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词汇 Robespierre
释义 Robes·pierre 英ˈrəʊbzpɪə, -piːˌeə, rɔːbesˈpjer美ˈrobzpɪr, -piˌɛr, rɔbɛsˈpjɛrAHDrōbzʹpîr, -pē-âr', rô-bĕs-pyĕrʹ 高COCA⁸³⁷⁰²BNC⁵⁷¹⁹⁹

French revolutionary; leader of the Jacobins and architect of the Reign of Terror; was himself executed in a coup d'etat 1758-1794 The revolution was now under the sway of a fanatical leader, Robespierre.革命现在受制于一位狂热的领袖罗伯斯比尔。 According to Robespierre, who copies Rousseau literally, the legislator begins by decreeing the end for which the commonwealth has come into being.

The law of all is liberty, which ends where the liberty of others begins, according to Robespierre's admirable definition.
全民的法律,这就是自由,按照罗伯斯庇尔的令人钦佩的定义,自由止于他人自由之始。 ebigear

The Revolution had had the word under Robespierre; the cannon had had the word under Bonaparte; it was under Louis XVIII. And Charles X. that it was the turn of intelligence to have the word.
革命在罗伯斯庇尔时期发了言,大炮在波拿巴时期发了言,轮到才智发言,那只是在路易十八和查理十世的统治之下。 ebigear

After he entered the revolutionary leading organ—the Saving the Nation Committee, he became a forceful assistant of Maximilien de Robespierre.
进入救国委员会后,成为罗伯斯比尔的得力助手,参与制定了1793年宪法,主张依法治国和实行革命的恐怖政策; lsfyw

But also true is that America's revolutionary history was exceptional because we had a Washington while the French had a Robespierre and the Egyptians had a Nasser.
可我们也要看到历史的现实是,美国人的革命确实是个特殊的例子,因为我们有华盛顿,而法国人只有罗伯斯庇尔,埃及人只有纳赛尔。 yeeyan

But the violent revolutionists in their midst, led by Robespierre, Danton, and Marat, were opposed to concentrated power only so long as someone else exercised it.
而他们中的暴力革命者,在罗伯斯皮尔、丹东和马拉的领导下,只是反对其他人的集权。 yeeyan

But when Robespierre himself became the leader, he claimed that the division of the powers of government would be a bad thing now that the power belonged“to the people.”
但是当罗伯斯皮尔自己成为了领导人以后,他就声称既然权力已经属于“人民”,那么政府权力的分立就是个坏东西。 yeeyan

Danton’s terror became a murderous rampage. He spoke out against the indiscriminate killing and urged restraint on Robespierre.
丹东式的恐怖演变为杀戮狂暴,对于这种无差别杀人行为,丹东表示了公开的反对,同时他还敦促罗伯斯庇尔保持克制。 ecocn

Danton never killed anyone personally, and by the standards of the merciless Maximilien de Robespierre he was doubtless an angel.
丹东从未亲手杀过人,而且按冷酷无情的马克西米连•罗伯斯庇尔的标准看,他无疑可以被视为一位天使。 ecocn

For Maximilien Robespierre, chief architect of the reign of terror that followed the revolution, God and religion were far too useful in keeping the population in line.
对大革命后恐怖统治的总设计师马克西米连•罗伯斯庇尔而言,如要民众从命,上帝和宗教都极其重要。 ecocn

He eschewed Robespierre’s yearnings for“ moral virtue”, preferring pragmatic paths to national rejuvenation.
丹东回避了罗伯斯庇尔对“道德美德”的渴求,他偏爱实用主义之途,胜过国家复兴之愿。 ecocn

In October he retired to the country and, in his absence, Robespierre consolidated power.
十月份,他归隐田园,而在其离任期间,罗伯斯庇尔巩固了权力。 ecocn

Not until he, Robespierre, shall have accomplished these miracles, as he so rightly calls them, will he permit the law to reign again.

Some of France's greatest luminaries, including Rabelais and Robespierre, are believed to lie somewhere in the massive ossuary.

This mass of rotten and contradictory statements is extracted from a discourse by Robespierre in which he aims to explain the principles of morality which ought to guide a revolutionary government.

Tocqueville's father, jailed with them, escaped only because the guillotine caught up with Robespierre first.
托克维尔的父亲就是在这个时候与他们一起被捕的.后来罗伯斯庇被送上了断头台,他们才幸免于难. ecocn

Were I such, the kings we have vanquished, far from denouncing Robespierre, would lend me their guilty support.
若我是个暴君,被我打到了的那些国王就决不会谴责罗伯斯庇尔,反而会用他们那有罪的手支持我了。 jukuu

Robespierre, who represented himself as spokesman for the people, first said that the division of the powers of government was a good thing when it diminished the authority of the king.
曾自诩为人民代言人的罗伯斯皮尔就首先提出,如果能够消除国王的权威,政府权力的分立就是个好东西。 yeeyan

Robespierre was only31 in 1789, and he was36 when he was sent to the guillotine.
1789年罗伯斯庇尔才31岁,被送上断头台时才36岁。 yeeyan

Robespierre was the founder of French democratic politics and of virtue.
罗伯斯比尔是法国民主政治的奠基人和关德的缔造者。 cnki




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