

单词 roasted
释义 roast·ed 英'rəʊstɪd美'roʊstɪd COCA¹⁰²⁹³BNC⁴¹⁵³⁹iWeb⁸¹⁴⁹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

meat cooked by dry heat in an ovenbe roasted alive受烤刑
近义词 roast烤肉

用作形容词Most pistachios sold in stores areroasted.商店里出售的许多开心果都是烤好的。 His great-great- grandfather, Julius I, started selling roasted coffee beans in Vienna in 1862.
麦尔祖父的祖父—尤利一世1862年开始在维也纳卖烘焙咖啡豆。 ecocn

The times that come are worse, with the family reunited only to be roasted alive in a brazen bull.
接下来的情况更糟了,只有被裹在厚厚的牛皮里,要被活活烤熟时,一家子才能团聚。 yeeyan

The almonds are roasted and salted.
杏仁是经过烤和腌制的。 yeeyan

The dried beans are then roasted, in a similar way to coffee beans.
晒干的豆子将被烘焙,这样的方法就和加工咖啡豆很相似。 hxen

The Wampanoag often ate the berries raw, or else in boiled or ash roasted corn cakes.
万帕诺亚格人经常生吃莓子,或者混在煮或烤的玉米蛋糕中。 yeeyan

Topped with roasted Walnut Sauce.
冠上用烤核桃调味汁。 yeeyan

And if you want to be truly virtuous, go for the real thing: carrot sticks, jicama slices, lightly salted radishes, or roasted sweet peppers chilled in the refrigerator.
如果你真的想变得有道德一些,就选择原始的食物,胡萝卜条、沙葛片、腌萝卜或者在冰箱冷冻过烤甜青辣椒等。 yeeyan

As soon as the chestnut- roaster wiped his forehead and took off his goggles, the crowd rushed forward to buy a bag of hot roasted chestnuts.
等到烤栗人擦擦额头上的汗,摘下护目镜,大家就都蜂拥上前,只为买上一袋热腾腾的烤栗子。 yeeyan

Breakfast in India— here we have rosemary roasted potatoes, Indian tofu scramble, lentils, veggie sausage and banana pepper toast.
印度早餐——这里我们有迷迭香热煨的土豆,印度豆腐,扁豆,素食香肠和香蕉胡椒吐司。 kekenet

Ferment and smoke damage can be easily detected at this point, whereas they might be more subtle when roasted.
发酵过度或是烟尘污染可以在此时发现,这些味道可能在烘焙完成后变得不易察觉。 blog.sina.com.cn

For lunch, it was smoked lamb with zucchini and bean salad or roasted pumpkin and artichoke tart.
午餐我们吃了烟熏羊羔肉配西葫芦、豆类沙拉,还有烤南瓜加蓟菜烤饼可选。 yeeyan

How you eat this versatile food is up to you— cooked and mixed in salads or casseroles, roasted for snacks, or in tofu, tempeh or soy milk.
你吃多少这样万能的食品全都取决于你自己——烹调然后混合作为色拉或者炒菜、烘烤作为小吃,又或者用于豆腐和豆豉,又或者豆奶。 yeeyan

How you eat this versatile food is up to you— cooked and mixed in salads or casseroles, roasted for snacks, or in tofu, or soy milk.
如何食用这种全能食物当然取决于您。您可以将其放在色拉里,或者做成砂锅菜,您也可以烤着当零食吃,或者做成豆腐,豆豉或者豆浆。 yeeyan

If I were stuck on a desert island, the jar I'd treasure is Adams Organic, which has a pure roasted- peanut flavor and a spreadable but thick texture.
如果我被抛弃在荒岛上,我会选择珍藏亚当斯的有机品种,它拥有纯粹的烧烤花生酱风味和容易涂开但是又浓厚的特性。 yeeyan

Instead, when I bite into roasted red peppers, grilled corn on the cob, mangoes, black bean burgers, guacamole, I know this is me as I am.
相反,当我咬着烤红柿子椒,烤玉米棒,芒果,黑豆汉堡,鳄梨调味酱,我知道我就该是这样。 yeeyan

It’s also wonderful in salad dressings as a vinegar substitute, on roasted potatoes and on chicken.
它也可以在沙拉、烤土豆和鸡肉中,巧妙地替代芳香醋。 yeeyan

It's coffee that is painstakingly roasted to bring out aromas and flavors described by terms like pea shoot, dried banana, and hay.
通过煞费苦心的烘焙,咖啡豆才能完全释放出以豆苗、干香蕉和甘草之类的术语才能形容的芳香和风情。 fortunechina

Tableau offers creamy corn soup, roasted beet salad, napoleon of savory tofu and almond or soy milk latte.
在泰布鲁有玉米浓汤,烤甜菜沙拉,拿破仑风味豆腐还有杏仁奶或豆奶拿铁咖啡。 yeeyan

That's because these days, seaweed is roasted before it's used to wrap a maki roll, so the bacteria are dead long before they reach your gut.
这是因为我们今天吃的紫菜,在用来包装寿司卷之前,已经被烤熟了。 来自海洋的细菌到达你的肠道时,都死了好久了。 yeeyan

When coffee beans are roasted we change the temperature during the roasting to enhance the flavour so perhaps the nuts would benefit from that too.
在烘焙咖啡豆的时候,我们常常通过改变温度来增加其香味。或许可以通过同样的方法来改进开心果的口味。 yeeyan

When my entourage and I came across her, she was at the Thames farmer's market, selling fruit and roasted chestnuts.
当我妹妹和我遇见她的时候,她正在泰晤士农产品市场卖水果和烤栗子。 yeeyan

Yes, my starving soul nearly screamed with each voluptuous bite of silky roasted vegetables and chewy crust, yes.
是的,每咬一口柔滑的烤蔬菜和耐嚼的比萨皮,我饥饿的灵魂都几乎尖叫,真的是这样。 yeeyan

Young pigs, chosen for their tender meat, are rotated and roasted thoroughly over a fire pit for hours.
为了使用细嫩的肉烹制,所以必须要选用幼猪,并在火坑上彻底的翻烤数个小时。 yeeyan




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