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词汇 rivalries
释义 ri·val·ry 英'raɪvlri美'raɪvlri COCA²¹⁴⁴⁵BNC¹⁹⁴³⁸Economist¹⁰¹⁸⁹

the state of or instance of being rivals;be in fierce contention for first place


act of competing as for profit or a prize

the act of competing as for profit or a prize;

the teams were in fierce contention for first place

用作名词 n.
~+动词rivalry grow竞争加剧rivalry spring up竞争迅速出现动词+~stimulate rivalry促进竞争stir up rivalry煽动对立形容词+~acute rivalry势不两立的竞争;激烈的竞争bitter rivalry势不两立的竞争;激烈的竞争deadly rivalry激烈竞争ethnic rivalry种族对立factional rivalries派系之间的勾心斗角fierce rivalry势不两立的竞争;激烈的竞争friendly rivalry友好的竞争great rivalry势不两立的竞争;激烈的竞争intense rivalry势不两立的竞争;激烈的竞争international rivalry国际竞争keen rivalry激烈竞争long-standing rivalry持久的对抗;由来已久的竞争old rivalry旧怨;由来已久的竞争perpetual rivalry永不停息的竞争personal rivalry私人较量political rivalry政治对抗professional rivalry职业竞争sexual rivalry性别对抗sibling rivalry手足相争strenuous rivalry艰苦的角逐strong rivalry激烈竞争名词+~business rivalry商业竞争price rivalry价格竞争trade rivalry贸易竞争~+名词rivalry game竞争类游戏介词+~in rivalry处于竞争中into rivalry开始竞争~+介词rivalry against与…的对抗rivalry among …之间的对抗rivalry between …之间的对抗rivalry for为…的竞争rivalry over在… 上的竞争rivalry with和…的竞争
近义词 contestantagonismcontentionoppositioncompetitioncompetitiveness反义词 cooperation
A fair rivalry is often a stimulus to trade.公平竞争往往是贸易发展的促进因素。
The rivalry even exists in the Minor Leagues.这世仇在大联盟从来没消失过。
The rivalry is often bitter, but he stays ahead.竞争常常是激烈的,但他总是领先。
Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again.他们重逢时,昔日之明争暗斗旋即死灰复燃。
It's a usual rivalry between brother and sister.那是兄妹之间常见的勾心斗角。
In this way, it effectively shut out all price rivalry.用这种方法有效地排斥了一切价格竞争。
The incident revived old rivalries.这个事件引发了旧怨。
He was incited to achievement by rivalry.竞争激励他努力取得成就。
That country was paralysed by political rivalries.那个国家由于政治对抗而陷于瘫痪。
He has managed to benefit from the rivalry of his opponent.他设法从与对手的竞争中获益。
The two sides were in a fierce rivalry.双方处于激烈抗衡中。~+ prep -phraseRivalry among business firms grew more intense.公司间的竞争趋于激烈。
There is cut-throat rivalry among the supermarkets.这些超级市场之间的竞争可谓你死我活。
Rivalries between them led to many wars.它们之间的竞争引发了多次战争。
Revalry between the two countries goes back a long way.两国间的对立由来已久。
The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.这次争吵是两家不和引起的。
There was intense rivalry between the two firms to get the contract.那两家公司为争夺那份合同有过激烈的竞争。
There is quite a lot of rivalry between the people who work here.在这儿工作的人中间有着很大竞争性。
There is keen rivalry for these appointments.为谋取这些职位的竞争十分激烈。
Rivalry with other schools is encouraged.校际竞争受到鼓励。
Bitter ethnic rivalries within the region have grown in recent years.最近几年这个地区的种族对抗越来越激烈。其他The stronger the rivalry, the better I skate.对手越强我滑得越好。




