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词汇 roar
释义 roar 英rɔː, rəʊr美rɔr, rorAHDrôr, rōr ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT4八COCA⁷⁰⁸⁷BNC¹⁰⁸⁵⁶iWeb¹¹⁰⁶⁶Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

vi. 咆哮,轰鸣

give a roar

vt. & vi. 大声喊出

say or express loudly or with force

a deep prolonged loud noisea very loud utterance like the sound of an animal;

his bellow filled the hallway

the sound made by a lion
make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles;

The wind was howling in the trees

The water roared down the chute

utter words loudly and forcefully;

`Get out of here,' he roared

emit long loud cries;

wail in self-pity

howl with sorrow

act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way;

desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town

make a loud noise, as of animal;

The bull bellowed

laugh unrestrainedly and heartily
roar, bellow, bluster, clamour, vociferate

这组词都有“连续不断或拖常地发出声音”的意思。它们的区别是:roar指人或动物为表达各种感情而发出的低沉、嘶哑、拉长的叫喊声; bellow指在空腔中的回响或从远方传来的轰鸣; bluster指风暴的咆哮,引申为声音很大但空洞、无用的叫嚷; clamour指各种声音混杂的吵闹声; vociferate指因为愤怒或激动而发出的叫喊声,尤指呼救声或抗议声。











用作动词 v.
~+名词roar approval大声赞成roar one's commands高声下达命令roar one's displeasure大声地说出他的不愉快的事roar oneself hoarse喊哑嗓子roar an order大声发出命令~+副词roar triumphantly胜利地吼叫roar away overhead飞机从头上轰隆隆地飞过roar down用吼叫压倒某人的讲话声roar out a command高声发布命令roar out a song引吭高歌~+介词roar at对…喊叫roar at the audience使观众哄堂大笑roar into action隆隆响着开始工作roar past us轰鸣着从我们旁边驰过roar with laughter纵声大笑roar with pain痛苦地号叫roar with rage咆哮如雷,愤怒地吼叫
roar at v.+prep.

向…大声叫; 因…大声笑 shout at sb loudly; laugh loudly

roar at sbIt's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.只会靠向孩子吼叫来维持秩序的老师是无能的。
You needn't roar at me.你不必对我大吵大嚷。
The sergeant roared at the soldiers.中士冲着士兵们吼叫。
The audience roared at the pantomime.观众被这场哑剧逗得大笑。
roar down v.+adv.

以大声喊来压倒…的声音 drown the voice of a speaker with loud noise as by shouting

roar sb ⇔ downThe next speaker tried to make himself heard, but the crowd roared him down.下一个发言者力图让人们听他讲话,但被人群的吼叫声压了下去。
roar out v.+adv.

吼叫,表达出… express sth loudly

roar outThe wounded animal roared out in pain.受伤的动物痛得直号叫。roar sth ⇔ outThe baby was roaring out its hunger.婴儿饿得直哭。
The officer roared out a command, and all the soldiers stood to attention.军官大吼一声发出了口令,士兵们全体立正。非常记忆road路⇒踩到路边杂草r后他大声吼叫联想记忆汽车在路road边轰鸣roar谐音记忆音“嗷”⇒嗷嗷吼叫 近义词 cryshoutbellow
S+~+AWho dares to answer back when he roars like a lion?当他像狮子般地咆哮时,谁敢和他顶嘴?
The injured man roared in pain.那位受伤的人疼得大声叫喊。
He roared with anger.他气得大声叫起来。
His jokes made us allroar.他说的笑话让我们大家哄笑不止。
The tiger roared.老虎咆哮。
An aircraft roared away overhead.飞机从头上隆隆地飞过。
Our cannon roared as the enemy ship approached.当敌舰驶近时,我们的大炮隆隆轰击。
Several lorries roared past.几辆卡车轰隆隆地驶过。
She threw more wood into the stove and soon the fire wasroaring.她又在炉子里添了些柴,火很快就呼呼地烧起来。
S+~+ n./pron.He roared an order.他大声发出命令。
The sergeant roared his commands.中士高声下达命令。
He roared his displeasure.他大声地说出他的不愉快的事。
The delegates roared approval of the resolution.代表们大声表示赞成这个决议。
The river roared him to sleep.河流的奔腾声使他入睡了。S+~+that-clauseHe roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声吼叫说,那是违反规则的。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.He was too excited and roared himself hoarse.他过于激动,嗓子都喊哑了。
The crowd roared themselves hoarse.群众叫得声音嘶哑。Puproarn.骚动喧嚣Pbull-roarern.吼板Prip-roaringa.欢闹的Prip-roariousa.欢闹的Priproaringa.吵闹的喧嚷的Proarern.吼叫者患吼喘症的马Puproariousa.喧嚣的热闹的骚动的Proaringn.吼声咆哮怒吼a.风哮雨嚎的咆哮的轰鸣的喧哗的狂暴的



