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词汇 rms
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abbr.铁路邮政服务 =Railway Mail Serviceabbr.记录管理系统 =Record Management System
A record in RMS is a byte array and other J2ME applications will need to have information on how to interpret.
而 RMS中的记录是字节数组,其他 J2ME应用程序需要拥有关于如何解释它的信息。 ibm

A sequence can be thought of as the “reliability contract” under which the RMS and RMD agree to reliably transfer messages from the sender to the receiver.
我们可将序列看作一个契约,在此基础上, RMS和 RMD才能在发送者和接收者间实现可靠的消息传输。 infoq

The interpretation of data in PIM is more flexible compared to RMS.
与 RMS相比, PIM中的数据解释更加灵活。 ibm

The short code block in Listing22 demonstrates how you can display a message to the console upon any adding, deleting, or changing a record in the RMS.
清单22中的一小段代码展示了如何在 RMS的记录发生添加、删除或更改的时候把消息显示在控制台上。 ibm

“The RMS starts very deep in the middle of the brain and traces a very predictable path to the olfactory bulb, ” study co-author Valenzuela told National Geographic News.
“ RMS从大脑中间很深的地方开始沿着一条很容易预测的路径达到嗅球。” Valezuela告诉国家地理新闻。 yeeyan

A service such as the Rights Management Services RMS Client can only function in conjunction with your email address.
一项叫做权限管理服务 RMS客户端只有和你的电子邮件结合起来时候才能发挥作用。 yeeyan

Although not depicted in the figure, the RMS jitter for the single antenna case without temporal whitening was observed to quickly increase within a few iterations.
虽然没有在图中描述,在不考虑时域白噪声的单天线系统中的均方根抖动可以被观察到仅在几个迭代后就增加了很多。 iciba

As the application accesses various RMs, they are enlisted in the transaction.
由于应用程序访问各种各样的 RM,因此,在事务中对它们进行征用。 ibm

In a two-way reliable scenario where both requests and responses are delivered reliably there will be an RMS and an RMD in the client, and the same in the server.
在两端可靠请求和响应消息都能可靠传输的环境中,无论是在客户端还是服务端,都同时存在 RMS和 RMD。 infoq

In a record-oriented approach, J2ME RMS comprises multiple record stores.
在面向记录的方法中, J2ME RMS由多个记录存储构成。 ibm

In this demonstration, the RMS implemented server-side components to insert the new records using standard JDBC calls.
在这个演示中, RMS实现使用标准的 JDBC调用插入新的记录的服务器端组件。 ibm

In this section, we'll demonstrate the functioning of J2ME RMS by building a phone appointment diary.
在这部分,我们将通过构建一个电话约会簿来说明 J2ME RMS的功能。 ibm

It also draws a comparison with RMS, another functionality that deals with device data.
本文还比较了 PIM和 RMS,后者是处理设备数据的另一个功能。 ibm

No matter what the case, there is just one all- purpose data storage and management solution for MIDP- enabled devices, and that is the Record Management System RMS.
不论是哪一种情况,对于支持 MIDP的设备来说只有一种通用的数据存储和管理方案,那就是记录管理系统 RMS。 ibm

One way the brain changes could have changed the dogs' olfactory sense is by affecting a pathway in the brain called the rostral migratory stream, or RMS, the team speculates.
一种大脑改变可能会影响嗅觉的途径是通过对吻侧迁移流 RMS的影响,研究小组推测道。 yeeyan

Other studies have suggested the RMS is important for a normal sense of smell.
而关于 RMS的一些研究表明 RMS对于正常的嗅觉功能很重要。 yeeyan

Stallman who is usually known by his initials and login name, RMS went on to form the Free Software Foundation and dedicate himself to producing high- quality free software.
斯多曼我们认识他通常通过他的首字母缩写和注册名—— RMS着手创建了自由软件基金会,并致力与创造高品质的自由软件。 yeeyan

This is like a prompt to the RMS saying, I'd really like this missing message.
其意思相当于对 RMS说,我只对这条丢失的消息感兴趣。 infoq

This is how PIM differs from RMS while both are responsible for storing persistent data on the device.
以下是 PIM和 RMS的区别,尽管二者都负责在设备上存储持久数据。 ibm

Transactional RMs achieve durability with acceptable performance by summarizing the results of multiple transactions in a single transaction log.
事务 RM通过在一个事务日志中记录多个事务的结果,获得持久性以及可接受的性能。 ibm

Transactions enable us to delegate many elements of exception handling and recovery to the TPM and the RMs, simplifying our code and freeing us to think about application logic instead.
事务使我们能够将很多异常处理和恢复工作委托给 TPM和 RM,从而简化了我们的代码,并使我们能够空出更多时间来考虑应用程序逻辑。 ibm

We'll start with a quick overview of RMS, but most of the article like the tutorial series will be hands- on.
我们将从 RMS的概览开始,不过大部分内容如同教程系列一样更倾向于实际应用。 ibm

Weld preparations shall be machined1000 RMS maximum surface roughness; grit blasted near white blast, wired brushed or ground to bright metal, prior to welding.
焊接前的准备工作应包括机械加工1000 RMS最大表面粗度;喷砂出白级喷砂,手工刷除或打磨成光洁金属。 yeeyan

RMS, on the other hand, stores data to and retrieves data from a general database.
而另一方面, RMS向从一个常规数据库存储和检索数据。 ibm

RMS only accesses data to and from local device.
RMS只能访问本地设备中的数据。 ibm

The RMS can open up its own HTTP port or other endpoint to receive acknowledgements on.
RMS可以另行开启 HTTP端口当然也可以是别的端口用于接收确认信息。 infoq

The RMS classes call into the platform- specific native code that uses the standard OS data manager functions to perform the actual database operations.
RMS类调用特定于平台的本机代码,这种本机代码使用标准 OS数据管理器函数来执行实际的数据库操作。 ibm

The RMS continues to add incrementing Sequence headers into application messages.
RMS继续为其他消息增加递增后的序列头信息。 infoq




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