用作名词He was incited to achievement byrivalry.竞争激励他努力取得成就。
Siblingrivalryis part of the original sin.兄弟间的敌对相争,是最原始的一种罪。
There is greatrivalrybetween the two brothers.这两兄弟间有一场激烈的竞争。
There is cut-throatrivalryamong the supermarkets.这些超级市场之间的竞争可谓你死我活。
Therivalrybetween analysts and geometers grew very bitter.分析学家与几何学家之间的对抗非常激烈。
We all knew that at best we had shifted ourrivalryto the diplomatic plane.大家都心里明白,我们只不过把彼此间的对抗改变为外交谈判罢了。 But the student body is split into12 residential colleges,which are assigned randomly to Freshmen, so there's some lighthearted fun rivalries and intramural games between the colleges.
学生整体被分散到12个随机分配给新生的住宿学院,这样学院之间就存在一些愉快的竞争和内部游戏。 yeeyan

If ever there was a moment for Pakistani politicians to look up from their own petty rivalries, it is now, as the receding floodwaters reveal a poor, crowded and ruined country.
此时,正是巴基斯坦政客们需要将他们的目光从对手身上移开的时刻,他们应该关注更重要的问题,因为洪水褪去时展现出的是一个贫穷、拥挤、被摧毁的国家。 ecocn

More is at stake than party rivalries.
两党之间与其说是处于敌对状态倒不如说是处于危险之中。 ecocn

The sort of problems governments increasingly face, they say, will be much less predictable than those associated with old great- power rivalries.
他们认为如今各国政府日益面临的问题,其预测程度远低于过去那些老牌强国对手所带来的问题。 ecocn

The historic rivalries of Ivy League universities in the United States have reached the Internet.
美国常青藤联盟大学的历史性竞争演绎到了互联网上。 yeeyan

but bureaucratic and political rivalries between the various municipal and county governments involved have so far stymied attempts to do it.
但是该项目目前涉及的官僚主义,以及各类市政府与下级政府之间的党派竞争,已经完全妨碍了该工作的开展。 remword

Changes to EADS’s board have also helped to diminish Franco- German rivalries.
EADS的董事会变动也对减少法德间的竞争有所帮助。 ecocn

Even our childhood rivalries and petty differences were no match for the spell of that music.
就算是童年的竞争和美妙的差异也比不上那音乐的魔力。 yeeyan

He points out that some of the most fraught economic rivalries in recent history—the space race of the 1960s and Japan’s rise in the1980s— provoked creative rather than defensive responses.
他指出,近代史上最激烈的经济竞争,比如20世纪60年代的太空竞赛和80年代日本的崛起,引发了创造力而不是防御反应。 ecocn

If prosperous little Belgium cannot resolve its internal rivalries, say many, what chance for the EU?
许多人说,若富裕的小比利时都不能解决其内部纷争,欧盟又当如何呢? ecocn

In the past, regional rivalries and national interests have stalled the process and it remains to be seen whether that will happen again.
过去,地区竞争和国家利益使改革过程停滞不前,这样的情况是否会再现,人们仍然拭目以待。 neworldedu

India is weaker thanks not to democracy, but to bureaucracy, intolerance and pointless rivalries.
导致印度更弱的原因不是因为民主,而是因为官僚主义、不宽容以及无意义的竞争。 ecocn

Other countries with competing tribes manage to carve up economic interests and keep rivalries in check.
其他多民族的国家都能够瓜分经济利益,制衡竞争对手。 ecocn

Strategic rivalries complete the list of incentives.
战略对手使得动因名单变得更完整。 ecocn

That order is challenged now, not just by shifting geopolitical rivalries, but by the new pressures of the Arab spring.
现在这个秩序不仅受到了转移地缘政治对抗的挑战,也受到了阿拉伯之春新压力的挑战。 ecocn

Rivalries among numerous state and national agencies tasked with law enforcement, border security and intelligence gathering have also stymied past investigations.
不同邦之间以及全国执法、边境安全和情报搜集部门之间的竞争也妨碍了过去的调查活动。 iciba




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