roar用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,也可接“oneself+ adj. ”构成的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常跟副词down, out或介词at, with连用。

用作动词He could onlyroarin a gruff voice.他仅能以沙哑的声音吼叫着。
In the picture, the dragons and tigers won'troar.图画里,龙不吟虎不啸小小书僮可笑可笑。
Weroarall like bears, and mourn sore like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far off from us.我们咆哮如熊,哀呜如鸽。指望公平,却是没有。指望救恩,却远离我们。
Heroaredwith pain.他疼得大叫起来。用作名词Theroarof the train reverberated in the tunnel.火车的轰隆声在隧道里回荡。
The murmur swelled into aroar.窃窃私语的声音变大形成一片喧哗。
The whole room rang with aroar.咆哮声回荡在整个房间里。
A suddenroarcame from the expectant crowd.期待的人群中突然发出一声咆哮。
The machine started up with aroar.机器一声轰鸣开动了。
The cataract deafened the ear with itsroar.瀑布的声音震耳欲聋。noun.grow;howl
同义词 barrage,blast,boom,clamor,cry,drum,explosion,outcry,rumble,shout,thunder,uproarbawl,bay,bellow,bluster,clash,crash,detonation,din,holler,reverberation,yell
反义词 quiet,silencenoun.loud outburst
同义词 guffaw,hoot,howl,laugh,screambelly laughverb.growl, howl
同义词 bark,blast,boom,crash,explode,holler,rebound,resound,rumble,shout,thunder,yellbawl,bay,bellow,bluster,brawl,bray,clamor,cry,detonate,din,drum,re-echo,repercuss,reverberate,roll,sound,trumpet,vociferate
accusationnoun charge of wrongdoing, fault
allegation,arraignment,attribution,beef,blast,bum rap,censure,citation,complaint,denunciation,dido,exposé,gripe,impeachment,imputation,incrimination,indictment,insinuation,recrimination,rumble,slur,squawk,stink
accusationsnoun charge of wrongdoing, fault
allegations,arraignments,attributions,beeves,blasts,bum raps,censures,citations,complaints,denunciations,didos,exposés,gripes,impeachment,imputations,incrimination,indictments,insinuations,recriminations,roars,rumbles,slurs,squawks,stinks
bangnoun explosive noise
barknoun animal yelp
barkverb shout
barkedverb shout
arfed,bayed,cried,gnarled,growled,howled,snapped,snarled,woofed,yapped,yipped A thousand men— about half the number expected to turn up to a dusty bazaar in the city— roar in approval.
台下上千的壮汉狂吼着,表示他们的赞成;这些人当中近半数期待到城市中的一个肮脏集市去闹事。 ecocn

The noise, the roar, the immediacy and urgency of all the dynamic challenges they face will simply be too great.
他们所面对的喧哗声,咆哮声,所有动态变化的直接和紧急将变得不同寻常。 ibm

The noise was more of a “descending scream, building into a deep, rasping roar, and ending in a deafening hiss,” he said.
声音中较多的是渐弱的、刺耳的尖叫声,融入低沉地、令人心焦的咆哮,最后以震耳欲聋的嘶嘶声结束。 yeeyan

The roar from this Dickensian forge in the port of Penang is part of a greater reverberation across Asia.
槟榔屿港口的这家类似狄更斯笔下噪声轰鸣的锻造工厂,其实只是亚洲的一个缩影。 yeeyan

The roar of the engines died out as the rocket vanished into the clouds.

