

单词 riveting
释义 riv·et·ing 英ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ美ˈrɪvɪtɪŋAHDrĭvʹĭ-tĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁴⁸¹⁶BNC²⁹⁴⁶⁵iWeb¹⁷⁷⁷⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

capable of arousing and holding the attention;

a fascinating story

来自 rivet,固定,吸引。rivet铆钉riveting hammer铆锤electric riveting电铆hand riveting人工铆接riveting dolly铆顶single riveting单行铆钉,单行铆接…machine riveting机动铆接double riveting双秆铆接riveting die铆工模riveting tongs铆钉钳,铆钉夹钳…riveting machine铆接机riveting press压力铆接机,…pneumatic riveting气动铆接,气压铆接,…riveting tool铆接工具riveting pressure铆接压力zigzag riveting交错铆接cold riveting冷铆,冷铆接…riveting gun铆钉枪chain riveting并列铆接,排钉,并列…riveting punch铆冲器,铆接冲孔机…
GRE难词记忆riveting→ rivet v.吸引住…的注意力+ing→v. 能吸引注意力的→有趣味的 rivetv.吸引住…的注意力+ing→v.能吸引注意力的⇒有趣味的联想记忆rivet铆钉⇒钉住人的眼睛→非常精彩的词根记忆rivet铆钉,如铆钉一样牢牢吸引住GRE红宝书rivet 吸引人注意力近义词 engaging动人的dramatic戏剧性的mesmeric催眠术的absorbing吸引人的fascinating迷人的enthralling迷人的interesting有趣的captivating迷人的exciting令人兴奋的gripping扣人心弦的thrilling毛骨悚然的engrossing引人入胜的spellbinding引人入胜的exhilarating令人振奋的entrancing使人神魂颠倒的…

They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships.有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。
Analysis and calculation are made on the rivet force needed by the rivet sleeves with various shape and dimensions in the circular grooveriveting.对环槽铆接中不同形状和尺寸铆套所需的铆接力进行了分析和计算,结果表明铆套的尺寸和形状对铆接力有很大影响。adj.fascinating, gripping
同义词 absorbing,captivating,compelling,enchanting,engaging,engrossing,enthralling,enticing,intriguing,mesmerizing,spellbindingalluring,appealing,bewitching,seducinghypnotic,irresistible,magnetic,seductive
反义词 boring,repellent,repulsive
absorbingadjective holding one's attention
engrossingadjective very interesting
enthrallingadjective absorbing
fascinatingadjective interesting, spellbinding
grippingadjective absorbing
immersiveadjective deeply engaging
alluring,anodyne,captivating,enchanting,enticing,entrancing,enveloping,fascinating,hypnotic,inviting,mesmeric,mesmerizing,riveting THE nuts and bolts of the European Union are hardly riveting, but a basic knowledge of its institutions is essential to understanding how it works, so here is a quick reminder.
关于欧盟的细节可以说是索然无味的,但学习这个机构的基本知识却是了解其如何运作所必须的,这里就有个快速提示。 ecocn

BUZZ ALDRIN’S “ Magnificent Desolation” makes riveting reading even though it is40 years since he walked behind Neil Armstrong to become the second man on the moonthat’s him above.
巴兹-埃尔德林是继尼尔-埃姆斯壮后第二个踏上月球的人。他的著作《荒土月球漫步记》40年来一直受到读者的热捧。 ecocn

Early efforts to use rudimentary headsets for computer games were not exactly riveting.
使用基本头套玩计算机游戏的早期努力并不是那么精彩。 ecocn

First, the study concerns the riveting subject of serial sexual killers and the ritualistic behaviors in which they engage.
首先,该研究以人们关注的连环性杀手为对象,并研究他们的仪式行为。 yeeyan

For residents of Mumbai, TV coverage was riveting.
在孟买,电视信号被切断。 yeeyan

For Chinese viewers, they have proved riveting, turning traditional matchmaking on its head and celebrating instant celebrity.
而对中国观众而言,它们却极具吸引力,不仅颠覆了传统相亲模式,还能让人一夜成名。 hjenglish

His riveting photographs, as beautiful as they are horrifying, capture views of the Earth altered by mankind.
他精彩的相片,惊人而美丽,以捕获的视角观察了这个被人类改变的地球。 yeeyan

In it the renowned physicist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology engages in a riveting dialogue with nature, using experiments and hypotheses as questions.
这位来自麻省理工学院,享誉盛名的物理学家在本书中通过实验和提问式的假设与大自然展开了生动的对话。 ecocn.org

In“The Wizard of Lies”, Diana Henriques, who covered the Madoff scandal for the New York Times, offers a riveting history of Mr Madoff’s shady dealings and the shattering consequences of his theft.
戴安娜•亨利科丝曾经为《纽约时报》报道过麦道夫丑闻,在《诈骗天才》一书中,她引人入胜地描述了麦道夫的肮脏交易及其偷窃行为引起的惊人后果的来龙去脉。 ecocn

In this riveting book, S.C. Gwynne turns the spotlight on his home state, Texas.
在这本引人入胜的书中, S.C.格温将读者的目光转向了他的老家——得克萨斯州。 ecocn

It is hard to imagine them being this riveting.
现在想像他们与本书一样引人入胜是困难的。 ecocn

Later, denim was substituted, and copper riveting was added to pocket seams.
后来又用粗斜纹布取代帆布,并用裤袋边上加了铜钉。 yeeyan

Now, in the meditation hall, I tried to follow her instructions, riveting my attention on the patch of skin below my nostrils.
此刻,在禅室里,我试着根据她的引导,把注意力集中在鼻孔下方的皮肤。 yeeyan

Still, it’s not the only riveting debt- related drama to see.
然而,不只是去看吸引人的与债务有关的戏剧。 yeeyan

The subtitle of this riveting book is Mr Saleh’s own description of his survival technique.
这本饶有趣味的书的副标题是对萨利赫自身生存技能的描述。 ecocn

To all this riveting material, Keefe adds judicious and informative background on such relevant topics as immigration law, asylum hearings and China's one- child rule.
基夫在这些精彩的素材中添加了明智而信息丰富的背景,例如相关的移民法、庇护听证会以及中国的计划生育政策等话题。 yeeyan

Used for baby carriages, folding chairs and other hardware riveting.
适用于童车、凉席等五金配件之铆合。 kuenglish

We prefer welding to riveting.
我们以为焊接比铆接好。 everytape

While it’s not the most riveting movie, Destination Moon was a big departure from the giant insect movies and tales of alien rocket ships that followed it for years.
自然《终点站月球》不会是那种能让普通人目不转睛的影片。 该片上映之后的几年里,有关巨型昆虫和异形火箭飞船的片子大行其道。 yeeyan

Yet there was something undeniably riveting and enlightening about watching the artist at work.
但不可否认的是,观看工作中的艺术家是引人入胜的、给人启发的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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