

单词 Riviera
释义 Riv·i·er·a 英ˈrɪviːˈerə, riːˈvjerɑː美ˈrɪviˈɛrə, riˈvjɛrɑAHDrĭvʹē-ĕrʹə, rē-vyĕʹrä 高COCA²⁶³⁸⁶BNC³³⁵⁵⁹
a coastal area between La Spezia in Italy and Cannes in France;

the Riviera contains some of Europe's most popular resorts

用作名词TheRivieracontains some of Europe's most popular resorts.里维埃拉有一些欧洲有名的旅游景点。 It boasted a stronger slate of moviespotent new works from Pedro Almodovar, Wong Kar-wai, Zhang Yimou and Jean- Luc Godard and burst with star power under the brilliant Riviera sun.
参赛影片风头更劲佩德罗•阿莫多瓦、王家卫、张艺谋以及让•吕克•戈达尔将携最新力作出席,艳阳高照的里维埃拉“星”光灿烂。 ecocn

Michael Moore was prowling the Riviera, and this time the game he aimed at was George W. Bush.
迈克尔·摩尔在里维埃拉四处游走,这次他把枪口对准了乔治· W·布什。 yeeyan

The French Riviera is suffering, too: Nice airport reported a drop of8% in passengers during the first half of the year.
法国里维埃拉的旅游业也不景气,今年上半年尼斯机场就损失了8%的游客。 ecocn

“ I've asked Osmel to be a bit stricter choosing20 girls, so we only have the best,” Riviera added, referring to local beauty“czar” Osmel Sousa, who prepares the competitors.
里维埃拉说:“我已经要求奥斯梅尔把标准定得更加严格一点,只选出20个女孩,这样我们选出来的都是最好的。” 奥斯梅尔·索萨是当地的选美“教父”,专门负责训练选手。 iciba

A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met a lawyer friend and asked him what he was doing there.
医生在里维埃拉度假时遇到他的一位律师朋友,医生问他怎么会到这里来。 kekenet

A team of engineers plan to venture where no man has gone before after unveiling a pedal- boat submarine on the French Riviera.
在法国里维埃拉揭开一艘脚踏式潜艇的面纱之后,一队法国工程师计划前往无人去过的海底探险。 yeeyan

But for the butcher's black markings on her tanned skin and the surgeon hovering above, she could be lying on a Riviera beach, the envy of her fellow holidaymakers.
若不是主刀医生在她古铜色的皮肤上留下的黑色印记和旁边走来走去的外科医生,她更应该躺在里维耶拉海滩上,引来度假同伴们嫉妒的目光。 yeeyan

From the Russian Riviera, Kostya drove to the Prima Donna Ballet Academy to return a blouse that Ivetta had forgotten at his apartment.
从俄罗斯海滨酒家出来,克斯特亚开车去了“首席”芭蕾舞学院,给艾薇塔去送她忘在他公寓里的上衣。 yeeyan

He was Zyama Karp, the impresario of the Russian Riviera restaurant.
他,季曼·卡普,是俄罗斯海滨酒家的老板。 yeeyan

Her mother, a purist, despised the Russian Riviera, and the idea that her daughter, classically trained and destined for greater things, would degrade herself by dancing there.
她妈妈是个很纯洁的人,看不起俄罗斯海滨酒家,也不想让她那经过古典舞训练而且前程远大的女儿,自降身份到那里去跳舞。 yeeyan

I set out to see how the rest of the Bulgarian coast has fared since the days of the Red Riviera.
我准备去看一看,自从“红色里维埃拉”的年代过去之后,保加利亚的海滨日子过得怎么样。 yeeyan

In recent years Riviera has produced boats for its dealer inventory, however currently construction only begins when an order has been made by a customer.
近年来里维埃拉生产了一些船只作为流通存货,但这仅限于客人已经下了订单,才开始施工。 gatefanyi.com

In only two nations hint: red wine and the Riviera did most people vote to splurge.
只有在两个国家提示:红葡萄酒和里维埃拉,最多的人选择用于挥霍。 yeeyan

It is just like the other Riviera except a trifle colder.
除了有点寒冷以外,它就像 Riviera一样。 ecocn

Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the Southern Maritime Alps, not too far from Nice, France, in the Italian Riviera.
现在想像您自己处在意大利里维埃拉的一个中世纪的小镇,周围是 Southern Maritime阿尔卑斯的青山环绕,离法国尼斯不远。 ibm

Once while performing at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, he was presenting a “ pitchman act, ” playing the role of a“ snake oil” salesman from the wild west.
一次,在拉斯维加斯的 Riviera宾馆进行演出,当时在表演“广告员”节目,他扮演一名来自荒野西部的“蛇油”推销员的角色。 yeeyan

Once a tiny fishing village on the French Riviera, Cannes is now filled with luxury hotels, high- end restaurants, and high- profile tourists.
曾几何时,戛纳还是法国里维埃拉地区的一个小渔村,而今这里到处都是豪华酒店、高档餐馆和倍受瞩目的观光客。 yeeyan

Reaching Estonia, we near Pärnu, a pleasant seaside town on what fans call the Estonian Riviera.
到达爱沙尼亚,我们离Pärnu近了,这是一个令人愉悦的海边城市,位于 Estonian Riviera,粉丝们这样成这个地方。 ecocn

Several years later they returned to San Remo, on the Italian Riviera.
几年之后他们回到了意大利位于里维埃拉海岸的圣雷莫市。 yeeyan

She had urged him to do this before, to leave his demeaning job at the Russian Riviera, to escape somewhere, get married, go to school, start a business, buy a house, have children, live happily.
她以前敦促过他离开在俄罗斯海滨酒家的那份没什么面子的工作,逃到某个地方,结婚,上学,创业,买房,生孩子,过上幸福生活。 yeeyan

The Cannes Film Festival, which opened Wednesday on the French Riviera celebrates its60th anniversary this year.
周三开幕的戛纳电影节在法国 Riviera庆祝其今年60周年的大寿。 hjenglish

They settled into a routine: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, after the Russian Riviera, they drove to the apartment in their separate cars.
他们形成了一个惯例:每个星期四、星期五和星期六的晚上,从俄罗斯海滨酒家出来后,他们分别开车到公寓来。 yeeyan

This was where they designed the Buick Riviera, a sleek coupé that made its debut at this month's Shanghai Motor Show.
别克利雅 Riviera的设计在这里出炉,这款车华美的双门轿车本月在上海汽车展上首次面世。 ecocn

Yet for makers of independent films, that was not the end of the world. In their business the action increasingly takes place not on the French Riviera but in American living rooms.
不过,独立电影制作商可不担心,在他们的生意里,影片放映渐渐不是发生在法国里维埃拉电影节上,而是美国人的客厅里。 ecocn

Riviera has introduced a light Resin Transfer Moulding RTM process for small fiberglass parts that allows the production of greater volume of such parts in a sustainable and repeatable process.
里维埃拉针对小型的纤维玻璃配件引进了轻型树脂传递模塑流程,可在一个可持续和可重复的过程中进行这类零件的批量生产。 gatefanyi.com

Riviera has the capability to provide a separate production line to each individual model and this is how it operated when demand was at its peak.
里维埃拉有能力提供给每个型号产品一个独立的生产线,这就是当需求到达高峰期时,它是如何运作的。 gatefanyi.com




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