The roar of airplane engines announced a coming air raid.
飞机引擎的轰鸣声宣布了空袭的来临。 hxen

There is a sudden ROAR as the sentry gun in the nearest tower opens fire.
一挺自动机枪突然开火接着便是一声动物的咆哮。 yeeyan

“ I've referred to myself as the secretary of war, because we're at war,” he says in a nasal Kansas twang, raising his voice over the roar of the plane's engines.
“我把自己当作战争部长,因为我们现在处于战争状态之中,”他在飞机引擎的轰鸣声中提高音量,说话带有堪萨斯州口音,鼻音很重。 yeeyan

“The terrible roar of objection centred on the top—the broken pediment, ” she explained.
“抗议中最激烈的吼叫围绕着顶部构造——断掉的山形墙,”她解释说。 yeeyan

A teacher and his student were walking from one village to another, when they suddenly heard a roar behind them.
从前,有位老师同他的学生一道,从一个村庄步行到另一个村庄。正在这时,他们突然听到身后发出一声怒吼。 yeeyan

And amid that roar, Kanwal says, bats need to detect a separate stream of sound that they use to communicate.
而且在那回声波的“轰鸣”中,坎瓦尔说,蝙蝠还必须探测能到一个独立的声音流用以互相交流。 yeeyan

Does this mean the end of films opening with a lion’s roar?
这是否意味着影片开头的狮子吼就此告终? yeeyan

Even as the man expressed his desire for such a basic need, Go could hear the roar of the mighty Victoria Falls just a few kilometers away.
即便在这位老人表示他的这一基本需求能得到满足的同时,高也能听见仅仅几公里之外的维多利亚瀑布发出的轰鸣。 worldbank

Her voice was drowned by the roar of the traffic.

I can roar all I want about the unfairness of this ridiculous disease, but the facts remain.
我可以竭力咆哮这个荒谬的疾病是多么不公,可现实不会有丝毫改变。 yeeyan

I listened to the cars until their noise was swallowed up in the roar of the traffic.
我听着那些汽车的声响,直到噪音被吞噬在车辆发出的轰鸣声中。 yeeyan

If seeking self-insurance, he can continue to lie by that bureaucratic machinery dozing off, but unfortunately, besides the snoring of bureaucratic machinery, he also heard roar of history.
如果追求自保,他可以继续趴在那个官僚机器上打瞌睡,但不幸的是,他在官僚机器的鼾声之外还听到历史的轰鸣。 yeeyan

Jack knew his hearing had returned when he heard the roar of a Boeing727. Its wheels skidded onto the tarmac of runway seven, on its fuselage the familiar red and gold National Express banner.
杰克听到那架波音727的轰鸣声时,知道自己的听力已经恢复,飞机的轮胎滑行在7号跑道的沥青碎石路面上,机身上是国家快运公司世人皆知的金红二色标志。 yeeyan

Not to hide behind the hatred of a herd, the roar of the crowd, but to aim, hard as it might be, towards the“ good” life.
不要躲在愤怒的、咆哮的兽群之后,这也许会很困难,但也要找准目标,向“美好”的生活前进。 yeeyan

Suddenly, McCarty threw his head back, bellowed out a wordless roar and hit his own chest with balled fists.
突然,麦加第把头偏了过来,大吼一声,不知说了些什么,又用攥圆的拳头捶打自己的胸部。 ecocn

The cannons boomed a deafening roar.

The loudest roar has been aimed at Japan.
最响亮的咆哮已经对准日本。 ecocn

They can’t run fast or scare an enemy off with a loud roar or spray a predator with a noxious scent.
它们跑不快,没有大声的咆哮可以吓走敌人,也不能散发出讨厌的气味熏走敌人。 yeeyan

They shall roar together like lions: they shall yell as lions' whelps.
他们要像少壮狮子咆哮,像小狮子吼叫。 ebigear

We expect the din of the cloud- related chatter to turn into a real roar by this time next year.
我们期望云相关的喋喋不休的喧闹在明年的这个时候变成真正的咆哮。 infoq

While all tigers may roar loudly and exhibit prowess, their stripes are not as uniformly applied.
尽管所有老虎都会大声咆哮,显示威力,然而他们也都各有各的特征。 yeeyan




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