

单词 Riva
释义 Riva
George Clooney and Donatella Versace have houses down the road, and outlandishly expensive Riva speedboats occasionally rush by on the water.
乔治•克鲁尼和多娜泰拉•范思哲在这条路上都拥有自己的房子,偶尔还能看见顶级奢侈游艇丽娃从水上奔驰而过。 dxy

Gigi Riva and Marcello Lippi reacted angrily to Sepp Blatter's suggestion Italy didn't deserve to reach the World Cup quarter- finals.
布拉特暗示意大利队不配进入世界杯四分之一决赛。对此,里瓦和里皮表现得非常愤怒。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

It also had an air conditioning system installed, as production designer J. Michael Riva had learnt that remote caves are actually very cold.
山洞同时安装了空调系统,因为制作设计师 J·迈克尔·里瓦知道偏僻地区的山洞实际上是非常寒冷的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Italy have flown to Germany this evening and the legendary Gigi Riva is happy with the preparations so far.
意大利国家队已于今天晚上起飞前往德国,传奇人物吉吉。里瓦对到现在为止的准备工作感到满意。 www.r9sky.com

Juan de La Riva said that the Brazilian subsidiary will be responsible for the project as it is currently the base for ArvinMeritor's alloy wheel development.
Juan de La Riva称,巴西子公司将会负责这个项目,因为目前巴西子公司是阿文美驰合金车轮开发的基地。 www.edu114.cn

Panyu Polytechnic brings traditional beauty and modern design of the shoes to display beside the Lake Riva del Garda in this beautiful country of art, Italy.
本次广州番禺职业技术学院携近百只集传统和现代之美的鞋样设计作品来到美丽的艺术之都意大利加达湖畔展出。 news.168xiezi.com

Riva is part of the Azzurri party and has been in close contact with the squad and boss Marcello Lippi over the last10 days.
里瓦是蓝衣军团的同行者的一员,他已经和球员及主教练马赛洛。里皮在过去的10天中有了亲密接触。 www.r9sky.com




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