一书中写道。 ebigear The other day in the White Sea they found a modern Robinson on one of the islands, where he had spent more than two weeks. 前几天,在白海上的某个岛屿上他们发现了现代的鲁宾逊,他已经在那个岛上呆了两周多了。 yeeyan The waste was excavated and put through a series of graded sieves by a team led by Mark Robinson of the University of Oxford. 这些废物被牛津大学的马克.罗宾逊领导的研究小组挖掘、并进行一系列的分级筛分。 yeeyan Yet, while society might conceivably get along without economists, it would be difficult to imagine a world in which economics did not play a role, even the mythical world of Robinson Crusoe. 然而,如果没有经济学家,这个社会可能会发展得更好,不过很难想象一个没有经济学的世界,甚至包括虚构的鲁宾逊世界。 yeeyan Robinson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Obama in 2009. 罗宾逊2009年接受了奥巴马颁发的总统自由勋章。 yeeyan Robinson declined to offer details on coverage under the company’s final offer. 罗宾逊拒绝在公司最后的议案下达前提供任何细节。 yeeyan Robinson was28 when he arrived in the majors. 罗宾森参加大满贯赛时已经28岁了。 yeeyan |